Eriovixia yunnanensis (Yin, Wang, Xie & Peng, 1990)

Mi, Xiaoqi & Li, Shuqiang, 2021, On nine species of the spider genus Eriovixia (Araneae, Araneidae) from Xishuangbanna, China, ZooKeys 1034, pp. 199-236 : 199

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scientific name

Eriovixia yunnanensis (Yin, Wang, Xie & Peng, 1990)


Eriovixia yunnanensis (Yin, Wang, Xie & Peng, 1990) View in CoL Figs 13 View Figure 13 , 14 View Figure 14 , 18C View Figure 18 , 19G View Figure 19 , 20G View Figure 20

Neoscona yunnanensis Yin et al., 1990: 115, figs 283-287 (♀).

Eriovixia yunnanensis : Yin et al., 1997: 302, figs 209a-g (♀); Song, Zhu and Chen, 1999: 281, figs 167B, C and M (♀).

Type material examined.

Holotype ♀ (HNU), China: Yunnan, 2.VIII.1981, J.F. Wang leg.

Other material examined.

1♀ (IZCAS-Ar41720), China: Yunnan, Xishuangbanna, Mengla County, Menglun Township , Menglun Nature Reserve , secondary tropical seasonal rainforest (21°55.43'N, 101°16.44'E, 598 m alt.), 16-24.VIII.2006, G. Zheng leg. GoogleMaps ; 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar41721), primary tropical seasonal rainforest (21°55.04'N, 101°16.50'E, 558 m alt.), 22.VII.2007 p.m., G. Zheng leg.; 1♂ (IZCAS-Ar41722), same locality (21°57.59'N, 101°12.21'E, 822 m alt.), 8.VIII.2007 a.m. G. Zheng leg. GoogleMaps ; 1♂ (IZCAS-Ar41723), Magnolia baillonii plantation (about 20 yr) (21°54.20'N, 101°16.92'E, 608 m alt.), 18.VIII.2007 a.m. G. Zheng leg.; 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar41724), Anogeissus acuminata plantation (about 20 yr) (21°53.99'N, 101°16.81'E, 611 m alt.), 19.VIII.2007 a.m. G. Zheng leg.; 1♂ (IZCAS-Ar41725), Lvshilin Forest Park (21°54.71'N, 101°16.90'E, 664 m alt.), 15.XI.2009, G. Tang et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 2♀ (IZCAS-Ar41726), G213 roadside (21°54.46'N, 101°16.76'E, 644 m alt.), 20.XI.2009, G. Tang et al. leg.; 1♂ (IZCAS-Ar41727), G213 roadside (21°54.38'N, 101°16.82'E, 620 m alt.), 21.XI.2009, G. Tang et al. leg.; 1♂ (IZCAS-Ar41728), same locality (21°54.39'N, 101°16.80'E, 627 m alt.), 22.XI.2009, G. Tang et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 2♂ (IZCAS-Ar41729), secondary tropical forest near Lvshilin Forest Park (21°54.38'N, 101°16.82'E, 627 m alt.), 23.XI.2009, G. Tang et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar41730), same locality (21°54.38'N, 101°16.82'E, 627 m alt.), 23.XI.2009, G. Tang et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 1♂ 2♀ (IZCAS-Ar41731-41733), G213 roadside (21°53.67'N, 101°16.98'E, 589 m alt.), 26.XI.2009, G. Tang et al. leg.; 1♂ 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar41734), same locality (21°53.62'N, 101°16.96'E, 581 m alt.), 26.XI.2009, G. Tang et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar41735), G213 roadside (21°54.09'E, 101°17.02'E, 570 m alt.), 28.XI.2009, G. Tang et al. leg.; 1♂ 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar41736), Lvshilin Forest Park, limestone seasonal rainforest (21°54.56'N, 101°16.86'E, 610 m alt.), 29.XI.2009, G. Tang et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 1♂ (IZCAS-Ar41737), tropical evergreen rainforest (21°55.14'N, 101°16.30'E, 523 m alt.), 30.XI.2009, G. Tang et al. leg.; 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar41738), valley tropical seasonal rainforest (21°54.97'N, 101°16.43'E, 551 m alt.), 1.XII.2009, G. Tang et al. leg.; 1♂ (IZCAS-Ar41739), same locality (21°54.85'N, 101°16.55'E, 569 m alt.), 1.XII.2009, G. Tang et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 1♂ (IZCAS-Ar41740), G213 roadside (21°53.99'N, 101°16.95'E, 590 m alt.), 2.XII.2009, G. Tang et al. leg.; 3♂ 2♀ (IZCAS-Ar41741), Yulinjiegou Scenic Spot (21°55.05'N, 101°16.24'E, 572.8 m alt.), 19.VII.2018, X. Mi et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 4♂ (IZCAS-Ar41742), same locality (21°55.60'N, 101°15.50'E, 572.8 m alt.), 24.VII.2018, X. Mi et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 2♂ 5♀ (IZCAS-Ar41743), same locality (21°55.13'N, 101°16.08'E, 552.4 m alt.), 5.VIII.2018, C. Wang et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 1♂ (IZCAS-Ar41744), same locality (21°55.40'N, 101°16.36'E, 584 m alt.), 11.VIII.2018, C. Wang et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 3♂ 6♀ (IZCAS-Ar41745), G213 roadside (21°52.65'N, 101°16.27'E, 575.0 m alt.), 31.VII.2018, Z. Bai et al. leg.; 2♀ (IZCAS-Ar41746), Masuoxing Village (21°54.02'N, 101°16.90'E, 561 m alt.), 27.IV.2019, Y. Tong et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 1♀ (IZCAS-Ar41747), G213 roadside (21°54.34'N, 101°16.79'E, 618 m alt.), 2.V.2019, Y. Tong et al. leg.; 3♂ (IZCAS-Ar41748), #3 site in Mafengzhai Village (21°53.68'N, 101°17.33'E, 539 m alt.), 8.V.2019, Y. Tong et al. leg GoogleMaps .

