Santolina orocarpetana Rivero-Guerra, 2012

Rivero-Guerra, Aixa O., 2012, Santolina orocarpetana sp. nov. (Asteraceae: Anthemideae), a new species from the Iberian Peninsula. Revision of the lectotype of S. oblongifolia Boiss., Adansonia (3) 34 (1), pp. 133-154 : 152

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Santolina orocarpetana Rivero-Guerra

sp. nov.

Santolina orocarpetana Rivero-Guerra View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Fig. 10 View FIG )

A S. x oblongifolia Boiss. , floriferis simplicibus caulibus 14.1-32.1 (47.5) cm longis (vs 16.1-54.1 cm longis), pedunculo 0.5-1.2 (2.2) mm, haud incrassato (vs (0.9) 1.1-2.0 mm, crasso), foliis spathulatis (vs spathulatis, anguste spathulatis vel linearis), (0) 1-8 (13) lobulis ellipticis (vs (0) 1-25 ellipticis vel linearibus), foliis basalibus fasciculatis cum 8-18 (52) lobis (vs (8) 14-80 (140) lobis), sterilibus caulibus 3.6-8.8 (21.1) cm in longitudine (vs 5.1-28.6 cm in longitudine), capitulo (5.5) 6.5-12.6 (14.08) × (2.7) 3.6-6.6 mm, haud umbilicato (vs (8.8) 10.3-16.6 × 4.4-6.7 (10.8) mm umbilicato), involucralibus trifariis bracteis (vs involucralibus 3-4 fariis bracteis) praecipue differt.

TYPUS. — Spain. Ávila, La Mira , 40°15’59’’N, 5°10’28’’W, 2200 m, granites, 20.VII.1999, Rivero-Guerra s. n. (holo-, SEV 249071 About SEV ). GoogleMaps

PARATYPI. — Spain. Ávila,Canchal Negro, 40°20’88’’N, 5°40’27’’W, 2000 m, granites, 19.VII.1999, Rivero-Guerra, s. n. (SEV 249072). Salamanca, Béjar, La Garganta, 40°19’48’’N, 5°49’10’’W, 1000 m, granites, 10.VII.1995, Rivero-Guerra s. n. (SEV 249073). El Calvitero, 40°17’16’’N, 5°44’18’’W, 2360 m, granites, 19.VII.1999, Rivero-Guerra s. n. (SEV 249074).


Plant 35-70 × 18-60 cm, with 1-9 branches stock, glaucous, with indument sericeous. Flowering stem 14.1-32.1 (47.53) cm long, 0.5-1.2 (2.2) mm in diameter, simple, usually not solid. Peduncle 23.1-92.6 (142.4) mm long, not thickened above. Sterile stem 3.6-8.8 (21.1) cm long. Leaf 5.4-20.8 × 2.1-6.2 mm, spatulate, plane, with bi or trilobulate apex, usually pinnatisect or pinnatipatite, with (0) 1-8 (13) lobes of 0.4-4.1 (5.0) mm long; basal and fascicular leaves, usually pinnatifid or pinnatipartite. Lobes elliptical, along ⅓ upper, generally with obtuse-mucronate or acute-mucronate apex. Upper leaf 5.3-13.4 (15.8) × 0.8-2.1 (2.4) mm, narrowly elliptical, entire, with a beaked apex. Capitulum (5.5) 6.5-12.6 (14.1) × (2.7) 3.6-6.6 mm, usually campanulate, not umbilicate, with the flowers covering the capitulum. Receptacle 4.4-5.1 × 2.4-3.0 mm, hemispherical. Involucral bracts (1.7) 2.0-3.2 (3.7) × 0.7-1.6 (1.7) mm, in three rows, carinate, with an apical scarious appendage 0.2-0.8 × 0.2-2.5 (2.9) mm, generally decurrent along the upper ⅓ or ½; outer and middle bracts usually triangular or ovate, inner bracts usually ovate or elliptical. Interseminal bracts (1.8) 1.9-3.1 × 0.8-2.0 mm, usually elliptical or oblong, rarely obovate, with truncate or rounded apex, with erose or dentate margin. Corolla 3.5- 5.1 mm long. Anthers 2.5-3.8 mm long. Style 3.0- 5.1 mm long. Corolla tube 1.6-3.0 mm long. Corolla aperture 0.8-1.5 mm long. Corolla lobes 0.4-1.1 mm long. Achene 1.2-2.3 × 0.4-0.9 mm. Flowering from July to August.

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