Pseudomyrmex Lund, 1831

Brandão, Carlos Roberto F., Esteves, Flávia A. & Prado, Lívia P., 2010, A Catalogue Of The Pseudomyrmecinae Ants Type Specimens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Deposited In The Museu De Zoologia Da Universidade De São Paulo, Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 50 (45), pp. 693-699 : 695-697

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492010004500001

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scientific name

Pseudomyrmex Lund, 1831


Genus Pseudomyrmex Lund, 1831 View in CoL

Pseudomyrmex alustratus Ward, 1989: 409. Holotype: 1 w lost in transit. [ PERU, Chanchamayo, Anashirone River, 16.vii.1963, C.A. Portocarrero col., #A47, Kempf n°4060] Paratypes: 2 w. PERU, Chanchamayo, Anashirone River, 22.viii.1963, C.A. Portocarrero col., Coll. Kempf View in CoL 4072, #73.

Pseudomyrmex alvarengai Kempf, 1961 a: 372. Holotype: 1 w. BRASIL, Pará, Jacareacanga, x.1959, M. Alvarenga leg. [col.], Coleção Campos Seabra; missing L1 tarsal claws. View in CoL

Pseudomyrmex apache Creighton, 1953 b: 134. Paratypes: 3 w. U[ NITED] S[ TATES OF] A[ MERICA], Ariz [ona], Baboquivari m[ountain]s, Brown Canyon 4400’, in Q[uercus] oblongifolia, 02.ix.[19]51, W.S. Creighton [col.], Creighton det. View in CoL

Pseudomyrmex browni Kempf, 1967 c: 3. Holotype: 1 w. P[ ANAMA], C[anal] Z[one], Frijoles, 10.vii.[19]24, G.C. Wheeler [col.], Kempf det. View in CoL ; missing A1 funiculus. Paratype: 1 w. [ BRASIL], Amapá, [Rio] Anicoí, Braço Sul ,, Lane and Bicelli [col.], Kempf det ; missing A1 funiculus and L1 trochanter.

Pseudomyrmex cretus Ward, 1989: 412. Paratypes: 3 w. C[ OSTA] R[ICA], Prov [ince] Guanacaste, Santa Rosa, Nat [ional]P[ar]k, 10°51’N, 85°37’W, 300 m, ex dead twig of Schoepfia tropic dry forest, 14.xii.1983, P.S. Ward [col.], #6434 View in CoL .

Pseudomyrmex crudelis Ward, 1999: 516. Paratypes: 1 g, 1 m, 2 w. PERU, San Martín, 24 km, NNE [north-northeast] Tarapoto, 06°18’S, 76°16’W, 220 m, ex Tachigalia, edge of second-growth rainfor[est], 23.viii.1986, P.S. Ward [col.], #8705 .

Pseudomyrma damnosa Wheeler, 1921 f: 139 . Syntypes: 1 g, 3 w. B[ RITISH] G[ UIANA], Kartabo, vii/ viii.1920, [no col.], W.M. Wheeler Collection, #22869, Det. W.L. Brown; 1 g, missing A1, A2, L2 tarsal claws, L3 tarsus, L4 and L6 trochanter, postpetiole and gaster; 1 w, missing head. Junior synonym of Pseudomyrmex latinoda (Mayr, 1978: 877) (see Kempf, 1961 a: 406).

Pseudomyrmex deminutus Ward, 1999: 517. Paratype: 1 g. BRA[ ZIL], Am [azonas], Rio Juma, near Apuí, 400 km E[ast] Humaita, Transamazonica Hwy [highway] [7°08’S, 59°57’W], ex Tachigali, 30.iv.1985, F. Rickson [col.], B-41-85; missing W3 .

Pseudomyrma dendroica Forel, 1904 c: 40 . Syntype: 1 w. [ BRASIL], AM[azonas], Rio Purus, [no date], A[ndré] Göldi [col.], #84; missing L3 and L5 tarsal claws. Combination in Pseudomyrmex dendroicus View in CoL by Kempf (1961 a: 408) (see Forel, 1904 c: 40).

