Dasyscypha bubakii KLIKA,

Šandová, Markéta, 2015, Type Studies Of Several Species Of Lachnaceae (Ascomycota, Helotiales), Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 71 (3 - 4), pp. 399-412 : 400-401

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Felipe (2024-08-02 13:56:15, last updated 2024-08-03 03:48:28)

scientific name

Dasyscypha bubakii KLIKA,


Dasyscypha bubakii KLIKA,

Ann. Mycol. 20(5/6): 290, 1922.

Pl. 2, Figs 1–9.

D e s c r i p t i o n. Closed dried apothecia 0.6–1 mm in diam., ca. 1 mm high, stalked, covered with cinnamon hairs. Hairs at least 125 µm long, 4.1–4.6 µm wide, dilute buff, densely warted, hair wall 0.8 µm thick. Asci 83–89 × 8.5–9 µm, arising from croziers, ascus pore with no reaction in MLZ after KOH pretreatment. Ascospores 12.5–15 × 4.3–4.8 µm, non-septate, OCI = 0.5–1.5(–2). Paraphyses filiform, simple or rarely with irregularly swollen or branched apex, 2.1–3.1 µm wide in apical part, 1.7–2.2 µm wide in lower part, exceeding the asci by 0–7(–14.5) µm.

S p e c i m e n s s t u d i e d: Slovakia, Vysoké Tatry Mts. , Popradské pleso lake, on cones of Pinus mugo , July 1922, leg . J. Klika , PRM 7880 About PRM . – Slovakia, Vysoké Tatry Mts. , Mlynická dolina valley, on Pinus mugo cones, July 1922, leg . J. Klika , PRM 127129 About PRM .

D i s c u s s i o n. Klika (1922) mentioned that his species is different in both macroscopic view and microscopically from Dasyscypha fuscosanguinea REHM , but did not specify in which characters. In comparison with Rehm’s description ( Rehm 1881) of D. fuscosanguinea, Klika (1922) quotes longer stalks (2–3 mm), broader ascospores (7 µm) and wider asci (12–14 µm) contrary to my revision. Length of ascospores (14 µm) quoted by Klika and dilated paraphyses quoted by him can, however, refer to Lachnellula fuscosanguinea (REHM) DENNIS , rather than to Lachnellula pini (BRUNCHORST) DENNIS , when compared with descriptions of these species by Hahn and Ayers (1934). According to the studied original material, Dasyscypha bubakii is considered here as a synonym of Lachnellula fuscosanguinea . According to Index herbariorum (http://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/ih/, accessed on 2015-12-11), the material collected by J. Klika is reported only from the PRM herbarium. No more material of D. bubakii was found in the PRM herbarium, except for one later specimen collected in 1923. The specimen (Vysoké Tatry Mts., Popradské pleso lake, on cone of Pinus mugo, PRM 129726) contains old material: parts of two apothecia without hymenia only.

Lachnellula fuscosanguinea (REHM) DENNIS, Persoonia 2(2): 184, 1962.

= Dasyscypha bubakii KLIKA, Ann. Mycol. 20(5/6): 290, 1922.

Hahn, G. G., Ayers, T. T. (1934): Dasyscyphae on conifers in North America. III. Dasyscypha pini. - Mycologia, 26: 479 - 501, 2 Pl.

Klika, J. (1922): Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Pilzflora der Czechoslowakei. - Annales Mycologici, 20: 290 - 292.

Rehm, H. (1881): Ascomyceten. In getrockneten Exemplaren herausgegeben. - Berichte des Naturhistorischen Vereins Augsburg, 26: 1 - 132.


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


University of the Witwatersrand