
Bañon, Rafael, Arronte, Juan Carlos, Rodriguez-Cabello, Cristina, Piñeiro, Carmen-Gloria, Punzon, Antonio & Serrano, Alberto, 2016, Commented checklist of marine fishes from the Galicia Bank seamount (NW Spain), Zootaxa 4067 (3), pp. 293-333 : 324

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Family Trichiuridae View in CoL View at ENA

Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839 —Black scabbardfish

21 specimens were caught at depths between between 720 and 1,094 m. Length data were available for 17 specimens ranging from 35 to 136 cm TL. All specimens were identified as A. carbo . However, this species can be easily confused with the sympatric A. intermedius . Thus, the presence of the latter species in the catches cannot be ruled out. Habitat and Distribution: bathypelagic at depth range 200–1,700 m, usually 700–1,300 m. It is present at both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean, at least between 69ºN and 26ºN. In the eastern Atlantic Ocean, it occurs from the strait of Denmark to western Sahara, including the Canaries Islands and the Madeira Archipelago and numerous submarine banks and seamounts. Vulnerability: DD (IUCN), HHV (FishBase).

Benthodesmus simonyi (Steindachner, 1891) —Simony's frostfish

36 specimens were caught at depths between 652 and 877 m. Length data were available for 20 specimens ranging from 73 to 117 cm TL. Habitat and Distribution: benthopelagic and oceanic at depth range 200– 900 m. Distributed on the continental slope and underwater rises; juveniles are mesopelagic. Both sides of the North Atlantic, off Newfoundland ( Canada), Bermuda, New England ( USA), Middle Atlantic Ridges, Iceland, Norway, Portugal, Madeira, and Canary Islands. Vulnerability: DD (IUCN), HV (FishBase).

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