Cyamophila astragalicola (Gegechkori, 1977)

Drohojowska, Jowita, Received, Daniel Burckhardt & Online, Published, 2014, The jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) of Turkey: a checklist and new records, Turkish Journal of Zoology 38 (5), pp. 559-568 : 564-565

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1307-15

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cyamophila astragalicola (Gegechkori, 1977)


Cyamophila astragalicola (Gegechkori, 1977) View in CoL

Reported from Erzurum ( Güçlü and Burckhardt, 1996).

Cyamophila glycyrrhizae (Becker, 1864)

Reported from Ankara ( Vondráček, 1953, as Psylla glycyrrhizae ); Bitlis, Iğdır, Muş, Siirt, Van ( Klimaszewski and Lodos, 1977, as Cacopsylla glycyrhizae [sic]); İzmir ( Klimaszewski and Lodos, 1979, as Cyamophila odontopyx ); Kars ( Burckhardt, 1988); İzmir, Ankara, Erzincan, Artvin, Kars, Kırıkkale ( Burckhardt and Önuçar, 1993); Erzurum ( Güçlü and Burckhardt, 1996); southeastern Anatolia ( Özgen et al., 2012b).

Material examined: 3 ♂, 4 ♀, Erciyes , 38°32′N, 35°27′E, 10.08.1979 (dry mounted, SU) GoogleMaps ; 3 ♀, Kırıkhan , 36°29′N, 36°21′E, 11.07.1984, Fabaceae (dry mounted, SU) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, 2 ♀, Kırıkhan , 36°29′N, 36°21′E, 11.07.1984, Glycyrrhiza glabra (dry mounted, SU) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, Pülümür , 39°29′N, 39°53′E, 17.07.1982 (dry mounted, SU) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, 2 ♀, Adıyaman, 37°45′N, 38°16′E, 01.06.07, 15.06.2007, Glycyrrhiza glabra , Morus alba (leg. C. Gözüaçık and İ. Özgen) (dry mounted, NHMB) GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Adıyaman, Çemberlitaş , 37°48′N, 38°20′E, 06.04.2007, 01.05.2007, Triticum sp. , Crataegus oxyacantha (leg. İ. Özgen and C. Gözüaçık) (dry mounted, NHMB) GoogleMaps ; 4 ♂, 2 ♀, Adıyaman, Küçükboyalı , 37°45′N, 38°16′E, 07.06.2007, 16.06.2007, Glycyrrhiza glabra (leg. İ. Özgen and C. Gözüaçık) (dry mounted, NHMB) GoogleMaps .

Cyamophila stoklosai Klimaszewski and Lodos, 1979 View in CoL

Reported from Bitlis ( Klimaszewski and Lodos, 1979), Gümüşhane ( Burckhardt, 1988), Erzurum ( Güçlü and Burckhardt, 1996).

Livilla hodkinsoni (Burckhardt, 1979)

Reported from İzmir (Burckhardt, 1989, as L. smyrnensis ), Aydın ( Burckhardt and Önuçar, 1993).

Livilla horvathi (Scott, 1879)

Reported from İzmir ( Klimaszewski and Lodos, 1979; Önuçar, 1983, as Floria horvathi ), Kars ( Burckhardt, 1988), Konya ( Burckhardt and Önuçar, 1993), Erzurum ( Güçlü and Burckhardt, 1996).

Livilla spectabilis (Flor, 1861)

Reported from İzmir ( Önuçar and Ulu, 1991).

Material examined: 1 ♂, 2 ♀, Hatay, Gavur Dağ, 36°45′N, 36°19′E, 18.07.1984, Genista sp. (dry mounted, SU); 1 ♀, Altınözü, 36°7′N, 36°15′E, 10.07.1984, grass (dry mounted, SU) GoogleMaps .

Psylla alni (Linnaeus, 1758)

Reported from İzmir ( Klimaszewski and Lodos, 1979; Önuçar, 1983).

Material examined: 1 thorax with forewing, Düzce, 40°50′N, 31°9′E, 05.07.1979 (dry mounted, SU) GoogleMaps .

Spanioneura caucasica Loginova, 1968

Reported from Artvin ( Burckhardt, 1988).

Spanioneura pechai ( Klimaszewski and Lodos, 1977) View in CoL , stat. rev.

( Figures 1a and 1b View Figure 1 )

Reported from Mardin ( Klimaszewski and Lodos, 1977, as Amblyrhina pechai ), southeastern Anatolia ( Özgen et al., 2012b).

