Antithamnionella breviramosa (E.Y. Dawson) E.M. Wollaston

Walsh, Roy T. Tsuda And Seana K., 2013, Bibliographic checklist of the marine benthic algae of Central, Micronesica 2013 (2), pp. 1-91 : 17-31

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13282793

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Antithamnionella breviramosa (E.Y. Dawson) E.M. Wollaston


Antithamnionella breviramosa (E.Y. Dawson) E.M. Wollaston

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a.

Antithamnionella elegans (Berthold) J.H. Price & D.M. John

Phoenix Islands. RAWAKI: South et al. 2001.

Antithamnionella graeffei (Grunow) Athanasiadis [= Callithamnion graeffei Grunow ]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007. Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012.

Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as Callithamnion graeffei .

Antithamnionella simplex (E.Y. Dawson) Skelton & South

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007.

Note: Skelton & South 2007 consider Antithamnionella simplex distinct from Antithamnionella breviramosa .

Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan de Saint-Léon [= Asparagopsis sandfordiana Harvey ]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007.

Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b. Phoenix Islands. MANRA: South et al. 2001. Tonga. HA‘AFEVA: Grunow 1874 as Asparagopsis sandfordiana . Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Asteromenia anastomosans (Weber-van Bosse) G. W. Saunders, C. E. Lane, C. W. Schneider & Kraft [= Leptofauchea anastomosans (Farlow) R.E. Norris & A. Millar ]

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004 as Leptofauchea anastomosans .

Balliella repens Huisman & Kraft

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Balliella subcorticata (Itono) Itono & Tak. Tanaka

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007.

Bangia atropurpurea (Mertens ex Roth) C. Agardh [= Bangia fuscopurpurea (Dillwyn) Lyngbye ]

Line Islands. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973 as Bangia fuscopurpurea .

Bangia halymeniae M.J. Wynne

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007.

Bangia tenuissima Kützing

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Grunow 1874, Reinbold 1896. Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874.

Bostrychia sertularia Montagne

American Samoa & Samoa. AUNU‘U: Setchell 1924. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924.

Bostrychia tenella (J.V. Lamouroux) J. Agardh [= Bostrychia viellardi Kützing ] American Samoa & Samoa. AUNU‘U: Skelton & South 2007. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924 as Bostrychia viellardi, Skelton & South 2007 . UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002b, 2007. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Botryocladia skottsbergii (Børgesen) Levring

American Samoa & Samoa. OFU-OLOSEGA (Nu‘utele): Skelton & South 2007. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007. Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b. Pitcairn Islands. PITCAIRN: Tsuda 1976.

Branchioglossum prostratum C.W. Schneider

Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012.

Callithamnion codicola Grunow

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Grunow 1874, Reinbold 1896.

Callithamnion marshallense E.Y. Dawson

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969.

Callithamnion spp.

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007 as Callithamnion sp. inedit. Line Islands. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973 (2 spp.).

Caloglossa adhaerens R.J. King & Puttock

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002b, 2007.

Caloglossa leprieurii (Montagne) G. Martens

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002b, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969. Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b.

Carpopeltis bushiae (Farlow) Kylin

Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012.

Caulacanthus ustulatus (Mertens ex Turner) Kützing

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002b, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Centroceras clavulatum (C. Agardh) Montagne [= Ceramium clavulatum C. Agardh ]

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924. UPOLU: Grunow 1874, Reinbold 1896, Reinbold 1907 as Ceramium clavulatum, Skelton & South 2002a , 2007. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969, Coles et al. 2001. Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson et al. 1955, Dawson 1959b. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973. Phoenix Islands. KANTON: Degener & Gillaspy 1955. MCKEAN: Grunow 1874.

Pitcairn Islands. PITCAIRN: Tsuda 1976. Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2006.

Centroceras micracanthum Kützing

Tonga. TONGATAPU: Dickie 1876.

Centroceras minutum Yamada

Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Ceramium aduncum Y. Nakamura

Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001.

