Acanthophora pacifica (Setchell) Kraft, 1979

Walsh, Roy T. Tsuda And Seana K., 2013, Bibliographic checklist of the marine benthic algae of Central, Micronesica 2013 (2), pp. 1-91 : 13-16

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13282793

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scientific name

Acanthophora pacifica (Setchell) Kraft


Acanthophora pacifica (Setchell) Kraft

American Samoa & Samoa. OFU-OLOSEGA (Nu‘utele): Skelton & South 2007. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Acanthophora spicifera (Vahl) Børgesen [= Acanthophora orientalis J. Agardh , Acanthophora thierii J.V. Lamouroux ]

American Samoa & Samoa. OFU-OLOSEGA (Nu‘utele): Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Grunow 1874 and Reinbold 1896 as Acanthophora orientalis, Skelton & South 2002a , 2007. Line Islands. PALMYRA: Knapp et al. 2011. Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as A. orientalis, Dickie 1876 as Acanthophora thierii . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Acrochaetium barbadense (Vickers) Børgesen

Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Acrochaetium corymbiferum (Thuret) Batters

Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a as Acrochaetium cf. corymbifera .

Acrochaetium flexuosum Vickers

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007.

Acrochaetium kurogii (Y.P. Lee & S.C. Lindstrom) Y.P. Lee & I.K. Lee

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Acrochaetium liagorae Børgesen

Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2006.

Acrochaetium microscopicum (Nägeli ex Kützing) Nägeli

Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008.

Acrochaetium robustum Børgesen

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007. Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson et al. 1955.

Acrochaetium subtilissima (Kützing) Hamel [= Callithamnion subtilissimum Kützing ]

Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as Callithamnion subtilissimum .

Acrochaetium sp.

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007. Line Islands. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973.

Actinotrichia fragilis (Forsskål) Børgesen [= Actinotrichia rigida (J.V. Lamouroux) Decaisne ]

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924 as Actinotrichia rigida, Skelton & South 2007 . UPOLU: Grunow 1874 and Reinbold 1896, 1907 as A. rigida, Skelton & South 2002a , 2007. Cook Islands: RAROTONGA: N’Yeurt 1999. Tonga. NIUAFO‘OU: Howe 1932 as A. rigida . TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as A. rigida . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Aglaothamnion boergesenii (Aponte & D.L. Ballantine) L’Hardy-Halos & Rueness

Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2006.

Aglaothamnion cordatum (Børgesen) Feldmann-Mazoyer

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. ENDERBURY: South et al. 2001. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a.

Ahnfeltiopsis concinna (J. Agardh) P.C. Silva & DeCew [= Ahnfeltia concinna J. Agardh ]

Phoenix Islands. KANTON: Degener & Gillaspy 1955 as Ahnfeltia concinna .

Alsidium pacificum Dawson

Line Islands: PALMYRA: E. Y. Dawson 1959b (Type)

Amansia rhodantha (Harvey) J. Agardh [= Amansia paloloensis South & Skelton ]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Grunow 1874 and Reinbold 1896 as Amansia glomerata C. Agardh, South & Skelton 1999 and Skelton & South 2002a as Amansia paloloensis, N’Yeurt 2002 , Skelton & South 2007 as A. glomerata . Cook Islands. RAROTONGA: N’Yeurt 2002 as Amansia sp.

Note: N’Yeurt (2002) relegated Amansia paloloensis as a synonym of Amansia rhodantha , and did not recognize Amansia glomerata or Melanamansia glomerata (C. Agardh) R.E. Norris as present in American Samoa, Samoa or the Cook Islands. Skelton & South (2007) later considered their new species Amansia paloloensis a growth form of Amansia glomerata .

Amphiroa anceps (Lamarck) Decaisne

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924. UPOLU: Reinbold 1896.

Amphiroa crassa J.V. Lamouroux

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924, Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007.

Amphiroa foliacea J.V. Lamouroux

American Samoa & Samoa. AUNU‘U: Skelton & South 2007. SAVAI‘I: Skelton & South 2007. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924, Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Cook Islands. AITUTAKI: N’Yeurt 1999. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Amphiroa fragilissima (Linnaeus) J.V. Lamouroux

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a. Cook Islands. AITUTAKI: N’Yeurt 1999. RAROTONGA: Chapman 1977, N’Yeurt 1999. Niue. Chapman 1977. Tonga. NIUAFO‘OU: Howe 1932. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Amphiroa gracilis Harvey [= Metagoniolithon gracile (Harvey) Yendo ]

Cook Islands. RAROTONGA: Chapman 1977 as Metagoniolithon gracile .

Amphiroa rigida J.V. Lamouroux

Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b as Amphiroa cf. rigida . Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a as A. cf. rigida .

Amphiroa tribulus (Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Grunow 1874, Reinbold 1896, 1907. Cook Islands. AITUTAKI: N’Yeurt 1999. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Note: N’Yeurt & Payri (2010) stated that Amphiroa tribulus may be conspecific with the polymorphic Amphiroa foliacea .

Amphiroa valonioides Yendo

Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b.

Anotrichium secundum (Harvey ex J. Agardh) G. Furnari

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012.

Anotrichium tenue (C. Agardh) Nägeli [= Griffithsia tenuis C. Agardh , Griffithsia thyrsigera (Thwaites ex Harvey) Grunow ]

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924 as Griffithsia thyrsigera . UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969 as Griffithsia tenuis, Coles et al. 2001 , Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973 as G. tenuis . Phoenix Islands. HOWLAND: Tsuda et al. 2008. MCKEAN: South et al. 2001.

Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as G. thyrsigera . Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Antithamnion decipiens (J. Agardh) Athanasiadis

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Antithamnion lherminieri (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Bornet ex Nasr [= Antithamnion antillanum Børgesen , Antithamnion palmyrense Dawson ] American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969, Coles et al. 2001 and Tsuda et al. 2010b as Antithamnion antillanum .

Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b as Antithamnion palmyrense .

Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008 as A. antillanum . Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a as A. antillanum .

Note: Silva et al. (1996) cites reason for maintaining Antithamnion lherminiieri as a validly published species.


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