Semictites Balkenohl, 2017

Balkenohl, Michael, 2017, Orictites Andrewes, 1931, from South East Asia: Second part of the revision with descriptions of five new species and update of the identification key to the species (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Clivinini), Belgian Journal of Entomology 57, pp. 1-21 : 1-21

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13271281

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scientific name

Semictites Balkenohl, 2017


Subgenus Semictites Balkenohl, 2017

Type species: Orictites minotaur Andrewes, 1931 , by original designation. Identification key to the species of Orictites (update)

1. Frontal margin of clypeus with 4 distinctly projecting teeth; clypeal wings tooth-like projecting anteriorly, sharply angled (distinctly less than 90°); mandibles as long as head; dorsal margin of scrobe of both mandibles at base with carina-like tooth; pronotum distinctly broader than long; length 10.0- 10.3 mm

Subgenus Orictites Andrewes, 1931 One species.................................................................................. minotaur Andrewes, 1931 - Frontal margin of clypeus without teeth; clypeal wings small, obtuse angled or rounded; mandibles distinctly shorter than head; dorsal margin of scrobe of both mandibles at base without elevated tooth; pronotum about as long as wide (ratio length/width 0.9-1.1); length smaller than 7.5 mm

Subgenus Semictites Balkenohl, 2017 ... 2

2. Intervals of elytron without any setigerous punctures; length 4.5 mm .................................

............................................................................................. desuntsetosus Balkenohl, 2017 - Interval 3, or 3, 5 and 7 of elytron with setigerous punctures............................................. 3


3. Intervals 3, 5, and 7 of elytron with series of setigerous punctures; clypeus deeply excised anteriorly; length 3.8 mm ....................................................... plurisetosus Balkenohl, 2017

- Setigerous punctures only on interval 3 of elytron; clypeus straight or slightly excised anteriorly ............................................................................................................................. 4

4. With 5, 6, or 8 setigerous punctures on interval 3 of elytron.............................................. 5 - With 4 setigerous punctures on interval of elytron ............................................................. 9

5. With 5 setigerous punctures on interval 3 of elytron; black; knob on clypeus indistinct, developed as elevation; interval 3 and 4 of elytron at base with tubercle each; length 4.8 mm ....................................................................................... anteriortenuis Balkenohl, 2017

- With 6, 7, or 8 setigerous punctures on interval 3 of elytron; brown or back species ........ 6

6. Brown; with up to 7 or 7/8 setigerous punctures on interval 3 of elytron interval 3 and 4 at base with tubercle; anterior angles of pronotum not or indistinctly projecting............... 7

- Black; with 6 or 7 setigerous punctures on interval 3 of elytron; only interval 3 at base with tubercle; knob on clypeus distinct, neck constriction of head with big punctures; length 4.8-6.6 mm ............................................................................................................... 8

7. Four to 7 setigerous punctures on interval 3 of elytron (variable, see tab. of the original description); knob on clypeus indistinct, developed as elevation; punctures of neck constriction of head visible laterally, no constriction at middle; length 3.4-4.0 mm............ ........................................................................................... omnipunctatus Balkenohl, 2017

- Seven to 8 setigerous punctures on interval 3 of elytron; knob on clypeus distinct; neck constriction of head distinct, complete at middle; wide parts of ventral surface covered with isodiametric reticulation; length 4.3 mm .................................... reticuventris sp. nov.

8. Lateral margin of pronotum straight, anterior angles distinctly projecting; median line of pronotum conspicuously broad, not joining basal constriction; interval 3 of elytron with 6-7 setigerous punctures; length 6.6 mm ............................ ampliosetosus Balkenohl, 2017

- Lateral margin of pronotum convex, anterior angles indistinctly projecting; median line of pronotum moderately narrow, joining basal constriction; interval 3 of elytron with 7 setigerous punctures; length 4.8 mm ............................................. barclayi Balkenohl, 2017

9. Elytron without tooth at humerus...................................................................................... 12 - Elytron with distinct tooth at humerus .............................................................................. 10

10. Bigger and more massive species; pronotum distinctly transverse, disc distinctly convex, surface sparely covered with small punctures; anterior transverse line of pronotum indistinct; preapical spine of mesotibia approaching apex of tibia, length 7.4 mm .............. .................................................................................................. brancuccii Balkenohl, 2017

- Smaller and slender species; pronotum as long as wide or slightly broader than long, disc somewhat flattened, surface densely covered with big punctures; anterior transverse line of pronotum distinct; preapical spine of mesotibia distinctly located preapically; length up to 5.9 mm .......................................................................................................................... 11

11. Elytron with tooth at humerus of moderate size, tooth rounded; reflexed margin of pronotum at base bilaterally tooth-like raised; lateral margin of pronotum with few fine scars anteriorly; length 5.8 mm ............................................. tubercucollis Balkenohl, 2017

5 - Elytron with tooth at humerus big, sharp; reflexed margin of pronotum at base in total of about same appearance; lateral margin of pronotum crenulated; length 5.8 mm ................. ............................................................................................. charleshuberi Balkenohl, 2017

12. Surface of elytron opaque, completely covered with reticulation; slightly flattened on disc

........................................................................................................................................... 13 - Surface of elytron shiny, without reticulation, not flattened on disc ................................ 14

13. Median line of pronotum joining with anterior transverse line; reticulation on elytra imbricate, interval 3 and 4 with tubercle at base; length 5.2 mm ....... reticupennis sp. nov.

- Median line of pronotum surpassing anterior transverse line without joining; reticulation on elytra longitudinal isodiametric, only interval 3 with tubercle at base; length 5.7 mm ... .............................................................................................................. opacipennis sp. nov.

14. Disc of pronotum with basal part bilaterally prolonged posteriorly as tooth-like vault slightly hanging over basal channel; lateral margin of pronotum with traces of scars ..... 17

- Disc of pronotum in basal part regularly developed, not bilaterally prolonged; margin of pronotum smooth .............................................................................................................. 15

15. Black; elytron with striae 1 and 2 joining at apex; neck constriction developed as distinct step, with line consisting of partly doubled bigger punctures........................................... 16

- Piceous; elytron with striae 1 and 2 not joining at apex; neck constriction developed as slight step, with fine line consisting of small punctures; margin of pronotum slightly bisinuate; eyes more prominent as in group; length 5.1 mm ........... ferrugistriatus sp. nov.

16. Lateral margin of pronotum convex; interval 3 and 4 of elytron at base with tubercle; length 5.6 mm ............................................................................... costulipennis Bates, 1892

- Lateral margin of pronotum straight, parallel; only interval 3 of elytron at base with tubercle; punctures on interval 3 of elytron prominently developed; length 5.6 mm ........... ....................................................................................................... apertopunctatus sp. nov.

17. Clypeus without distinct knob, developed as broad elevation without punctures; intervals 3 and 4 at base of elytron with tubercles; interval 3 of elytron with 4 setigerous punctures; length 5.8 mm ........................................................................ anteriorlatus Balkenohl, 2017

- Clypeus with distinct knob, with punctures posterior knob in form of a V; only interval 3 at base of elytron with tubercle; interval 3 of elytron with 4/5 setigerous punctures; length 5.4 mm ...................................................................................... mjoebergi Louwerens, 1964











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