Pseudomyrma denticollis var. infusca Forel, 1908 c: 382 . Syntypes: 5 w. [ BRASIL], S[ão] P[aulo], Ipiranga, [no date], H. Luederwaldt [col.], Coll. Borgm[eier], #2631, 2681, Forel det.; 1 w, missing L6 tarsus; 1 w, missing A1, A2, head, mesosoma, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6 and petiole. Junior synonym of Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, F., 1855c: 158) View in CoL (see Kempf, 1960 a: 8).

Pseudomyrmex eculeus Ward, 1999: 518. Paratype: 1 w. ECU[ ADOR], Prov [ince] Napo, Jatun Sacha, 01°04’S, 77°36’W, 450 m, ex Tachigali, rainfor[est], 13.ix.1992, B.L. Fisher [col.], #458 .

Pseudomyrmex ferox Ward, 1999: 519. Paratypes: 1 g, 1 m, 2 w. PERU, San Martín, 8 km, ENE [eastnortheast] Tarapoto, 06°27’S, 76°18’W, 700 m, ex Tachigali, rainforest edge, 19.viii.1986, P.S. Ward [col.], #8604; 1 w, L3 is glued on a paper triangle .

Pseudomyrmex hesperius Ward, 1993: 157. Paratype: 1 w. MEX [ ICO], Sin [aloa], 15.9 mi[les], NE [northeast] Concordia, Hwy [highway] 40, 600 m, ex Acacia hindsii,, D.H. Janzen [col.]; XVIII View in CoL View Cited Treatment .

Pseudomyrmex hospitalis Ward, 1999: 522. Paratype: 1 w. PERU, San Martín, 8 km ENE [eastnortheast] Tarapoto, 06°27’S, 76°18’W, 700 m, 19.viii.1986, P.S. Ward [col.], #8612; A1 is glued on a paper triangle and missing L1 .

Pseudomyrmex inquilinus Ward, 1996: 255. Paratype: 1 g. ARG[ ENTINA], Catamarca, Santa Maria, 26°42’S, 66°03’W, 2000 m, ex dead twig of Baccharis old field/pasture in #12844 nest, 02.ii.1995, P.S. Ward [col.], #12845, Det. P.S. Ward; head and L4 trochanter are glued on a paper triangle .

Pseudomyrmex insuavis Ward, 1999: 492. Paratype: 1 w. COL[ OMBIA], Amazonas, Araracuara, 00°38’S, 72°15’W, ex Tachigali hypoleuca, iv.1994, G. Gangi [col.], #224 .

Pseudomyrmex janzeni Ward, 1993: 143. Paratypes: 1 g, 1 m, 1 w. MEX [ ICO], Nay[arit], 60 mi. SE [Southeast] Acaponeta, Hwy [highway] 15, Acacia hindsii 15.ix.1963, D.H. Janzen [col.]; 1 g, missing wings View in CoL View Cited Treatment .

Pseudomyrma kuenckeli var. dichroa Forel, 1904 c: 41 . Lectotype: 1 w. COLOMBIA, Dibulla, branche sêche, [no date], A. Forel [col.], #3177, Forel det.; missing A2 funiculus, L1 trochanter, L2 and L5 tarsus. Junior synonym of Pseudomyrmex kuenckeli (Emery, 1890b: 62) View in CoL (see Kempf, 1961 a: 402).

Pseudomyrmex leptosus Ward, 1985b: 233 View in CoL . Paratypes: 1 g, 1 m. U[ NITED] S[ TATES OF] A[ MERICA], Fl[orida], Alachua Co[unty], S[outh] Gainesville, Paynes Prairie, 8 mi, (ex lab [colony established from] mixed nest of [P.] leptosus View in CoL and [P.] ejectus, orig[inally] coll[ected], 05.viii.1982.), 16.v.1982, R.[W.] Klein [col.]; 1 g, missing W1.

Pseudomyrma maligna Wheeler, 1921 f: 143 . Syntypes: 3 w. B[ RITISH] G[ UIANA], Kartabo, vii/ viii.1920, [no col.], W.M. Wheeler collection, #22866, Det., W.L. Brown; 1 w, missing L1 tarsus. Combination in Pseudomyrmex malignus View in CoL by Kempf (1961 a: 400) (see Wheeler, 1921 f: 143).