Ceramium affine Setchell & N.L. Gardner

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. UPOLU: South & Skelton 2000, Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. Phoenix Islands. ENDERBURY: South et al. 2001.

Ceramium borneense Weber-van Bosse [= Ceramium subdichotomum Weber-van Bosse, Ceramium sympodiale E.Y. Dawson ]

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007.

UPOLU: South & Skelton 2000 and Skelton & South 2002a as Ceramium subdichotomum, Skelton & South 2007 . Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004 as C. subdichotomum .

Note: Abbott (1999) placed Ceramium sympodiale as a synonym of Ceramium borneense , while South & Skelton (2000) placed C. sympodiale as a synonym of C. subdichotomum . N’Yeurt & Payri (2010) cited both C. sympodiale and C. subdichotomum as synonyms of C. borneense .

Ceramium clarionense Setchell & N.L. Gardner [= Ceramium marshallense E.Y. Dawson ]

Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b as Ceramium marshallense . Phoenix Islands. KANTON: Dawson 1959a. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a.

Ceramium codii (H. Richards) G. Mazoyer [= Ceramium serpens Setchell & N.L. Gardner ]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: South & Skelton 2000, Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001 as Ceramium codii and Ceramium serpens, Tsuda et al. 2010b . Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b as Ceramium codii and Ceramium serpens . Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. HOWLAND: Tsuda et al. 2008. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Ceramium diaphanum (Lightfoot) Roth [= Ceramium tenuissimum (Roth) Areschoug ]

Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2006 as Ceramium tenuissimum .

Ceramium equisetoides E.Y. Dawson

Phoenix Islands. KANTON: Dawson 1959a.

Ceramium hanaense R.E. Norris & I.A. Abbott

Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008.

Ceramium isogonum Harvey

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007. Phoenix Islands. Skelton & South 2007.

Ceramium krameri South & Skelton

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: South & Skelton 2000, Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Ceramium macilentum J. Agardh [= Ceramium mazatlanense E.Y. Dawson ] American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. UPOLU: South & Skelton 2000, Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973 as Ceramium mazatlanense . Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda & Trono 1968 as Ceramium sp. based on reexamination, Tsuda et al. 2008. HOWLAND: Tsuda & Trono 1968 as Ceramium sp. based on reexamination, Tsuda et al. 2008. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a.

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Ceramium maryae Weber-van Bosse

Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969.

Ceramium punctiforme Setchell

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924 (Type), South & Skelton 2000. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2006.

Ceramium rintelsianum South & Skelton

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: South & Skelton 2000 (Type), Skelton & South 2002a, 2007.

Ceramium upolense South & Skelton

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: South & Skelton 2000 (Type), Skelton & South 2002 a, 2002b, 2007. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Ceramium vagans P.C. Silva [= Ceramium vagabunda (vagabunde) E. Y. Dawson]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: South & Skelton 2000, Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969 as Ceramium vagabunda, Coles et al. 2001 . Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b as Ceramium “vagabunde. ” Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. KANTON: Dawson 1959a as Ceramium “vagabunde. ”

Ceramium zacae Setchell & N.L. Gardner

Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969.

Ceramium spp.

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: South & Skelton 2000 and Skelton & South 2002a as Ceramium sp. aff. Ceramium marshallense Dawson. Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b. Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. KANTON: Degener & Gillaspy 1955, Dawson 1959a. ORONA: South et al. 2001 as Ceramium sp. aff. C. marshallense Dawson. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004 as Ceramium sp. aff. C. marshallense .

Ceratodictyon intricatum (C. Agardh) R. E. Norris [= Gelidium intricatum (C. Agardh) Kützing , Gelidiopsis intricata (C. Agardh) Vickers ]

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924 as Gelidium intricatum . UPOLU: Grunow 1874 and Reinbold 1896 as Gelidium intricatum, Skelton & South 2002a , 2007 as Gelidiopsis intricata . Cook Islands. RAROTONGA: N’Yeurt 1999 and Skelton & South 2007 as Gelidiopsis intricata . Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b as Gelidiopsis intricata . TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973 as Gelidiopsis intricata . Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. KANTON: Dawson 1959 a, South et al. 2001, Skelton & South 2007. RAWAKI: South et al. 2001. All as Gelidiopsis intricata . Pitcairn Islands. PITCAIRN: Tsuda 1976 and N’Yeurt & Payri 2010 as Gelidiopsis intricata . Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as Gelidium intricatum . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004 as Gelidiopsis intricata .

