Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) proxima Rondani, 1860

Whitmore, Daniel, 2011, New taxonomic and nomenclatural data on Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), with description of six new species, Zootaxa 2778, pp. 1-57 : 45-46

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Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) proxima Rondani, 1860


Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) proxima Rondani, 1860 View in CoL

Sarcophaga proxima Rondani, 1860: 392 View in CoL .

Heteronychia lednicensis Povolný View in CoL in Povolný & Verves, 1986: 115, syn. nov.

Type material examined. Sarcophaga proxima : Holotype 3: 1041 // Spec. buona / non = / proxima / Pand. / Böttcher // HOLOTYPE 3 / Sarcophaga / proxima Rond. / T. Pape det. 1986 // Heteronychia / proxima (Rond.) / T. Pape det. 1986 ( MZUF).

Heteronychia lednicensis : Holotype 3, preserved in what appears to be a mixture of (somewhat aromatic) ethanol and glycerin in a large glass vial with a plastic, screw-on lid containing the following labels: Nejdek [ Czech Republic], 13.5. / 83. spec. ?? // [blank red label] // lednicensis ( MMBC) [terminalia located in a microvial in the same vial, together with the small handwritten label “ lednicensis ”; the vial was topped up with 70% ethanol after examination].

Additional material examined. Austria: Kärnten, Oberschütt, 29.VII. 1993, 600m, C. Lange & J. Ziegler leg., 1 3 ( NHRS); Mödling, 17.VII.2002, D. Povolný leg., 1 3 ( MMBC). Croatia: Sljeme, 23.VI.1931, N. Baranov leg., 1 3 ( USNM). Czech Republic: Brno, V. 1935, 1 3 ( MMBC); same locality, 17.VII.1940, 1 3 ( MMBC); same locality, 5.V.1954, D. Povolný leg., 1 3 ( MMBC); Brno, Kamenný vrch, 300m, 6.VIII.1997, Farkač leg., 1 3 ( ZMUC); Brno-Kozí, hora steppe, 330m, 2.IX.1986, M. Barták leg., 1 3 ( ZMUC); Hády, 3.IX.1940, 1 3 ( MMBC); same locality, 4.VI.1942, D. Povolný leg., 1 3 ( MMBC); Kanice, 16.VIII.1940, 1 3 ( MMBC); Moravany, 18.VI.1942, 1 3 ( MMBC); Pálava, 2.VIII.1983, D. Povolný leg., 1 3 ( MMBC); same locality, 5.VII.1995, D. Povolný leg., 1 3 ( MMBC); Praha-Lysolaje, 300m, 30.VII.1993, M. Barták leg., 1 3, 1 Ƥ ( ZMUC); Zdánice, 10.VII.1942, 2 3 ( MMBC); same locality, 3.VIII.1942, 2 3 ( MMBC). France: Pyrénées-Orientales, Vernet-les- Bains, 1 3 ( IRSNB); same locality, 14.VII.1904, 2 3 ( IRSNB). Estonia: Peedu, 2.VII.1951, Stackelberg leg., 6 3 ( ZIN). Italy: Lombardy: Bergamo prov., Selvino, 20–21.VIII.1901, 2 3 ( USNM); Sondrio prov., Le Prese, 950m, 7–24.VII.1997, A. Bellati leg., 18 3 ( NHRS); Sicily (new regional record), Messina prov., Montalbano Elicona, Due Monti, 1.VI.2002, D. Povolný leg., 1 3 ( MMBC); Trentino-Alto Adige, Trento prov.: Lago di Levico, 4.VII.2010, D. Whitmore leg., 2 3 (CNBFVR); Mori, 12.IX.1890, 1 3 ( USNM); Storo, 9–16.VII.1986, S. Andersen leg., 1 3 ( ZMUC). Russia: Leningrad region, Luga, 19.VII.1953, Stackelberg leg., 33 3 ( ZIN); same locality, 11–14.VII.1956, Stackelberg leg., 2 3 ( USNM). Serbia: Golubac, 20.V.1925, N. Baranov leg., 1 3 ( USNM); same locality, 12.VI.1925, N. Baranov leg., 1 3 ( USNM); same locality, 7.V.1927, N. Baranov leg., 2 3 ( USNM); same locality, 27–28.V.1929, N. Baranov leg., 2 3 ( USNM); same locality, 2.V.1936, N. Baranov leg., 1 3 ( USNM). Spain: Lerida, Sierra de Boumort, 24.VI. 1982, 900m, S. Andersen et al. leg., 1 3 ( ZMUC); Malgrat de Mar, 28.VI.1996, D. Povolný leg., 1 3 ( MMBC). Ukraine: Chernobyl region, Khotyn, 26– 29.VIII.1983, Yu.G. Verves leg., 2 3 ( MMBC); Dnipropetrivs’k region, Novomolovs’k, 1–2.VIII.2000, Yu.G. Verves leg., 2 3 ( YVC); Kiev, Gryshko botany garden, 15.VIII.2006, Yu.G. Verves leg., 1 3 ( YVC).

Remarks. The terminalia of the holotype of Heteronychia lednicensis are strongly deformed by treatment with KOH. This, together with the belief that Sarcophaga (H.) proxima has a sharply pointed pregonite (see also Povolný & Verves 1997), induced Povolný to describe a new species, but the holotype of H. lednicensis is in fact a specimen of S. (H.) proxima .


Museo Zoologico La Specola, Universita di Firenze


Moravske Muzeum [Moravian Museum]


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum














Sarcophaga (Heteronychia) proxima Rondani, 1860

Whitmore, Daniel 2011

Heteronychia lednicensis Povolný

Povolny 1986: 115

Sarcophaga proxima

Rondani 1860: 392
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