Pseudomyrma maligna var. cholerica Wheeler, 1921 f: 146 . Syntypes: 3 w. B[ RITISH] G[ UIANA], Kartabo, vii/ viii.1920, W.M. Wheeler [col.], #22867, Det. W.L. Brown. Junior synonym of Pseudomyrmex malignus View in CoL by Wheeler, (1921f: 143) (see Ward, 1989: 440).

Pseudomyrma maligna var. crucians Wheeler, 1921 f: 147 . Syntypes: 3 w. B[ RITISH] G[ UIANA], Kartabo, vii/ viii.1920, [no col.], W.M. Wheeler collection #22868, Det. W.L. Brown; 1 w, missing L5 trochanter. Junior synonym of Pseudomyrmex malignus View in CoL by Wheeler, (1921f: 143) (see Ward, 1989:440).

Pseudomyrmex mixtecus Ward, 1993: 144. Paratype: 1 w. MEXICO, Guerrero, 25.4 mi, S[outh], km 314, Chilpancingo, 10.viii.1966, [D.H.] Janzen [col.]; M008810966 View in CoL View Cited Treatment .

Pseudomyrma ogloblini Santschi, 1936 d: 402 . Syntype: 1 w. REP[ UBLICA] ARGENTINA, Misiones, Loreto, [no date], A.A. Ogloblin [col.], nº 2088, det. Borgmeier. Junior synonym of Pseudomyrmex urbanus View in CoL by Smith, (1877b: 65) (see Ward, 1989: 427).

Pseudomyrmex opaciceps Ward, 1993: 159. Paratype: 1 w. GUATEMALA, Retalhuleu State, Puente Samala, 3.8 mi, NE [Northeast] San Felipe, on Quezal. – Retal. R [oa]d, 24.vii.1966, [D.H.] Janzen [col.], code W006724966; L2 and L6 tibia are glued on a paper triangle View in CoL View Cited Treatment .

Pseudomyrma pallens var. adusta Borgmeier, 1929: 198 . Syntypes: 18 w. [ BRASIL], M[inas] G[erais], Varginha, 10.iv.1927, T. Borgmeier [col.], #1478, 1479; 1 w, head, pronotum, L1 and L4 trochanter are glued on a paper triangle; 1 w, head is glued on a paper triangle; 1 w, missing L6; 1 w, missing A1 funiculus; 1 w, missing A1, A2, head, mesosoma, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6 and petiole; 1 w, head is glued on a paper triangle, missing A1, A2, postpetiole and gaster; 1 w, missing A1 and L1. Combination in Pseudomyrmex adustus View in CoL by Kempf (1960: 7) (see Borgmeier, 1929: 198).

Pseudomyrma pallens var. gibbinota Forel 1908 c: 384 . Syntypes: 3 w. [ BRASIL], S[ão] P[aulo], Bauru, [no date, no col.], MP 5971, CTB 2686, W.W. Kempf det., For[el] det.; 1 w, postpetiole and gaster are glued on a paper triangle; 1 w, missing A2 funiculus, L2, L4 and L5, L6, postpetiole and gaster are glued on a paper triangle. Combination in Pseudomyrmex gibbinotus ( Kempf, 1960 a: 7) View in CoL (see Forel, 1908 c: 384).

Pseudomyrmex particeps Ward, 1993: 146. Paratype: 1 w. C[ OSTA] R[ICA], Puntarenas, Rincon, Pen [insula] Osa, ex. Acacia, 03.iii.1965, D.H. Janzen [col.], [#]III; missing L2 tarsal claws and L5 tarsus View in CoL View Cited Treatment .

Pseudomyrmex pisinnus Ward, 1989: 425 View in CoL . Holotype: 1 w lost in transit. [ BRAZIL, São Paulo, Monte Aprazível, Fazenda Bacuri, 20°45’S, 49°42’W, in Eupatorium View in CoL stem, 19.vii.1974, M. Dimiz col., #644]. Paratypes: 2 w. BRAZIL, S[ão] P[aulo], Monte Aprazível, Faz[enda] Bacuri, em caule seco, Eupatorium, M. Dimiz View in CoL [col.]; 1 w, only one leg is glued on a paper triangle; 1 w, only mandibles are glued on a paper triangle.