Ceratodictyon pannosum (Grunow) R.E. Norris [= Gelidium pannosum Grunow ]

American Samoa & Samoa. Reinbold 1896 as Gelidium pannosum . UPOLU: Grunow 1874 (Type) as G. pannosum .

Ceratodictyon repens (Kützing) R.E. Norris [= Gelidium acrocarpum Harvey , Gelidiopsis repens (Kützing) Weber-van Bosse]

American Samoa & Samoa. OFU-OLOSEGA: Skelton & South 2007 as Gelidiopsis repens . TUTUILA: Setchell 1924 as Gelidium acrocarpum, Skelton & South 2007 as G. repens . UPOLU: Reinbold 1896 as G. acrocarpus, Skelton & South 2007 as G. repens . Cook Islands. RAROTONGA: N’Yeurt 1999 and Skelton & South 2007 as G. repens .

Ceratodictyon scoparium (Montagne & Millardet) R.E. Norris [= Gelidiopsis scoparia (Montagne & Millardet) De Toni

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a as Gelidiopsis scoparia . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Ceratodictyon variabile (J. Agardh) R.E. Norris [= Gelidiopsis variabilis (J. Agardh) Schmitz ]

Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001 as Gelidiopsis variabilis .

Ceratodictyon spp.

Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008 as Gelidiopsis sp. HOWLAND: Tsuda & Trono 1968 and Tsuda et al. 2008 as Gelidiopsis sp.

Chamaebotrys boergesenii (Weber-van Bosse) Huisman

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007. Cook Islands. RAROTONGA: N’Yeurt 1999. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Champia compressa Harvey

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Champia parvula (C. Agardh) Harvey [= Lomentaria parvula (C. Agardh) Zarnardini ]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Grunow 1874 and Reinbold 1896 as Lomentaria parvula, Skelton & South 2002a , 2007. Cook Islands. AITUTAKI: N’Yeurt 1999. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969, Coles et al. 2001, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as Lomentaria parvula . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chondria arcuata Hollenberg

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chondria armata (Kützing) Okamura

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chondria bullata N’Yeurt & Payri

Cook Islands. PALMERSTON: N’Yeurt & Payri 2009.

Chondria dangeardii E.Y. Dawson

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chondria dasyphylla (Woodward) C. Agardh [= Chondriopsis intermedia Grunow ]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Grunow 1874 and Reinbold 1896 as Chondriopsis intermedia . Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as Chondriopsis intermedia . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chondria intertexta P.C. Silva [= Chondria intricata Okamura ]

Pitcairn Islands. PITCAIRN: Tsuda 1976 as Chondria intricata .

Chondria leptacremon (Melvill ex G. Murray) De Toni

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chondria minutula Weber-van Bosse

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a as Chondria repens Børgesen (misapplied name), Skelton & South 2007. Phoenix Islands. MANRA: South et al. 2001, Skelton & South 2007. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a.

Chondria polyrhiza Collins & Hervey

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969 as Chondria repens (misapplied name), Coles et al. 2001, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a.

Chondria repens Børgesen

Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973. Phoenix Islands. ENDERBURY: South et al. 2001. MANRA: South et al. 2001.

Chondria riparia (J. Agardh) De Toni [= Chondriopsis riparia J. Agardh ]

Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as Chondriopsis riparia .

Chondria simpliciuscula Weber-van Bosse

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. HOWLAND: Tsuda et al. 2008. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chondria spp.

Line Islands. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973. Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. KANTON: Degener & Gillaspy 1955.

Chondracanthus tenellus (Harvey) Hommersand

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007.