Comparative material.

Eriovixia jianfengensis Han & Zhu, 2010, 1♂, CHINA: Hainan, Ledong County, Jianfeng Township, Jianfengling National Natural Reserve (18°44.45'N, 108°51.49'E, 856 m alt.), 11.IV.2019, C. Wang et al. leg GoogleMaps .; 2♀, same locality (18°44.61'N, 108°51.24'E, 812 m alt.), 12.IV.2019, C. Wang et al. leg GoogleMaps .


Eriovixia yunnanensis resembles E. jianfengensis in general appearance, but can be distinguished from the latter by: 1) branches of the median apophysis very close to each other vs. more than 90° apart ( Han and Zhu 2010: figs 9D-E; Figs 21A-C View Figure 21 ); 2) tip of the embolus with parallel margins in prolateral view vs. tapered to a pointed tip ( Han and Zhu 2010: fig. 9D; Figs 21A, C View Figure 21 ); and 3) spermathecae touching each other vs. separated ( Han and Zhu 2010: figs 9A, B).


Male (IZCAS-Ar41731, Figs 13A-D View Figure 13 , 18C View Figure 18 , 19G View Figure 19 , 20G View Figure 20 ). Total length 3.40. Carapace 1.70 long, 1.60 wide. Abdomen 1.80 long, 1.60 wide. Clypeus 0.18 high. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.10, ALE 0.08, PME 0.10, PLE 0.08, AME-AME 0.10, AME-ALE 0.18, PME-PME 0.13, PME-PLE 0.20, MOA length 0.30 with anterior width 0.33 and posterior width 0.30. Leg measurements: I 7.20 (2.35, 2.65, 1.55, 0.65), II 5.20 (1.75, 1.75, 1.20, 0.50), III 3.10 (1.05, 1.05, 0.60, 0.40), IV 4.55 (1.45, 1.55, 1.05, 0.50). Carapace yellowish-brown, cervical groove inconspicuous, cephalic protuberance narrower than AME diameter at base and about 1.5 AME diameter in length. Chelicerae, endites, labium and sternum yellow. Legs yellow, with inconspicuous dark rings. Abdomen about 1.1 times longer than wide, dorsum with a large, pale folium and with oblique dark markings posterolaterally; ventre greyish-brown with a pair of white arcuate patches and 2 pairs of white spots around the spinnerets.

Palp (Figs 13A, B View Figure 13 , 18C View Figure 18 ): median apophysis bifurcated, 2 branches, close to each other; embolus curved, distal half with parallel margins in prolateral view; conductor curled distally; terminal apophysis as long as embolus, bifurcated distally.

Female (IZCAS-Ar41732, Figs 13E, F View Figure 13 , 14 View Figure 14 ). Total length 4.10. Carapace 1.50 long, 1.40 wide. Abdomen 3.20 long, 2.70 wide. Clypeus 0.08 high. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.10, ALE 0.08, PME 0.10, PLE 0.08, AME-AME 0.13, AME-ALE 0.15, PME-PME 0.10, PME-PLE 0.23, MOA length 0.28 with anterior width 0.30 and posterior width 0.30. Leg measurements: I 6.55 (2.20, 2.35, 1.40, 0.60), II 5.30 (1.75, 1.85, 1.15, 0.55), III 2.95 (1.00, 1.05, 0.50, 0.40), IV 4.50 (1.50, 1.55, 0.95, 0.50). Habitus similar to that of male, but cephalic region darker.

Epigyne (Fig. 14 View Figure 14 ) triangular, about 1.25 times longer than wide; median plate keeled; copulatory openings arcuate; copulatory ducts short, extended anteriorly from their origin, then retraced and connected to the spermathecae at its posterior surface; spermathecae globular, touching each other.


Total length: ♂♂ 3.20-3.60; ♀♀ 3.70-5.00.


China (Yunnan).


The females collected from Xishuangbanna are almost identical to the holotype of E. yunnanensis .













