Chitracephalus dumonii Dollo, 1885

Pérez-García, Adán, 2012, The European Early Cretaceous cryptodiran turtle Chitracephalus dumonii and the diversity of a poorly known lineage of turtles, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 57 (3), pp. 575-588 : 577-585

publication ID 10.4202/app.2011.0065

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scientific name

Chitracephalus dumonii Dollo, 1885


Chitracephalus dumonii Dollo, 1885

Figs. 3–7 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig .

2003 Salasemys pulcherrima ; Fuentes Vidarte, Meijide Calvo, and

Meijide Fuentes 2003: 115, 117, pls 1, 2.

Holotype: IRSNB R11 View Materials and IRSNB R12 View Materials , an almost complete skeleton ( Figs. 3 View Fig , 4 View Fig ).

Type locality: Sainte Barbe pit, Bernissart (Hainaut, Belgium) ( Fig.1 View Fig ).

Type horizon: Sainte−Barbe Clays Formation, Mons Basin. Barremian– Aptian ( Dejax et al. 2007; Schnyder et al. 2009).

Referred material.—MDS−JTS.V.1–40, a partial skeleton from the Hauterivian–Barremian of Tenadas del Jabalí (Salas de los Infantes, Burgos, Spain) ( Fig. 1 View Fig ), the holotype of “ Salasemys pulcherrima ”. Pinilla de los Moros Formation, Urbion Group ( Martín−Closas and Alonso Millán 1998; Fuentes Vidarte et al. 2003) ( Figs. 5 View Fig , 6 View Fig ). ICIPLR−1, several fragments of plates of a partial carapace from the Barremian–Aptian of Torremuña (La Rioja, Spain) ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). Enciso Group ( Martín−Closas and Alonso Millán 1998; Pérez−García et al. 2010a) ( Fig. 7 View Fig ).

Emended diagnosis.—Cryptodiran turtle with the following autapomorphies: skull very elongate and depressed, with large orbits in antero−dorsal position; temporal area characterized by a very elongated emargination that connects the upper and lower temporal areas; complex ornamentation pattern of the carapace, symmetrical around the axial plane, consisting of numerous bony rods, that converge upon one other, dividing the carapace in thin sub−triangular and sub−rhombic polygons; conical and very narrow anterior area of the hyoplastra, lacking of sutured contact with the epiplastra and the entoplastron. Differing from other representatives of Cryptodira in the following character combination: shell longer than wide, rectangular in shape; low shell; deep notch in the nuchal region; mediolaterally expanded posterior peripherals; short first dorsal rib; ligamentous connection between carapace and plastron; absence of costal−peripheral and bridge fontanelles; presence of central plastral fontanelle; presence of a large xiphiplastral fontanelle; epiplastra very elongate; absence of anal notch; presence of extragular scutes.


Holotype of Chitracephalus dumonii .—The holotype of Chitracephalus dumonii is a relatively complete skeleton. The posterior two thirds of the shell and the axial and appendicular elements located in this region were split between two slabs. In one of them, IRSNB R12, the ventral view of much of the plastron is preserved ( Fig. 4A View Fig ). The preserved bones include most of the right hyoplastron and a small fragment of the posterior area of the left one, the hypoplastra and the xiphiplastra. The entoplastron and the epiplastra of this specimen are not known. These plates might be present, but the anterior area of the plastron has not been prepared. In addition, the ventral view of the costal and peripheral plates, some dorsal and caudal vertebrae, some elements of the pel−

vis and the hindlimbs can be observed in this slab. IRSNB R11 consists of several elements. One of them is the counter slab ( Fig. 3A View Fig ), which preserves the dorsal view of the above listed elements, including the dorsal view of the anterior region of the hindlimbs and caudal vertebrae. The other elements are: a block that shows the dorsal view of the anterior region of the carapace, a partial and a complete cervical vertebra and the forelimbs ( Fig. 3A, B View Fig ); the skull with the atlas, extracted from the matrix ( Fig. 3C, D View Fig ); and the second to fifth articulated cervical vertebrae, also extracted from the matrix ( Fig. 4C–E View Fig ).

