Endolobus sp.

Korn, Dieter & Klug, Christian, 2023, Early Carboniferous coiled nautiloids from the Anti-Atlas (Morocco), European Journal of Taxonomy 885, pp. 156-194 : 173

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2023.885.2199

publication LSID




persistent identifier


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scientific name

Endolobus sp.


Endolobus sp.

Fig. 12 View Fig

Material examined

MOROCCO • 1 specimen; Anti-Atlas, southeast of Gara el Itima , 31.5 km east-northeast of Taouz ; Zrigat Formation; Korn & Ebbighausen 2007 Coll.; MB.C.31290 .


Specimen MB.C.31290 is a phragmocone fragment of a little less than a quarter of a whorl ( Fig. 12 View Fig ) and consisting of seven chambers. It has a whorl height of 15 mm and a ww/wh ratio of 1.90. The venter is broadly rounded and separated from the rounded umbilical wall by a narrowly rounded umbilical margin. There is a shallow dorsal imprint zone (IZR ~ 0.20). The suture lines are rather densely arranged; they show a very wide and shallow lobe on the flanks and venter and a shallow, broadly rounded internal lobe.

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