Protinodes Sharp, 1888

Maruyama, Munetoshi, Yamamoto, Shûhei & Eldredge, Taro K., 2014, Synopsis of the Japanese species of Aleocharinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), with review of the type specimens I. Tribes Himalusini and Leucocraspedini, Zootaxa 3887 (3), pp. 393-400 : 395-396

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3887.3.6

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scientific name

Protinodes Sharp, 1888


Genus Protinodes Sharp, 1888 View in CoL

Protinodes Sharp, 1888: 377 View in CoL (original description; type species: Protinodes puncticollis Sharp, 1888 View in CoL ); Fenyes, 1918: 72 (diagnosis, list of species); Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 522 (catalogue).

Diagnosis. Body ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ) broad. Labrum transverse, apically truncate. Mandibles almost symmetric, thick dorsoventrally, minutely bifid at apex. Maxilla ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 2 - 5 ): palpus with apex of segment IV sub-membranous, pseudosegment obscure; lacinia with six spines. Labium ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 2 - 5 ): prementum with 4 real pores and several pseudo pores, no setal pore; premental apodeme with lateral lobe elongate, with a short medial projection; palpus with segments I and II completely fused; segment III with pseudosegment; ligula broad, completely fused with hypopharynx. Mesoventrite with process elongate, carinate near apex. Tarsal formula: 4-4-4. Median lobe of aedeagus ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 2 - 5 ) without athetine bridge; paramere of aedeagus ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 2 - 5 ) with apical lobe huge, serrate; velum elongate, pubescent apically.

Comments. This genus has been placed in the tribe Hygronomini probably due to its 4-4-4 tarsal formula. The tribe Himalusini now contains three genera Protinodes , Himalusa and Sinanarchusa. Differential diagnosis of each genus is shown in Table 1 View TABLE 1 .

Type material. Holotype, male, “ Protinodes / puncticollis / Type D.S./Tokio. Japan // Type [RRL]//Tokio./ 25.IX.- 27.IX.81.// Japan./G. Lewis.//Sharp Coll./1905-313.” (maxilla, labium, abdominal segments VIII-X and aedeagus are dissected and mounted by MM) (BL, ≈ 2.2; PL, 0.41; PW, 0.76; HTL, 0.38) ( BMNH).

Diagnosis. Body ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ) stout, slightly glossy. Head semicircular; clypeus rounded apically; surface densely, coarsely punctured, covered with white setae; eyes prominent. Pronotum transverse; ratio, 1.85; surface densely covered with large punctures, but with a pair of glabrous areas, covered with rather thick, short, white setae. Elytra wider than pronotum, surface with punctures smaller and sparser than on pronotum. Abdomen with tergites III-VI densely punctured. Median lobe of aedeagus ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 2 - 5 ) with apical lobe strongly curved.

Comments. This species was described based on a specimen collected in Tokio [Tôkyô], but no further specimens have been found.

TABLE 1. Differential diagnosis of the genera Protinodes, Himalusa and Sinanarchusa.

  Protinodes Himalusa Sinanarchusa
Labrum normal, transverse prominent anteriorly normal, transverse (?)
Lacinial teeth normal, elongate large, thick, triangular large, thick, triangular
Third segment of labial palpus thick, short, less than half of combined first and second segments narrow, long, less than half of combined first and second segments thick, short, more than half of combined first and second segments














Protinodes Sharp, 1888

Maruyama, Munetoshi, Yamamoto, Shûhei & Eldredge, Taro K. 2014


Bernhauer 1926: 522
Fenyes 1918: 72
Sharp 1888: 377
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