Paradelphomyia chosenica Alexander, 1950b

Podenas, Sigitas, Park, Sun-Jae, Byun, Hye-Woo, Kim, A-Young, Klein, Terry A. & Aukštikalnienė, Heung-Chul Kim and Rasa, 2020, New data on Limoniinae and Limnophilinae crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea, Journal of Species Research 9 (4), pp. 492-531 : 525-526

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2020.9.4.492

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Paradelphomyia chosenica Alexander, 1950b


Paradelphomyia chosenica Alexander, 1950b View in CoL

Paradelphomyia chosenica Alexander, 1950b: 427 View in CoL ; Oosterbroek, 2020.

Paradelphomyia (Oxyrhiza) chosenica Savtshenko, Krivolutskaya, 1976: 51-52 View in CoL ; Savchenko, 1989: 59; Pilipenko, Sidorenko, 2006: 265.

General: Body coloration dark brown to black, semi-polished. Body length of male 5.3-6.0 mm, of female 6.8-7.6 mm. Wing length of male 6.3-6.7 mm, of female 7.4-7.5 mm.

Head: Dark brown to black, sparsely dusted with gray, widely rounded posteriorly. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between them at base of antennae about three times exceeds length of scape. Antenna ( Fig. 14A View Fig ) 1.1-1.5 mm long in male, 1.1 mm in female, extending to wing base if bent backward. Scape dark brown, elongate, nearly cylindrical, 1.5 times as long as wide, pedicel rounded, as long as width of scape. Flagellum dark brown. Three basal flagellomeres widened ventrally, remaining elongate. Apical segment as long as preceding. Verticils brown, longest verticils up to 1.8 times as long as respective segments. Rostrum palpus and mouth parts dark brown to black.

Thorax: Cervical sclerites and pronotum dark brown to black. Posterior margin of pronotum with few erect long brown setae dorsally. Mesonotal prescutum semi-polished, dark brown to black, darker frontally, slightly paler along lateral margin, sparsely dusted with gray, without stripes. Tubercular pits indistinct, pseudosutural fovea concolorous with prescutum. Scutal lobe same color as prescutum, area between lobes brown. Scutellum brown frontally, darker posteriorly, sparsely dusted with gray. Mediotergite brown, more densely covered with gray pruinosity fronto-laterally. Pleuron uniformly dark brown, covered with gray pruinosity, katepisternum with 1-3 small yellowish setae. Wing ( Fig. 14B View Fig ) brownish, yellowish at base. No other darkenings except stigma, which is also indistinct, pale-brown. Veins brown, yellowish at wing base. Macrotrichiae more abundant in radial cells, they are present in other marginal cells along postero-apical wing margin, few macrotrichiae present also in cell cua at wing margin. Venation: Sc long, nearly reaching branching point of Rs, sc-r four times its own length from tip of Sc. Rs long, arched at base. Free end of R 1 longitudinal, R 2 missing. R 3 and R 4 diverging towards wing margin, cell r 3 with short stem. Cross-vein r-m distinct, at base of discal cell. Discal cell 1.8 times as long as wide. Cross-vein m-cu at middle of discal cell. Anal vein long, slightly arched at apex, reaching wing margin slightly before the level of Rs base. Anal angle narrow, widely rounded. Length of male halter 1.0- 1.1 mm, of female 1.1-1.2 mm. Halter pale. Fore coxa dark brown dorsally and frontally, yellowish ventrally and posteriorly, middle coxa dark brown, yellowish ventrally, posterior coxa brownish yellow. Trochanters yellow, fore and middle slightly darkened posteriorly. Femur yellow with indistinctly darkened distal part, tibia yellow with slightly darker apex. Basal tarsomere brown with yellowish basal part, remaining tarsomeres dark brown. Small tibial spurs present on all legs. Male femur I: 3.6 mm long, II: 4.5 mm, III: 4.6 mm, tibia I: 4.8 mm, II: 4.4 mm, tarsus I: 3.1 mm, II: 4.3 mm. Female femur I: 3.7-4.1 mm long, II: 3.9-4.4 mm, III: 4.5 mm, tibia I: 4.0- 4.9 mm, II: 4.2-4.4 mm, III: 4.8-5.1 mm, tarsus I: 3.5-5.0 mm, II: 3.8-4.5 mm, III: 3.8-4.1 mm long. Claw simple, without spines.

Abdomen: Segments brown to dark brown or blackish, semi-polished, covered with sparse yellowish setae. Male pregenital segments darkened, terminalia brown. Ninth tergite ( Fig. 14C View Fig ) with medial suture, separating it into two sclerites, deep wide V-shaped emargination at posterior margin. Gonocoxite elongate, wider at base, narrower towards apex, without additional lobe. Outer gonostylus elongate, with three spines at apex, two of them togeth- er at outer margin and one separated from them. Inner gonostylus large fleshy and setose, two-branched. Outer branch triangle-shaped, inner branch elongate, thumbshaped. Ninth sternite strongly elongate posteriorly with setose apex. Aedeagus short and straight, with two arched elongate lobes ventrally. Parameres darkened, short. Ovipositor ( Fig. 14D View Fig ) light brown. Cercus elongate, blunt-apexed, distal half slightly raised upwards. Hypovalva long and wide, point-apexed, reaching to about middle of cercus.

