Rineceras sp. 2

Korn, Dieter & Klug, Christian, 2023, Early Carboniferous coiled nautiloids from the Anti-Atlas (Morocco), European Journal of Taxonomy 885, pp. 156-194 : 161

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2023.885.2199

publication LSID




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scientific name

Rineceras sp. 2


Rineceras sp. 2

Fig. 4B View Fig

Material examined

MOROCCO • 1 specimen; Anti-Atlas, region south-west of Rissani ; basal Mougoui Ayoun Formation; Karaoui Coll.; PIMUZ 39510 View Materials .


Specimen PIMUZ 39510 is mostly an internal mould ( Fig. 4B View Fig ), which has a conch diameter of 42.5 mm and is 14 mm wide with an umbilicus 20.5 mm wide (uw/dm ~ 0.40). The body chamber and last three chambers are partly embedded in a sideritic nodule. It has a depressed rounded-triangular whorl profile with flattened venter. Flanks and venter bear longitudinal equidistant ridges (5 on the umbilical wall, 3 to 4 on the flank and 2 between the ventrolateral ridges); a granulation is visible at some places at the crossing points of spiral ridges and growth lines.

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