As in other specimens from Bernissart, for example in juvenile specimens identified as indeterminate turtles (see Pérez−García 2011), the external surface of the bones is partly altered. For this reason, it is not possible to determine if the outer surface of the shell was smooth or ornamented. For the same reason, it is not possible to identify the sutures between some of the carapace plates or some of the skull bones, the boundaries between scutes, all the caudal vertebrae, and some elements of the limbs. After the primary description by Dollo (1885), some elements were damaged or lost, in particular all elements anterior to the postorbital and the second pair of branchial horns (see Dollo 1885: pl. 1: 1–4).

Skull, lower jaw, and hyoid apparatus.—The skull fragment includes the posterior three−quarters of its length, from the posterior edge of the orbits to the occipital condyle ( Fig. 3C, D View Fig ). The medial and posterior rami of both branches of the mandible, the hyoid complex, and the atlas remain in articulation with this portion of the cranium.

The skull is elongated and depressed. The orbits are large and are situated in a relatively dorsal and anterior position of the skull ( Dollo 1885: pl. 1: 1–4). Preservation does not allow many of the sutures to be recognized, such as the limits of the prootic, opistootic, basioccipital, basisphenoid, or pterygoid. Because of its poor preservation, it has been argued ( Gaffney 1979) that the study of the skull will not allow determination the relationships of this taxon, even to the level of Panpleurodira or Pancryptodira. The temporal area is characterized by confluent upper and lower temporal emarginations, a character highlighted by Meylan (1987). Therefore, a contact between the parietal and squamosal was likely absent, and this taxon probably lacks a quadratojugal. The frontals contribute to the posteromedial rim of the orbits. From that point, the lateral margins of the frontal diverge to the posterior end. The postorbitals contribute to the orbits and are broadly exposed on the dorsal skull roof. The parietals are long and narrow. The supraoccipital has a small exposure on the dorsal skull roof and barely penetrates between the parietals.

Both mandibular rami are preserved in articulation with the skull. These elements are dorsoventrally low. Preservation does not allow any sutures to be identified.

The hyoid apparatus is represented by two pairs of branchial horns. The anterior one consists of two ossified rods extending from the middle of the palate to the posterolateral corner of the skull. A high percentage of these elements have been lost after the original description ( Dollo 1885: pl. 1: 1, 2). The corpus hyoidei can be identified, but its boundaries are not clear.

Vertebral column. — Some cervical, dorsal and caudal vertebrae can be recognized in the holotype. However, the preservation varies in different areas of the vertebral column.

The best−preserved vertebrae are the cervicals. The first five vertebrae and two vertebrae of indeterminate position, corresponding to the posterior part of the cervical series, are identified. The atlas is attached to the skull, and its anterior region is hidden ( Fig. 3C, D View Fig ). The axis and third to fifth cervicals remain in articulation with one another ( Fig. 4C–E View Fig ) and have been extracted from the sediment. A disarticulated cervical vertebra is preserved in front of the nuchal plate ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). A final cervical is preserved ventral to the nuchal.

The vertebral centra are elongated and laterally compressed. The neural arches are poorly developed. There are well developed ventral keels from the axis to the posterior cervicals, and these are more strongly developed in the posterior vertebrae. On each vertebra, the keels are better developed caudally. The postzygapophyses are longer than the prezygapophyses. The prezygapophyses are more transversely expanded toward the posterior section of the preserved cervical series. The transverse processes are situated slightly anterior from the centre of the length of the vertebrae.

Through the plastral fontanelles three dorsal vertebrae can be seen, slightly displaced with respect to their position in life ( Fig. 4A View Fig ). Two are in articulation. These vertebrae are platycoelous.

Caudal vertebrae can be recognized in both slabs ( Figs. 3A View Fig , 4A View Fig ). However, their preservation does not allow any comments on morphology or limits.

Shell.—The shell of the holotype of C. dumonii is slightly deformed ( Figs. 3A View Fig , 4A View Fig ). It is as broad as long and characterized by its lack of ossification.