Pseudomyrma schuppi Forel, 1901 d: 298 . Syntype: 1 w. [ BRASIL], Rio Grande d[o] Sul, S[ão] Leopoldo, [no date, no col.], 3972. Combination in Pseudomyrmex schuppi ( Kempf, 1961 a: 380) View in CoL (see Forel, 1901 d: 298).

Pseudomyrmex seminole Ward, 1985b: 237. Paratype: 1 g. [ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA], Fl [orida], Monroe Co [unty], 5 m, John Pennekamp St [ate] P[ar]K, dead Andropogon culm, roadside n[ea]r mangrove, 14.ix.1982, P.S. Ward [col.], #5722. Paratype: 1 w. [ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA], Flo[rida], 12 mi, N[orth] Key Largo, 25°13’N, 80°20’W, open, grassy ground, 10.i.1979, P.S. Ward [col.], #3203 View in CoL .

Pseudomyrmex semotus Kempf, 1960 a: 392 . Holotype: 1 w. [ BRASIL], Amapá, [Rio] Anicoí, Braço Sul,, [J.] Lane e [ R.] Bicelli col., Kempf det. Junior synomym of godmani ( Kempf, 1967 c: 6) View in CoL .

Pseudomyrmex sericeus Mayr, 1870 a: 412. Paratype: 1 w. COSTA RICA, [no date, no col.], coll. G. Mayr; missing L1 and L2 tarsus, postpetiole and gaster are glued on a paper triangle View in CoL .

Pseudomyrmex simulans Kempf, 1958 f: 459. Paratypes: 3 g, 9 w. PAN[ AMÁ], Tumba Muerta r[oa]d, Acacia spadicigera, 02 and 05.iv.1923, W.M. Wheeler [col.], #270, 271, 295, Kempf det.; 1 g, missing head; 1 w, missing L1 and L2; 1 w, missing head, promesonotum and L1 trochanter; 1 w, missing L1 tarsal claws, postpetiole and gaster; 1 w, missing L5 tarsus View in CoL .

Pseudomyrmex ultrix Ward, 1999: 509. Paratype: 1 w. ECUADOR, Napo, 13 km, NNE [north-northeast] Archidona, 00°48’S, 77°47’W, 960 m, ex. Triplaris roadside edge, 07.viii.1991, P.S. Ward [col.], #11393 .

Pseudomyrmex villosus Ward, 1989: 434. Holotype: 1 w lost in transit. [ BRAZIL, Mato Grosso, Utiariti, Rio Papagaio (= Rio Sauêruiná), 13°02’S, 58°17’W, 325 m, viii.1961, K. Lenko col.]. View in CoL


Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile












Pseudomyrmex Lund, 1831

Brandão, Carlos Roberto F., Esteves, Flávia A. & Prado, Lívia P. 2010

Pseudomyrmex crudelis

WARD, P. S. 1999: 516

Pseudomyrmex deminutus

WARD, P. S. 1999: 517

Pseudomyrmex eculeus

WARD, P. S. 1999: 518

Pseudomyrmex ferox

WARD, P. S. 1999: 519

Pseudomyrmex hospitalis

WARD, P. S. 1999: 522

Pseudomyrmex insuavis

WARD, P. S. 1999: 492

Pseudomyrmex ultrix

WARD, P. S. 1999: 509

Pseudomyrmex inquilinus

WARD, P. S. 1996: 255

Pseudomyrmex hesperius

WARD, P. S. 1993: 157

Pseudomyrmex janzeni

WARD, P. S. 1993: 143

Pseudomyrmex mixtecus

WARD, P. S. 1993: 144

Pseudomyrmex opaciceps

WARD, P. S. 1993: 159

Pseudomyrmex particeps

WARD, P. S. 1993: 146

Pseudomyrmex alustratus

WARD, P. S. 1989: 409

Pseudomyrmex cretus

WARD, P. S. 1989: 412

Pseudomyrma ogloblini

WARD, P. S. 1989: 427

Pseudomyrmex pisinnus

WARD, P. S. 1989: 425

Pseudomyrmex villosus

WARD, P. S. 1989: 434

Pseudomyrma pallens var. adusta

KEMPF, W. W. 1960: 7
BORGMEIER, T. 1929: 198
BORGMEIER, T. 1929: 198
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