Lactifluus venosellus Silva-Filho, Sá & Wartchow, 2020

Silva-Filho, Alexandre G. S., Sá, Mariana C. A., Komura, Dirce L., Moncalvo, Jean-Marc, Margaritescu, Simona, Roy, Mélanie & Wartchow, Felipe, 2020, Two novel species of Lactifluus subg. Pseudogymnocarpi (Russulaceae) from Brazil, Phytotaxa 436 (3), pp. 222-236 : 227-230

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.436.3.2


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scientific name

Lactifluus venosellus Silva-Filho, Sá & Wartchow

sp. nov.

Lactifluus venosellus Silva-Filho, Sá & Wartchow View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figs. 4–5–6b,c View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 )


Genbank accession nrITS: MK929292

Type:— BRAZIL. Paraíba: Mamanguape, Reserva Biológica Guaribas, 6°44’27.89” S 35°8’53.82” W, on soil, 30 June 2012, M.C.A Sá MS37 (UFRN-fungos 2197 holotype).

Diagnosis:—Distinguished from other species by:pileus convex to slightly depressed, plane-depressed,infundibuliform, surface slightly velutinous, rivulose, reddish brown; lamellae slightly decurrent, distant. Basidiospores 8‒9 × 6‒7 µm, broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid; ornamentation up to 0.3 µm high, composed of irregular short ridges; cystidia absent; scattered to abundant cylindrical, fusoid to slightly fusiform pseudocystidia; pileipellis a palisade with scattered lactifers, and an unique ITS sequence.

Description:—Pileus 20–40 mm, convex slightly depressed, becoming plane-depressed to infundibuliform, reddish brown (8E4) with dark brown (8F7) spots; surface slightly velutinous, rivulose near margin, slightly cracked, dry, dull; edge even to slightly eroded, incurved ( Figs. 4a–c View FIGURE 4 ); context firm, 4–5 mm at the disc, very thin towards margin, pastel red (7A4), unchanging ( Fig. 4c View FIGURE 4 ). Lamellae short decurrent, distant, brownish (7D5/6); edge even, concolorous with the face; lamellulae frequent with two lengths, sometimes forked. ( Figs. 4a–c View FIGURE 4 ). Stipe 15–20 × 7–9 mm, central, cylindric, equal to tapered to the base, dry, reddish brown (8E4), dull red (8B3) sometimes with brown (6E6) spots; surface smooth, sometimes veined ( Figs. 4a–c View FIGURE 4 ); context solid. Veil absent. Latex not found. Odor and taste not determined.

Basidiospores (7.5‒)8‒9(‒10) × (5.5‒)6‒7(‒7.5) µm; L = 8.5 µm, W = 6.5 µm; Q = 1.18‒1.47, Qm = 1.37; broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, thin-walled, hyaline; ornamentation amyloid, up to 0.3 µm high, composed of irregular short ridges and warts; plage non-amyloid; hilar appendix up to 1 µm long ( Figs. 5a View FIGURE 5 , 6b,c View FIGURE 6 ). Basidia 53.5‒80 × 6–8 µm cylindrical to slightly clavate, 4-spored, thin-walled, hyaline, sometimes with refractive contents; sterigmata up to 6 µm high ( Fig. 5b View FIGURE 5 ). Pleuromacrocystidia absent. Pleuropseudocystidia abundant, 5.5‒10 µm diam., cylindrical to slightly fusiform, thin-walled, with refractive contents; projecting up to 35 µm above the hymenium; arising deeply from hymenophoral trama ( Fig. 5c View FIGURE 5 ). Lamellae edge sterile, composed of scattered cheilopseudocystidia and common marginal cells: cheilopseudocystidia 4‒8 µm diam., cylindrical and fusoid, thin-walled, with refractive contents, projecting up to 18 µm above the hymenium, arising deeply from hymenophoral trama ( Fig. 5d View FIGURE 5 ); marginal cells 28–35 × 7.5–7 µm, clavate, cylindro-clavate, sphaeropendunculate, catenulate, sometimes flexuous, thin-walled, hyaline ( Fig. 5e View FIGURE 5 ). Hymenophoral trama composed of abundant sphaerocytes 9‒17 µm diam. and frequent, thin-walled, 7–12 µm wide lactifers. Pileipellis a palisade up to 85 µm thick, composed of isodiametric cells with cylindrical, clavate and obclavate terminal cells and scattered lactifers: isodiametric cells, 9–22 µm diam., thin-walled; lactifers, 7‒10 µm diam., with refractive contents, sometimes emergent, arising deeply from pileus trama ( Figs. 5f,g View FIGURE 5 ); terminal cells 12.5– 50 × 3.5–11.5 µm, cylindrical, clavate sometimes obclavate, thin-walled, hyaline ( Fig. 5g View FIGURE 5 ). Pileus trama composed of abundant sphaerocytes 6–21 µm diam., cylindrical hyphae, 2‒5 µm diam., and frequent to abundant, 7‒12 µm wide, thin-walled lactifers,. Stipitipellis a palisade similar to pileipellis. Clamp connections absent from all tissues examined.

Etymology:—From Latin ‘venosellus’ (with small veins), in reference to the veined surface of the pileus.

Habitat:—Scattered, on sandy soil, in a savanna area of Atlantic forest, under unknown host, but growing surrounded by the following tree species: Coccoloba alnifolia , C. laevis , C. mollis , C. ramosissima , and C. scandens .

Distribution:—Known only from type locality.

Materials examined:— BRAZIL. Paraíba: Mamanguape, Reserva Biológica Guaribas, 5 July 2015, FW 15/2017 (JPB).

Aditional material examined:— Lactifluus brasiliensis : BRAZIL. Amazonas : Manaus, road Manaus-Caracaraí Km 45, 28 February 1978 ; St. John , Araujo and R. Singer B10729 (holotype INPA 77475 View Materials ), ibid., 12 January 1979, R. Singer B 11479 (paratype INPA 82380 View Materials ) .

Comment:— Lactifluus venosellus also belongs to Lf. subg. Pseudogymnocarpi based on molecular and morphological evidence. In our phylogeny Lf. venosellus clusters with five undescribed South American species, and forms a branch in Lf. sect. Polysphaerophori. The collection (TH7677) from Guyana was identified as Lf. aff. brasiliensis . Lactifluus brasiliensis , as mentioned above, perhaps belongs to Lf. subg. Pseudogymnocarpi ( Singer et al. 1983). Both species share a similar pileipellis structure, but Lf. brasiliensis differs in the larger pileus (20–40 mm diam.) and stipe (15–20 × 7–9 mm) ( Singer et al. 1983). We also analyzed the holotype and paratype of Lf. brasiliensi s, which possess globose to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores with higher ornamentation (up to 1 µm high); they lack pleuropseudocystidia. ‘ Lactifluus rupestris ’ described from Caatinga, is distinguished from Lf. venosellus by a larger pileus (60–70 mm) with red tint, larger stipe (35–45 × 18–21 mm), crowded lamellae, scarce pleuropseudocystidia and a trichoderm as pileipelis ( Wartchow & Cavalcanti 2010).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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