Owing to poor preservation, the boundaries between the neural, costal, and peripheral plates cannot be recognized ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). A large percentage of the surface of the carapace consists of fontanelles. In the area of the neural and costal plates, only the bony bars that generate a complex ornamental pattern, and the middle and distal regions of the ribs are ossified. The distribution of the bars is independent of the plates and shows bilateral symmetry. Between the fourth and fifth dorsal ribs, ten of these bars converge, forming a star. The possibility that the two bars perpendicular to the axial plane could correspond to the proximal region of the fifth pair of ribs cannot be excluded. Laterally, in some places three bars converge.

The nuchal plate is ossified. Medially, this plate is crossed by a bar that converges with the front end of the carapace. The outer margin of the anterior region of the peripheral series has positive relief, and this creates another place where three bars converge. The nuchal area has a deep notch, not limited to this plate.

The peripheral plates are poorly ossified ( Figs. 3A View Fig , 4A View Fig ). There are large fontanelles between these plates and the ribs. Some plates of the plastron, elements of the vertebral col

umn, and bones of the axial skeleton can be observed through these fenestrae. The poor ossification and poor preservation of the shell does not allow identification of grooves that demarcate the keratinous scutes, nor it is possible to know whether the surface of the peripherals was smooth or ornamented.

Much of the plastral surface is reduced through the presence of fontanelles ( Fig. 4A View Fig ). The medial regions of the hyoplastra are not preserved, so it is not known if these plates contact one another medially. A large, oval fontanelle that is much wider than long is situated in the center of the plastron. This fontanelle is located between the posterior region of the hyoplastra and the anterior half of the hypoplastra. Another large fontanelle is present that prevents the medial contact of the proximal and medial regions of the xiphiplastra. These two fontanelles are connected because there is no median contact between the hypoplastra. In addition, this specimen also has fontanelles in the bridge between the lateral regions of the hyoplastra, hypoplastra, and the bridge peripherals.

The bridge is ligamentous, as is apparent from fingered nature of the lateral region of the hyoplastra and hypoplastra. The medial edge of the hypoplastra, in the area where both plates are closer together, is also digitated. The xiphiplastra contact each other posteromedially, along a jagged suture.

Due to poor preservation, the length of the hyoplastra and the morphology of its anterior end are not known. The axillary and inguinal notches are wide. The hypoplastra is wider than long. This pair of plates has narrow and elongated posterior processes, which project onto the anteror−lateral region of the xiphiplastra. The xiphiplastra are narrow and elongated. C. dumonii lacks an anal notch and mesoplastra.

Appendicular skeleton.—On both sides of the nuchal plate elongated and cylindrical elements can be observed in dorsal view ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). Due to their dorsal position, they are interpreted as the scapular processes of the scapula. These are the only elements of the pectoral girdle that can be recognized.

The left forelimb is fully articulated and the right forelimb partially articulated ( Fig. 3A, B View Fig ). Both humeri are exposed distally but partially covered by the peripheral series proximally. The axis of the humeri presents a slightly sigmoidal shape. The radius and ulna are relatively well preserved on both sides. The radius is slightly longer, and more slender than the ulna. The ulna is dorsoventrally flattened. Only some right and left carpal elements are partially preserved. These bones are difficult to determine because of its preservation, but at least the intermedium and ulnare can be recognized in both forelimbs. Three right metacarpals are preserved. The middle and distal regions of metacarpals II to V are preserved on the left side. The metacarpals are relatively long elements. All digits are preserved on the left manus but only fragments of some bones in the right. The phalanges are exposed in ventral view. The manual phalangeal formula of this specimen is 2−3−3−3−3.

Within the xiphiplastral fontanelle two elements that might belong to the pelvic girdle can be observed ( Fig. 4A View Fig ). These correspond to two relatively flat bone surfaces and are interpreted as part of both pubes. Behind the xiphiplastra, are some indeterminate bones that, because of their location, may belong to other elements of the pelvis. In dorsal view, there are also elements that are difficult to interpret and which may belong to the pelvic girdle.