Elevation: From nearly 500 to 1850 m.

Period of activity: From early June through mid July.

Habitats: Small muddy pool at small spring on mountain slope, densely covered with deciduous shrubs and trees and sparse grassy vegetation along margin. Despite many attempts they were not collected at light.

General distribution: Species was described from the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, recorded from Sakhalin and Kuril Islands of the Russian Far East. Recorded from South Korea for the first time.

Remarks: This species was described from single female. Many specimens collected from the Sakhalin and Kuril islands of the Russian Far East were identified as P. chosenica by Savchenko (Savtshenko and Krivolutskaya, 1976) with some reservation because males from Korea were unknown at that time. Specimens from South Korea, that were available for our study, belong to same species as specimens from Sakhalin and Kuril Islands, females show no differences from the type specimen.

Examined material ( Fig. 16N View Fig ): holotype (as Oxydiscus (Oxydiscus) chosenicus ), female (pinned, wing slide-mounted), North Korea, Kankyo Nando, Puksu Pyaksan, Toorisani, 6000 ft., 1939.06.30, A. Y. Yankovsky (USNM); 1 female (pinned), [S.] Korea, #13, Hwy. #20, 8 mi. SW Kangnung, 128°47’E, 37°42’N, alt. 1925 ft., 1954.06.09, G. W. Byers (USNM); 1 female (in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley, N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2015.06.28 (2), S. Podenas, net (NIBR); 1 male (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley, N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2015.06.29 (1), S. Podenas, net (NIBR); 1 male (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Goseong-gun, Ganseong-eup, Jinbu-ri, N 38.26678, E 128.35706, alt. 497 m, 2015.07.08 (1), V. Podeniene, net (NIBR); 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley, N 35.27333, E 127.56924, alt. 546 m, 2016.06.04 (3), S. Podenas, net (NIBR). Also compared with: P. cerina ( Alexander, 1936b) (as Adelphomyia cerina ): holotype, male (antenna, wing and genitalia slide-mounted), W. China, Mt. Omei, Chu Lao Tong Temple, 6000-7000 ft., 1935.07.27, G. M. Franck, light (USNM); P. crossospila ( Alexander, 1936a) (as Adelphomyia (Paradelphomyia) crossospila ): holotype, male (antenna, leg, wing and genitalia slide-mounted), W. China, Mt. Omei, Chu bao Tong Temple, 6000-7000 ft., 1935.07.27, G.M. Franck (USNM); P. dissita Alexander, 1960 (as P. (Oxyrhiza) dissita ): holotype, male (leg, wing and genitalia slide-mount- ed), Pakistan-NW7P, Kaghan, 6688 ft., 1953.06.27, F. Schmid (USNM); paratype, male (antenna, leg, wing and genitalia slide-mounted), Pakistan, Mworee Hills, 7242 ft., 1953.06.10, F. Schmid (USNM); P. latissima (Alexan- der, 1932) (as Adelphomyia latissima ): holotype, male (antenna, leg, wing and genitalia slide-mounted), W. China, Mt. Omei, Srech, 3500 ft., 1931.08.17, Franck (USNM); P. majuscula ( Alexander, 1936c) (as Adelphomyia majuscula ): holotype, female (foreleg and wing slide-mounted), W. China, Beh Luh Din, Szechwan, 4000 ft., 1934.10.10 -24, D. C. Graham (USNM); P. nimbicolor Alexander, 1950b (as P. (Oxyrhiza) nimbicolor ): holotype, male (antenna, leg, wing and genitalia slide-mounted), Japan, Honshiu, Funakosi, 1947.09.26, N. Yamamoto (USNM); (as Paradelphomyia nimbicolor ): metatype, male (head, legs, wing and genitalia slide-mounted), Japan, Kuri-ake, 400 m, 1955.10.16, K. Baba (USNM); P. nipponensis ( Alexander, 1924b) (as Adelphomyia nipponensis ): holotype, female (leg and wing slide-mounted), Japan, Yumoto, alt. 5820 ft., 1923.07.23, Teiso Esaki (USNM); metatype, male (wing and genitalia slide-mounted), Japan, Honshiu, Konseitoge, 7000 ft., 1934.08.06, S. Issiki (USNM); P. senilis ( Haliday, 1833) (as P. (Oxyrhiza) senilis ): male (wing and genitalia slide-mounted), N. Wales, Caernavon, Bangar-Vaynol Wood, 1966.09.22, R. I. Vane-Wright (USNM); (as Adelphomyia senilis ): female (wing slide-mounted), Germany, Frankfurt, Oder, 1913.09.17, Riedel (USNM); male (wing slide-mounted), England, Radwell, Herto, 1920.09, F. W. Edwards (USNM).














Paradelphomyia chosenica Alexander, 1950b

Podenas, Sigitas, Park, Sun-Jae, Byun, Hye-Woo, Kim, A-Young, Klein, Terry A. & Aukštikalnienė, Heung-Chul Kim and Rasa 2020

Paradelphomyia (Oxyrhiza) chosenica

Pilipenko, V. E. & V. S. Sidorenko 2006: 265
Savchenko, E. N. 1989: 59

Paradelphomyia chosenica

Alexander, C. P. 1950: 427
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