Chondrophycus cartilaginous (Yamada) Garbary & J.T. Harper

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chondrophycus ceylanicus (J. Agardh) M.J. Wynne, Serio, Cormaci & G. Furnari [= Laurencia ceylanica J. Agardh ]

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924 as Laurencia ceylanica .

Chondrophycus dotyi (Y. Saito) K.W. Nam

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chondrophycus parvipapillatus (C.K. Tseng) Garbary & J.T. Harper

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chondrophycus succisa (Cribb) K.W. Nam [= Laurencia succisa Cribb ] American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Cook Islands. RAROTONGA: N’Yeurt 1999 as Laurencia succisa . Tonga. Skelton & South 2007. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Choreonema thuretii (Bornet) F. Schmitz

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007.

Chroodactylon ornatum (C. Agardh) Basson [= Asterocystis ornata (C. Agardh) Hamel ]

Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969 as Asterocystis ornata . Line Islands. PALMYRA: Doty 1954 as A. ornata, Dawson et al. 1955 as A. ornata . Phoenix Islands. ENDERBURY: South et al. 2001. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chrysymenia kaernbachii Grunow

Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012.

Chrysymenia okamurae Yamada & Segawa

Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Chylocladia rigens (C. Agardh) J. Agardh

Tonga. Grunow 1874.

Chylocladia uncinata Meneghini

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Grunow 1874, Reinbold 1896.

Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874.

Note: The status of this species is not clear.

Coelothrix irregularis (Harvey) Børgesen

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Cook Islands. AITUTAKI: Skelton & South 2007. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Colaconema gracile (Børgesen) Ateweberhan & Prud’homme [= Acrochaetium gracile Børgesen ]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a as Acrochaetium gracile . Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b as A. gracile .

Colaconema hypneae (Børgesen) A.A. Santos & C.W.N. Moura [= Acrochaetium hypneae (Børgesen) Børgesen , Acrochaetium seriatum Børgesen ] Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b as Acrochaetium hypneae . Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012 as A. hypneae . Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a as A. hypneae .

Corallophila huysmansii (Weber-van Bosse) R. E. Norris [= Ceramium huysmansii Weber-van Bosse, Ceramiella huysmansii Børgesen ] American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969 as Ceramium huysmansii, Coles et al. 2001 , Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973 as Ceramium huysmansii . Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. HOWLAND: Tsuda et al. 2008. MCKEAN: South et al. 2001. NIKUMARORO: South et al. 2001, Skelton & South 2007. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Corallophila itonoi (Ardré) R.E. Norris

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b. Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. HOWLAND: Tsuda et al. 2008.

Corallophila kleiwegii Weber-van Bosse [= Centroceras apiculatum Yamada , Corallophila apiculata (Yamada) R.E. Norris ]

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Hollenberg 1968d and Buggeln & Tsuda 1969 as Centroceras apiculatum, Coles et al. 2001 and Tsuda et al. 2010b as Corallophila apiculata . Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b as Centroceras apiculatum . TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973 as Centroceras apiculatum . Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. MCKEAN: Hollenberg 1968d as Centroceras apiculatum . NIKUMARORO: Hollenberg 1968d as Centroceras apiculatum . Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004 as Corallophila apiculata . .

Corynocystis prostrata Kraft

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Cottoniella filamentosa (M. Howe) Børgesen

Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008.

Crouania mageshimensis Itono

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012.

Crouania minutissima Yamada

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. MANRA: South et al. 2001. MCKEAN: South et al. 2001. Skelton & South 2007. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Crouania sp.

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a as Crouania sp. aff. C. attenuata (C. Agardh) J. Agardh.

Cruoriella fissurata E.Y. Dawson [= Cruoriella mariti Weber-van Bosse] American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924 as Cruoriella mariti .

Cruoriella mexicana (E.Y. Dawson) Denizot [= Cruoriopsis mexicana Dawson ]

Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson et al. 1955 as Cruoriopsis mexicana .

Cryptonemia decumbens Weber-van Bosse

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924.