The hindlimbs can be identified in dorsal view through the fontanelles of the carapace and in ventral view ( Figs. 3A View Fig , 4A View Fig ). The condyles of the proximal end of the femur form an angle slightly less than 90 °. The femoral heads are poorly developed. The femur has a sigmoidal shape, and is slightly longer than the humerus. The tibia and fibula are shorter than the femur. The tibia has an expanded proximal end. The fibula is a slender bone with a head scarcely wider than its shaft. The phalanges and metatarsals of the right foot are disarticulated and poorly preserved, but the left foot is more complete ( Fig. 4B View Fig ). Some toes have three phalanges, but it is not possible to establish the phalangeal formula of the pes.

Holotype of “ Salasemys pulcherrima ”.— The skeleton from Tenadas del Jabalí ( MDS−JTS.V.1–40) preserves many elements ( Figs. 5 View Fig , 6 View Fig ) and has been completely removed from the sediment. Its stage of ontogenetic development is more advanced than that of the holotype of C. dumonii , the length of the carapace being 2.5 times longer.

The preserved skull fragment ( MDS−JTS.V.34) is compatible with that of the holotype and provides no additional relevant information ( Fig. 5C–E View Fig ). The elongated and depressed morphology of the skull, the anterodorsal position of the orbits, and the morphology of some of the bones of the dorsal skull roof are confirmed. However, sutures in ventral view are not preserved .

A poorly preserved cervical vertebra ( MDS−JTS.V.34) is recognized and interpreted as procoelous. The centrum is elongate and has a ventral keel. The transverse processes are slightly anterior to the centre of the vertebra. Poorly preserved disjointed sacral or anteriormost caudal vertebrae are identified ( MDS−JTS.V.9, V.10); their transverse processes are robust ( Fig. 6I View Fig ). Other vertebrae are preserved as well. The best preserved ( MDS−JTS.V.37, V.39) are markedly procoelous ( Fig. 6J, K View Fig ), but it is unknown whether the whole caudal series is procoelous or only a part. The transverse processes are well developed and the neural spines are broken. The relative height of these elements is therefore unknown. A dorsal ridge is identified in the middle region of each vertebra.

The carapace shows several sutures as well as sulci that demarcate the scutes ( Figs. 5A, B View Fig , 6A View Fig ). We correct some problems in Fuentes Vidarte et al.’s (2003) interpretation of the ornamental pattern and reconstruction of the carapace and plastron. As with the holotype of C. dumonii , the external surface of the shell of the specimen from Tenadas del Jabalí ( MDS−JTS.V.1, V.2) is altered, but the disturbance is less marked than in the Belgian specimen, and some grooves of the plastral scutes can be identified. This confirms Dollo’s (1885) assertion that this taxon was covered by scutes in life, in contrast to the interpretation by Fuentes Vidarte et al. (2003).

The ornamentation pattern on the carapace is consistent with the holotype ( Fig. 5A View Fig ). However, the region that has a better defined pattern in the holotype is not preserved in the specimen from Tenadas del Jabalí. The bars converge in the rearmost point of the nuchal notch, and in four other points 2011.0065 mm

along the median plane. Another point of convergence was likely present within the missing portion of the carapace. Several points where the bars with several different orientations converge are present laterally. The polygons delimited by the bars have sub−triangular and sub−rhombic morphologies. This complex ornamental pattern is symmetric along the axial plane. It was not fully developed in the holotype from lack of ossification. The specimen from Tenadas del Jabalí, however, has completely ossified costal and peripheral plates and lacks carapacial fontanelles. The bone bounded by the bars is very thin, usually no more than 2 mm thick. This has contributed to breakage of some of these regions. It is possible to identify some sutures both in dorsal and ventral views ( Fig. 5A, B View Fig ). One of the last plates of the neural series and partial adjacent neurals are identified. The complete neural plate is elongate and sub−hexagonal. Also, the boundaries between the costal plates are identified with the exception of the posterior of the last pair. It is not possible to determine whether this specimen has one or more suprapygal plates. Eleven pairs of peripheral plates are identified, of which the most posterior pairs are considerably more slen− der than the first. In dorsal view, it is possible to identify the proximal area of the first and last dorsal ribs. The first is small and is articulated with the second one. A deep notch is developed in the nuchal and first pair of costals.

