Lasiopogon terneicus Lehr

Young, Charles L., 2007, Robber flies of South Korea IV. Species of the subfamily Stichopogoninae Hardy, 1930 (Diptera: Asilidae), Zootaxa 1521, pp. 43-58 : 50-52

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.177446


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scientific name

Lasiopogon terneicus Lehr


Lasiopogon terneicus Lehr View in CoL

( Figs. 17, 18 View FIGURES 13 – 18. 13 )

Lasiopogon terneicus Lehr, 1984: 705 View in CoL .

Small, 7–9 mm, light gray species easily recognized by the all white mystax, and halter with a black spot (a character also shared with Lasiopogon leleji View in CoL ). The medial gray on tergites sometimes separating the brown bands into patches, is a character shared by L. solox Enderlein, 1914 View in CoL , an asilid which is not reported in this study. In general, the asilid is less setose than other South Korean species of Lasiopogon View in CoL .

Adult. Male.

Head: Face silver/gray tomentose with black highlights; vertex black with gold/gray pollen and long black curved hair. Mystax hair sparse, bright white. Genal hair long, fine, white merging into short black occipital bristles and longer, sparse proclinate black postocular hair. Antenna black with fine silver/gray pollen; black bristles. Relative lengths of segments: 3>F2 + 3>2>1. Thorax: Scutum dull brown. All bristles black. Median and paramedian stripes of scutum diffused and indistinct. 4–5 long fine acrostical hairs; 2–3 long fine posterior dorsocentrals. Chaetotaxy with: 2 weak posthumeral, 2 presutural, 1 supraalar, and 1–2 postalar bristles. Scutellum black, gold tomentose; disc ringed with 5–6 long bristles and a few weak yellow hairs. Pleura gold/ gray pollinose with black and white hair and black bristles. A sparse row of black katatergal bristles. Posterior margin of anepisternum with a few weak black hairs. Legs: Black with light gray pollen, black bristles, white hair. Posterior coxal peg absent. Femora with long dense fringes of fine white hair. All tibia sparse fine black bristles. Wings: Tinged light brown. Joint of basal medial cell and cell m3 narrow. Halter with a distinct black/ brown dorsal spot. Abdomen: Male. Gray with thin brown basal tergite bands; indistinct medial gray sometimes separating the brown bands into patches (a character shared by L. solox Enderlein, 1914 ). All hair white.

Tergite 1 and 2 medially dark. Male genitalia ( Figs 17 & 18 View FIGURES 13 – 18. 13 ). Epandria integumental red covered in gray pollen. Gonostylus undulated.

Female. Similar to male except mystax with a few black dorsal hairs.

Material examined. Kangwon Province. 2 ɗ, 1 Ψ: 18/V/2006, Nam–myon, Hongch’on R. (West), 37°42’84N, 127°35’73”E.

Field notes. Lasiopogon terneicus was collected on the sandy shores of the Hongch’on River along fresh water inlets where the current and air movement was slower than the surrounding, larger river. The asilid is sympatric with Stichopogon inaequalis and Stichopogon nartshukae as well as an overlapping flight period with the latter. See Table 1 for prey and seasonality.
















Lasiopogon terneicus Lehr

Young, Charles L. 2007

Lasiopogon terneicus

Lehr 1984: 705

L. solox

Enderlein 1914
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