Cryptonemia umbraticola E.Y. Dawson

Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b (Type). Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Cryptonemia yendoi Weber-van Bosse

Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Cryptonemia sp.

Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008.

Dasya anastomosans (Weber-van Bosse) M. J. Wynne [= Dasya adhaerens Yamada , Dasya pilosa (Weber-van Bosse) A. Millar]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007. Cook Islands. RAROTONGA: Skelton & South 2007. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969 as Dasya adhaerens . Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. Phoenix Islands. MANRA: Skelton & South 2001 as Dasya pilosa, Skelton & South 2007 . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Dasya baillouviana (S.G. Gmelin) Montagne

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Dasya caraibica Børgesen

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007.

Dasya corymbifera J. Agardh

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b.

Dasya iridescens (Schlech) A. Millar & I.A. Abbott

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a.

Dasya iyengarii Børgesen

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007. Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012.

Dasya kristeniae I.A. Abbott

Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001, Tsuda et al. 2010b. Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008.

Dasya murrayana I.A. Abbott & A. Millar

Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001.

Dasya pacifica Harvey ex J. Agardh

Tonga. HA‘AFEVA: Grunow 1874.

Dasya palmatifida (Weber-van Bosse) A. Millar & Coppejans [= Eupogodon palmatifidus (Weber-van Bosse) P. C. Silva, Eupogodon geppii (Weber-van Bosse) P. C. Silva]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004 as Eupogodon geppii .

Note: Indy et al. (2006) provided a taxonomic appraisal of Exophyllum wentii Weber-van Bosse and found that E. wentii reported from Samoa actually represented Dasya palmatifida .

Dasya sinicola (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) E.Y. Dawson

Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969.

Dasya spp.

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a as Dasya sp. aff. D. caraibica Børgesen , Dasya sp. aff. D. iyengarii Børgesen , Dasya sp. aff. D. pilosa (Weber-van Bosse) Millar, Dasya sp. aff. Dasya sp. A in Price & Scott (1992). Johnston Atoll. Aegegian & Abbott 1985.

Phoenix Islands. HOWLAND: Tsuda et al. 2008.

Dichotomaria marginata (J. Ellis & Solander) Lamarck [= Galaxaura marginata (J. Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux ]

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007 as Dichotomaria autralis (Sonder) Huisman, J.T. Harper & G.W. Saunders. UPOLU : Grunow 1874, Reinbold 1896 and Skelton & South 2002a as Galaxaura marginata, Skelton & South 2007 as D. australis . Cook Islands. RAROTONGA: N’Yeurt 1999 as G. marginata . Line Islands. PALMYRA: Braun et al. 2009. Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as G. marginata . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Note: N’Yeurt & Payri (2010) considered D. australis as a misapplied name ( Skelton & South 2007) for D. marginata .

Dichotomaria obtusata (J. Ellis & Solander) Lamarck [= Galaxaura obtusata (J. Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Grunow 1874 and Reinbold 1896 as Galaxaura obtusata, Skelton & South 2002a as G. obtusata, Skelton & South 2007 .

Dicranema revolutum (C. Agardh) J. Agardh [= Dicranema grevillei Sonder ] American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Grunow 1874 and Reinbold 1896 as Dicranema ( grevillei var.?) intermedium Grunow.

Dictyothamnion saltatum A. Millar

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2007.

Digenea simplex (Wulfen) C. Agardh

Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008.

Diplothamnion gordoniae Huisman

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007.

Diplothamnion jolyi C. Hoek

Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001. Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Ditria reptans Hollenberg

Cook Islands. RAROTONGA: N’Yeurt & Payri 2010.

Dotyella hawaiiensis (Doty & Wainwright) Womersley & Shepley

Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012.

Dotyella irregularis I.A. Abbott

Line Islands. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012.

Dudresnaya hawaiiensis R.K.S. Lee

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007.

Erythrocolon podagricum (J. Agardh) J. Agardh ex Kylin [= Chylocladia podagrica J. Agardh ]

Tonga. HA‘AFEVA: Grunow 1874 as Chylocladia podagrica . TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as C. podagrica .

