Conophyma Zubvsky, 1898

Liu, Yu-Sheng, Sun, Daqing, Zhang, Jinyu & Yin, Zhan, 2021, A new species and a key to eleven species of the genus Conophyma Zubovsky, 1898 (Orthoptera, Acridoidea, Catantopidae, Conophyminae) from China, Zootaxa 5061 (3), pp. 584-590 : 585-588

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Conophyma Zubvsky, 1898


Key to 11 species of Conophyma Zubvsky, 1898 View in CoL from China

1. Epiproct of male smooth, without tooth raised upward (figs.5,12–18).

- Epiproct of male at both sides with a tooth raised upward in the middle(figs.19–21)................................. 9

2. Length of epiproct equal or shorter than width in male.

- Length of epiproct longer than width in male (fig. 12).......................................... 1. C. xinjiangensis Huang C.M. 1982 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica View in CoL , 7(2), 214–215. Type locality: China, Xinjiang, Wenquan, Altitude 2240 m . Location of type specimen: Holotype male, paratype female, Zoology Institute , Academia Sinica, Beijing, China.

3. Apical part of epiproct in male widened (figs. 14–16).

- Apical part of epiproct in male not widened (fig.13)............................................. 2. C. zhaosuensis Huang C.M. 1982 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica View in CoL , 7 2), 212–213. Type locality: China, Xinjiang, Zhaosu . Location of type specimen: Holotype male, paratype female, Zoology Institute , Academia Sinica, Beijing, China.

4. Hind tibia olive, yellow, purple or blue.

- Hind tibia red................................................................................ 3. C. amicus Li, B.P. & Ti, X.N. 1995 Acta Entomologica Sinica View in CoL , 2(4), 311–313. Type locality: China, Xinjiang, Heqin County . Location of type specimen: holotype male, Department of Plant Protection , Xinjiang August-1 st Agricultural College, Urumqi, China .

5. Furculae on posterior margin of the 10 th abdominal tergite in male larger, acute-leaf like.

- Furculae on posterior margin of the 10 th abdominal tergite in male small, obtusely leaf-like.......................... 7

6. Posterior margin of epiproct nearly straight, with small triangular projecting in the middle; both sides slightly projecting, rounded at apex. Hind tibia sordid blue (fig.15)................................................ 4. C. harbaceum Bey-Bienko, G.J, & Mishchenko, L.L. 1951 Locusts and Grasshoppers View in CoL of the U.S. S.R. and Adjacent Countries 1: 186. Type locality: China, Xinjiang, Yining . Location of type specimen: male, lectotype ZIN St. Petersburg .

- Posterior margin of epiproct in male waved, with obtusely angular projecting in the middle; both sides distinctly projecting, rounded at apex. Hind tibia brownish olive-green or yellowish olive-green (fig.16).......................... 5. C. olive Huang, C.M. View in CoL in Li, et al, 2006 Orthoptera, Acridoidea View in CoL , Catantopidae . Fauna Sinica, Insecta View in CoL . 43, 392–393. Type locality: China, Xinjiang, Heqin. Location of type specimen: Holotype male, paratype female, Zoology Institute, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China.

7. Vertex longer, apex projecting (fig. 3).

- Vertex shorter, apex not projecting (figs.9).......................................................... 6. C. xiai Zhang, Y.L., Xu, Q. & Zhang, D.C. 2015 Zootaxa View in CoL , 4039(4), 575–578. Type locality: China, Xinjiang, Xinyuan, 43º41´N, 83º27´E. Location of type specimen: holotype male, paratype female, Hebei University , Baoding, China GoogleMaps .

8. Posterior margin of epiproct waved in male, with small acute-angular projecting in the middle (fig. 5)..... 7. C. lini View in CoL sp. nov.

- Posterior margin of epiproct straight in male, with larger curved projecting in the middle (fig.18)....... 8. C. nigrifemora Zhang, Y.L., Xu, Q. & Zhang, D.C. 2015 Zootaxa View in CoL , 4039(4), 578–579. Type locality: China, Xinjiang, Xinyuan, Xinjiang, 43º41´N, 83º27´E. Location of type specimen: holotype male, Hebei University, Baoding, China GoogleMaps .

9. Posterior margin epiproct straight, with larger obtuse-angular projecting; distance between furculae wider, trapezoid. Posterior margin of epiproct waved, with small acute-angular projecting in male, distance between furculae narrower, (fig.19)........................................................................................ 9. C. zubovskii View in CoL

- Uvarov, B.P. 1925 Journal Bombay Natural History Society , 30, 551–552. Type locality: Middle Asia , Central Asia: Ladyjar–Tau. Location of type specimen: holotype, male, ZIN St. Petersburg .

10. Basal part of epiproct in male without longitudinal groove in the middle, posterior margin with curved projection in the middle. Hind tibia red (fig.20)..................................................................... 10. C. rufitibia Li, B.P. & Ti, X.N. 1995 Acta Entomologica Sinica View in CoL , 2(4), 313–315. Type locality: China, Xinjiang, Wuqia (Yuqitashi) Location of type specimen: holotype male, paratype female, Department of Plant Protection , Xinjiang August-1 st Agricultural College, Urumqi, China .

- Basal part of epiproct in male with longitudinal groove in the middle, posterior margin with acute projection in the middle (fig.21). Hind tibia yellow................................................................. 11. C. heqinensis Zhang, Y.L., Xu, Q. & Zhang, D.C. 2015 Zootaxa View in CoL , 4039(4), 579–580. Type locality: China, Xinjiang, Heqin, 42º31´N, 86º35´E. Location of type specimen: holotype male, Hebei University , Baoding, China GoogleMaps .


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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