Material examined: 2 ♂, 3 ♀, Adıyaman, 37°45′N, 38°16′E, 18.06.2007, 29.06.2007, Prunus dulcis (leg. İ. Özgen and C. Gözüaçık) (dry mounted, NHMB); 4 ♂, 3 ♀, Adıyaman, Çemberlitaş, 37°48′N, 38°20′E, 01.05.2007, 22.05.2007, 31.05.2007, Hippophae rhamnoides , trees (leg. İ. Özgen and C. Gözüaçık) (dry mounted, NHMB); 22 ♂, 13 ♀, Adıyaman, Küçükboyalı, 37°45′N, 38°16′E, 01.06.2007, 07.06.2007, 16.06.2007, 23.06.2007, 29.06.2007, Prunus dulcis , Ficus carica , Glycyrrhiza glabra (leg. İ. Özgen and C. Gözüaçık) (dry mounted, NHMB); 1 ♀, Bahçecik, 38°40′N, 36°17′E, 30.05.2007, Olea europaea (leg. C. Gözüaçık and İ. Özgen) (dry mounted, NHMB); 1 ♀, Bölükyayla, 37°52′N, 38°28′E, 18.09.1909, Prunus dulcis (leg. İ. Özgen and C. Gözüaçık) (dry mounted, NHMB); 1 ♂, Hilvan, Faik, 37°38′N, 38°58′E, 14.06.2007, Prunus dulcis (leg. İ. Özgen and C. Gözüaçık) (dry mounted, NHMB); 3 ♂, 2 ♀, Şanlıurfa, Birecik, 37°1′N, 37°58′E, 26.06.2007, Crataegus oxyacantha , Prunus dulcis (leg. C. Gözüaçık and İ. Özgen) (dry mounted, NHMB); 6 ♂, 6 ♀, Yaslıca, 37°26′N, 38°23′E, 23.05.2007, 22.06.2007, 27.07.2007, 03.11.2007, Prunus dulcis (leg. İ. Özgen and C. Gözüaçık) (dry mounted, NHMB); 6 ♂, 6 ♀, Yaylalı, 36°30′N, 32°6′E, 01.06.2007, Prunus dulcis (leg. İ. Özgen and C. Gözüaçık) (dry mounted, NHMB).

Comment: Spanioneura pechai was synonymized by Burckhardt and Önuçar (1993) with S. turkiana . S. pechai was described by Klimaszewski and Lodos (1977) only from females. We examined a long series of male and female S. pechai (NHMB) . S. pechai has broadly rounded genae with whitish, dense, and very conspicuous setae, and white, semiopaque forewings with black contrasting dots at the apices of the veins along apical wing margin. S. turkiana , in contrast, has indistinctly angular genae covered with sparse setae, and semitransparent forewings that are colorless at the base and infuscate apically, with brown, weakly contrasting dots at the apices of the veins along the apical wing margin. The closely related S. pechai , persica , and turkiana , which probably all develop on Prunus dulcis ( Rosaceae ), can be separated by the key given below.

Spanioneura persica Burckhardt and Lauterer, 1993

( Figures 1c and 1d View Figure 1 )

Material examined: 2 ♀, Kırşehir, Hirfanlı Barajı , 39°16′N, 33°31′E, 18.08.1979, Prunus dulcis (dry mounted, SU) GoogleMaps .

Comment: New record for Turkey.

Spanioneura turkiana ( Klimaszewski and Lodos, 1977) View in CoL

( Figures 1e and 1f View Figure 1 )

Reported from Malatya, Adıyaman, Elazığ, Siirt ( Klimaszewski and Lodos, 1977, 1979, as Amblyrhina turkiana ), Elazığ ( Burckhardt and Önuçar, 1993).

Material examined: 3 forewings, head and thorax, Kırşehir, 39°8′N, 34°10′E, 18.08.1979, Prunus dulcis (dry mounted, SU) GoogleMaps .

Key to Turkish species of Spanioneura spp. associated with Prunus dulcis View in CoL

1 Forewing colorless basally and ochreous along apical wing margin, with brown, weakly contrasting dots at the apices of the veins along apical wing margin ( Figure 1e View Figure 1 ) ... S. turkiana View in CoL

- Forewing colorless with light brown patches along apical wing margin or whitish; with black, strongly contrasting dots at the apices of the veins along apical wing margin ( Figures 1a and 1c View Figure 1 ) ................................................... 2

2 Forewing whitish, with short, straight to concave vein M 3+4 ( Figures 1a View Figure 1 ). Genae broadly, evenly rounded, densely covered in very conspicuous setae ( Figure 1b View Figure 1 ) ...... S. pechai View in CoL

- Forewing colorless with light brown patches along apical wing margin, with long, sinuate vein M 3+4 ( Figures 1c View Figure 1 ). Genae indistinctly angular, sparsely covered in less conspicuous setae ( Figure 1b View Figure 1 )................................. S. persica View in CoL

Triozidae View in CoL

Bactericera albiventris (Foerster, 1848) View in CoL

Reported from Ankara ( Vondráček, 1953, as Trioza albiventris View in CoL ), Tunceli, Kars ( Burckhardt, 1988), Konya ( Burckhardt and Önuçar, 1993, as Trioza albiventris View in CoL ), Erzurum ( Güçlü and Burckhardt, 1996).

Bactericera crithmi (Löw, 1879) View in CoL

Reported from Ankara, Adana ( Vondráček, 1953, as Trioza crithmi View in CoL ).

Bactericera femoralis (Foerster, 1848) View in CoL

Reported from Erzurum ( Güçlü and Burckhardt, 1996).

Bactericera nigricornis (Foerster, 1848) View in CoL

Reported from Ankara ( Vondráček, 1953, as Trioza nigricornis View in CoL ), Gümüşhane ( Burckhardt, 1988, as Bactericera brassicae View in CoL ), Burdur, Ankara, Konya, Tunceli, Ağrı ( Burckhardt and Önuçar, 1993, as Trioza nigricornis View in CoL ), Erzurum ( Güçlü and Burckhardt, 1996).


Stanford University


Natural History Museum Bucharest














Cyamophila astragalicola (Gegechkori, 1977)

Drohojowska, Jowita, Received, Daniel Burckhardt & Online, Published 2014

Spanioneura pechai ( Klimaszewski and Lodos, 1977 )

Drohojowska & Received & Online 2014

Cyamophila stoklosai

Klimaszewski and Lodos 1979
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF