Amphilochus anoculus, Tandberg, Anne Helene S. & Vader, Wim, 2018

Tandberg, Anne Helene S. & Vader, Wim, 2018, On a new species of Amphilochus from deep and cold Atlantic waters, with a note on the genus Amphilochopsis (Amphipoda, Gammaridea, Amphilochidae), ZooKeys 731, pp. 103-134 : 106-109

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scientific name

Amphilochus anoculus

sp. n.

Amphilochus anoculus View in CoL sp. n.

Material examined.

from Icelandic (BioIce and IceAGE), Norwegian coastal and arctic (Svalbard) and Faroese waters. (For an extensive list of examined material see Table 1.).

Holotype: IceAGE ZMH K-47225, female 3 mm (slide).

Paratypes: Slides: BioIce 2367 male, 3 mm IINH37914; BioIce 2367 female, 3 mm IINH37915; MareanoR1225-RP112 female 4 mm ZMBN121953; IceAGE 1006 male, 3 mm ZMBN121952. Wet-sample: TSZCr 14338 (8 specimens).

Type locality.

ZMH K-47225: IceAGE station 1057 (61.6417, -31.3562) (2504m).

Paratype localities.

IINH37914, IINH37915: BioIce station 2367 (64.3800, -9.4300) (719m); TSZCr 14338: UNIS course-station JM 369-05 (80.5313, 10.5777) (819 m); ZMBN121953: Mareano station R1225-RP112 (70.4748, 31.7340) (401 m); ZMBN121952: IceAGE station 1006 (62.5508, -20.3750) (1386 m).


This species is known from BioIce/IceAGE stations in deep and cold waters north and east of Iceland, from deep stations in the Faroe-Shetland Channel, several deep stations north in the Norwegian Sea and from one deep station in the polar basin. It appears to be confined to cold and deep waters (see Fig. 1).

Illustrations are all from paratypes: Figs 2-4 of ZMBN121952, except for Fig. 3 pereopod 1 dactylus (1b) which is from ZMH K-47225 and Fig. 4 uropod 3 and telson that are both from BioIce station 2367.


Description is based on a composite of studied material. No observed sexual dimorphism.

Head. Rostrum subequal to peduncle article 1 of antenna 1, curved. Eyes absent. Cephalic lobes produced, broadly rounded, tips of mouthparts just visible under the edge of cephalon. Antenna 1 subequal to antenna 2; peduncle strong, longer than six-articulate flagellum; accessory flagellum absent. Setae on both peduncle and flagellum few and short. Antenna 2 peduncle longer than eight-articulate flagellum. Few and short setae distally on peduncle articles, all articles of the peduncle are longer than broad.

Labrum symmetrically bilobed. Mandible molar small but triturative, rounded cone-shaped, with setation on entire chewing area, which is ridged; incisor serrate; eleven accessory spines; palp slender, 3-articulate; article 1 is shorter than article 2, which is shorter than article 3; article 3 with setae; lacinia mobilis laterally expanded. Labium symmetrical, without inner lobes. Maxilla 1 palp biarticulate, with two apical setae; inner plate reduced, with one seta; outer plate with eight robust and six thinner setae. Maxilla 2 inner plate shorter than outer plate, nine setae on distal margin; outer plate long and thin with four distal setae. Maxilliped inner plate reaching end of merus, well separated, thin, two robust distal setae; outer plate reaches middle of carpus of palp, one robust seta and ridge of serrations; palp slim, heavily setulated on propodus.

Mesosome dorsally smooth; segment 3 is shorter than segment 4. Coxa 1 reduced and covered by coxa 2, which is longer than broad. Coxa 2 distal margin serrate and with setae. Coxa 3 and 4 distal margin not serrate, without setae. Coxa 5-7 concave.

Pereopod 1 basis longer than propodus, upper half distally widened, few and short setae; carpal lobe well developed, reaching 65% of posterior margin of propodus; propodus triangular; palm oblique, serrate with setae, no seta defining palmar corner, anterodistal tooth of medium size (half as long as the base of dactylus is broad); dactylus smooth with few, thin setae on inner margin. Pereopod 2 basis little longer than propodus, upper half not as widened distally as pereopod 1; carpal lobe covers all of posterior margin of propodus; propodus elongate, palm oblique, serrate with minute setae, no setae defining the palmar corner, anterodistal tooth well developed (same size as the breadth of the base of dactylus); dactylus inner margin weakly serrate on proximal half. Pereopod 3 missing in holotype. Pereopod 4 basis with four anterior setae, dactylus half-length of propodus. Pereopod 5 with posterior lobe on basis and merus. Pereopod 6 with posterior lobe on basis; posterior lobe on merus boat-shaped; carpus shorter than propodus; dactylus more than half length of propodus. Pereopod 7, posterior lobe on basis and merus, meral lobe covers 50% of carpus; dactylus more than half-length propodus.

Metasome smooth. Epimeral plates 1 and 3 rounded; plate 2 right-angled. Urosome smooth; segment 1 long; segments 2 and 3 shorter. Uropod 1 peduncle longer than rami; outer ramus marginally longer than inner; three to four setae on outer margins. Uropod 2 peduncle longer than rami; outer ramus half-length of inner; setae on both rami. Uropod 3 peduncle with clear flange, smooth; outer ramus weakly shorter than inner ramus; uro pod 3 longer than telson. Gills on segments 2 to 7; oostegites on segments 2 to 6. Telson elongate and boat-shaped; distal end entire, acute and with one seta.

Living colour. Semi-transparent, virtually colourless.


Iceland, Faroe Channel, Norwegian Sea, Polar basin. Has only been found in cold and deep water.


This species is easily recognized because it lacks eyes and has an anterodistal tooth on the propodi of pereopods 1 and 2. Amphilochus manudens and A. hamatus are the only other Amphilochidae having this tooth, but unlike Amphilochus anoculus sp. n., they both have eyes. The telson has a robust seta distally, a character not seen in any other Amphilochidae . The flange on the distal end of uropod 3 peduncle is also a good character-state to use when separating it from A. hamatus . A synoptic list of characters separating the three species is shown in Table 2.


This species appears to be restricted to cold water (it is only found at a temperature range of -0.6 °C to +1.7 °C. Three stations from the Mareano-project have higher temperatures than this (stations R1180 RP86, R1200 RP90 and R1225 RP112). These are also the three of the shallowest stations where this species has been found, and constitute a statistical outlier in the dataset. They are all in the eastern Barents Sea, an area where winter-temperatures are much colder, and thus still might fall within the proposed ecological niche of the species. It has been found north and east of Iceland, south of the Faroe Islands, north in the Norwegian Sea and in the Polar basin, at depths ranging from 303 to 2100 meters. In contrast, the closely related Amphilochus manudens has, during BioIce, IceAGE, and several other collection efforts in the area been found mainly at depths from 81 to 360 meters, with single specimens found at 772 and 1390 meters (see Fig. 1 for specimens from BioIce and IceAGE). No Amphilochus manudens were found in the Faroe-samples from AkvaplanNiva.

Derivatio nominis.

The name anoculus (an = no, oculus = eye) refers to the absence of eyes. It is a noun in apposition.