Erythrotrichia carnea (Dillwyn) J. Agardh

American Samoa & Samoa. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Erythrotrichia parietalis Tak. Tanaka

Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b.

Euptilota articulata (J. Agardh) F. Schmitz

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Frikkiella pseudoprostrata (D.L. Ballantine & M.J. Wynne) M.J. Wynne & C. W. Schneider

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007.

Galaxaura divaricata (Linnaeus) Huisman & R.A. Townsend [= Galaxaura fasciculata Kjellman ]

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Cook Islands. RAROTONGA: N’Yeurt 1999 as Galaxaura fasciculata, Skelton & South 2007 . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004 as G. fasciculata .

Galaxaura filamentosa R.C.Y. Chou [= Galaxaura rudis Kjellman ]

American Samoa & Samoa. OFU-OLOSEGA (Nu‘utele): Skelton & South 2007. SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924 as Galaxaura rudis, Skelton & South 2007 . UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002a, 2007. Cook Islands. RAROTONGA: N’Yeurt 1999, Skelton & South 2007. Johnston Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010b. Line Islands. PALMYRA: Braun et al. 2009. Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. MANRA: South et al. 2001, Skelton & South 2007. MCKEAN: South et al. 2001, Skelton & South 2007. Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a.

Galaxaura lichenoides (J. Ellis & Solander) Kützing

Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874.

Note: The current status of this species is unclear.

Galaxaura rugosa (J. Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux [= Galaxaura annulata J.V. Lamouroux , Galaxaura lapidescens (J. Ellis & Solander) J.V. Lamouroux , Galaxaura subfructiculosa R. Chou ]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Grunow 1874 and Reinbold 1896 as Galaxaura lapidescens and Galaxaura rugosa . Cook Islands. MANGAIA: Dickie 1875 as Galaxaura annulata and Galaxaura lapidescens . RAROTONGA: N’Yeurt 1999 as G. rugosa and G. subfructiculosa . Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as G. lapidescens and G. rugosa .

Galaxaura subverticillata Kjellman

Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Note: As per Abbott (1999) and N’Yeurt & Payri (2004), this species is not synonymized under Galaxaura rugosa .

Ganonema farinosa (J.V. Lamouroux) K.C. Fan & Yung C. Wang [= Galaxaura cliftoni Harvey , Liagora elongata Zanardini ]

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Grunow 1874 and Reinbold 1896 as Galaxaura cliftoni . Tonga. HA‘AFEVA: Grunow 1874 as Liagora elongata . Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2006.

Gayliella fimbriata (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) T.O. Cho & S.M. Boo [= Ceramium fimbriatum Setchell & N.L. Gardner ]

Johnston Atoll. Bugglen & Tsuda 1969 as Ceramium fimbriatum .

Gayliella flaccida (Kützing) T.O. Cho & L. McIvor [= Ceramium flaccidum (Harvey ex Kützing) Ardisone , Ceramium gracillimum (Kützing) Zanardini , Ceramium masonii E.Y. Dawson , Ceramium taylorii E.Y. Dawson ]

American Samoa & Samoa. OFU-OLOSEGA (Nu‘utele): Skelton & South 2007 as Ceramium flaccidum . SWAINS: Tsuda et al. 2011. TUTUILA: Skelton & South 2007 as C. flaccidum . UPOLU: Reinbold 1896 as C. flaccidum, South & Skelton 2000 as C. flaccidum, Skelton & South 2002 a, 2002b , 2007 as C. flaccidum . Johnston Atoll. Coles et al. 2001 as C. flaccidum, Tsuda et al. 2010b . Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson et al. 1955 as Ceramium masonii, Dawson 1959b as Ceramium gracillimum and Ceramium taylorii . TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973 as C. gracillimum . Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda et al. 2008. MCKEAN: South et al. 2001 and Skelton & South 2007 as C. flaccidum . ORONA: South et al. 2001 and Skelton & South 2007 as C. flaccidum . Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2006 as C. flaccidum . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004 as C. flaccida .