The specimen from Tenadas del Jabalí preserves two large median fontanelles in the plastron, but the fontanelles of the bridge are closed ( Fig. 6A View Fig ). These fontanelles are much larger than those of Ordosemys leios , being more similar to those seen in Panchelonioidea. The anterior median fontanelle is in contact with the hyoplastra and hypoplastra, and is wider than long. The posterior one, longer than wide, is situated between the proximal and medial regions of both xiphiplastra. It is not clear if both fontanelles are connected with one another or if the hypoplastra contact one another along the median plane. Considering the space between the two hyoplastra, it is likely that the entoplastron was long. The anterior region of the hyoplastra has a peculiar morphology and the contact of these plates with the limit between the epiplastra and entoplastron was ligamentous. The contact area between the hypoplastra and xiphiplastra is very like the holotype.

The sulci on the plastron indicate the morphology of several scutes ( Fig. 6A View Fig ). Two gular scutes (sensu Hutchison and Bramble 1981; Joyce 2007), longer than wide, and two extragulars, wider than long, are observed. The area occupied by each of these scutes is similar. The sulci marking the contacts of the abdominal and femoral scutes converge medially with the distal region of the central fontanelle and laterally with the inguinal notches.

Several elements of the appendicular skeleton are identified. Elements of the two pectoral girdles are present ( MDS−JTS.V.3, V.6, V.7) ( Fig. 6C, D View Fig ). The scapular processes are broken. The angle formed by the two processes of the scapula is slightly less than 90 °, and the acromial ridge is absent. The distal end of the coracoid is broad and flattened. The pelvis ( MDS−JTS.V.4, V.5) is almost complete, except for the anteromedial area of both pubes ( Fig. 6B View Fig ). Its morphology and the relationship with the shell match those seen in Pancryptodira. The proximal end of the right humerus ( MDS−JTS.V.26; ( Fig. 6E View Fig ) has a broken lateral condyle. The medial and distal areas of the left humerus are present ( MDS−JTS.V.27; Fig. 6F View Fig ). The right femur ( MDS−JTS.V.25; Fig. 6G View Fig ) is almost complete, except for its distal end. As in the juvenile specimen from Bernissart, the condyles of the proximal end of the femur form an angle slightly less than 90 °. In addition to other, poorly preserved elements, it is possible to identify the right tibia ( MDS−JTS.V.30; Fig. 6H View Fig ). The proximal and distal ends of the preserved limb bones are more ossified than in the holotype .

Specimen of “ Salasemys pulcherrima ” from Torremuña. — The disarticulated carapace from Torremuña ( ICIPLR− 1; Fig. 7 View Fig ) comes from a larger individual than the Tenadas del Jabalí specimen. Fragments of costal plates ( Fig. 7A–E View Fig ), and complete or fragmented peripherals ( Fig. 7F–L View Fig ) are identified. The complex ornamental pattern, previously considered to be autapomorphic of “ S. pulcherrima ”, allowed its identification by Pérez−García et al. (2010a). ICIPLR− 1 is reassigned here to C. dumonii , and it sheds new light on the ontogeny of that species thanks to its preservation and level of maturity. As indicated, Dollo (1885) described sulci that delimited the scutes on the plastron and carapace in the holotype, but these can no longer be seen because of subsequent modification of the specimen. Fuentes Vidarte et al. (2003) concluded that “ S. pulcherrima ” was probably devoid of scutes. However, they may be seen on the plastron of the specimen from Tenadas del Jabalí, although the carapace preservation does not reveal whether or not they were present there. Several grooves that delimited the marginal scutes are identified on the carapace from Torremuña. Therefore, the observation of Dollo (1885) is confirmed. The marginal scutes are restricted to the peripheral plates. Some scutes cover much of the length of these plates. The outer surface of the carapace from Torremuña is better preserved than in the other known specimens of C. dumonii , and it is not smooth, but is roughened, a feature not identified in the other specimens.


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