Note: N’Yeurt & Payri (2010) considered the widely used name of Gayliella flaccida in the Pacific islands as misapplied for Gayliella transversalis . Recently, A.D. R. N’Yeurt (Personal communication, 7 January 2013) suggested that both species occur in the Polynesian region.

Gayliella mazoyerae T.O. Cho, Fredericq & Hommersand [= Ceramium byssoideum Harvey , Ceramium gracillimum var. byssoideum G. Mazoyer ]

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924 as Ceramium byssoideum . Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969 as Ceramium gracillimum var. byssoideum . Phoenix Islands. BAKER: Tsuda & Trono 1968 as Ceramium gracillimum var. byssoideum . KANTON: Dawson 1959a as C. gracillimum var. byssoideum . Tonga. TONGATAPU: Grunow 1874 as C. byssoideum .

Gayliella transversalis (Collins & Hervey) T.O. Cho & Fredericq

Line Islands. JARVIS: Tsuda et al. 2012. KINGMAN: Tsuda et al. 2012.

Gelidiella acerosa (Forsskål) Feldmann & Hamel [= Gelidium rigidum (C. Agardh) Greville ]

American Samoa & Samoa. Grunow 1874 and Reinbold 1896 as Gelidium rigidum . TUTUILA: Setchell 1924 as Gelidium rigidum . UPOLU: Reinbold 1896 as G. rigidum, Skelton & South 2007 . Cook Islands. AITUTAKI: N’Yeurt 1999, Skelton & South 2007. MANGAIA: Dickie 1875 as Gelidium rigidum . Phoenix Islands. MCKEAN: South et al. 2001. Tonga. Grunow 1874 as Gelidium rigidum . TONGATAPU: Dickie 1876 as G. rigidum . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Gelidiella bornetii (Weber-van Bosse) Feldmann & Hamel

Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973.

Gelidiella machrisiana E.Y. Dawson

Wake Atoll. Tsuda et al. 2010a as Gelidiella cf. machrisiana . Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Gelidiella myrioclada (Børgesen) Feldmann & Hamel

Line Islands. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973.

Gelidiella pannosa (Feldmann) Feldmann & Hamel

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002b.

Gelidiella rigidiuscula (Feldmann) Feldmann & Hamel

Phoenix Islands. KANTON: Dawson 1959a.

Gelidium crinale (Hare ex Turner) Gaillon

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Reinbold 1907. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969.

Gelidium delicatulum (Kützing) Setchell

American Samoa & Samoa. TUTUILA: Setchell 1924.

Gelidium musciforme (W.R. Taylor) Santelices [= Pterocladia musciformis W.R. Taylor ]

Line Islands. PALMYRA: Dawson 1959b as Pterocladia musciformis .

Gelidium pulchellum (Turner) Kützing

Line Islands. TABUAERAN: Tsuda et al. 1973.

Gelidium pusillum (Stackhouse) Le Jolis

American Samoa & Samoa. UPOLU: Skelton & South 2002b as Gelidium sp. aff. Gelidium pusillum . Cook Islands. AITUTAKI: N’Yeurt 1999. Johnston Atoll. Buggeln & Tsuda 1969. Line Islands. TABUAERAN: DeWreede & Doty 1970, Tsuda et al. 1973. Phoenix Islands. KANTON: Dawson 1959a. Wallis & Futuna. WALLIS: N’Yeurt & Payri 2004.

Note: This alga is most likely Gelidium isabelae W.R. Taylor ( Millar & Freshwater 2005) or Pterocladiella caerulescens (Kützing) Santelices ( Skelton & South 2007) instead of Gelidium pusillum which is not a Pacific species. N’Yeurt & Payri (2010) suggest that Pacific records of Gelidium pusillum should be ascribed to G. isabelae .


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


University of Copenhagen


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Yale University


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Botanische Staatssammlung München


University of the Witwatersrand


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants

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