Epiphragma (Epiphragma) subfascipenne Alexander, 1920

Podenas, Sigitas, Podeniene, Virginija, Park, Sun-Jae, Seo, Hong-Yul, Kim, Tae-Woo, Kim, A-Young & Aukštikalnienė, Hye-Woo Byun and Rasa, 2019, Epiphragma crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea, Journal of Species Research 8 (4), pp. 407-420 : 412-416

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.12651/JSR.2019.8.4.407

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Epiphragma (Epiphragma) subfascipenne Alexander, 1920


Epiphragma (Epiphragma) subfascipenne Alexander, 1920 View in CoL

Epiphragma subfascipennis Alexander, 1920: 10-11 . Epiphragma (Epiphragma) subfascipenne Savchenko, View in CoL

Krivolutskaya, 1976: 53; Savchenko, 1983: 47; 1989:



General: Body coloration brown dusted with gray. Body length of male 8.1-12.4 mm, of female 10.8-14.0 mm. Wing length of male 10.4-13.7 mm, of female 10.4- 13.5 mm.

Head: Background color dark brown, but covered with dense grayish-yellowish brown pruinosity and changes color depending on light, narrowly light gray along eye margin and above the base of antenna, dark brown ventrally. Vertex with small tubercle, covered with semi-erect dark brown setae. Head posteriorly gets distinctly narrow- er, like in Pseudolimnophila . Eyes widely separated in both sexes. Antenna ( Fig. 3A View Fig ) 2.2-2.4 mm long in male, 2.5-3.4 mm in female, reaching to about wing base if bent backwards in male and somewhat less than that in female. Scape elongate, nearly three times as long as wide, nearly cylindrical, dark brown covered with grayish brown pruinosity. Pedicel half the length of scape, bowl-shaped, brown, with denser gray pruinosity only along distal margin. Flagellum orange at base, pale yellow at middle and brownish at distal end. Basal flagellomere cone-shaped, second flagellomere oval, succeeding segments getting elongate. Length of apical flagellomere slightly exceeds that of penultimate. Longest verticils 1.7 times as long as respective segments. Rostrum dark brown to black. Palpus and mouth parts black, covered with scarce brownish pruinosity.

Thorax: Cervical sclerites brown, covered dorsally by large dark brown pronotum. Frontal margin of pronotum light brown with shallow median incision. Mesonotal prescutum generally brown dusted with grayish, widely castaneous brown along humeral-cephalic-humeral margin and with four longitudinal darker stripes covered with yellowish-gray dusting. Median stripes separated by narrow grayish line. Areas between stripes covered with erect golden setae. Scutal lobe grayish-brown with small indistinct darker spot covered with erect setae. Area between lobes yellowish. Scutellum brown, sparsely dusted with grayish, covered laterally with erect golden setae. Mediotergite light brown, sparsely dusted with gray. Pleuron brown spotted with grayish, dusted and semi-polished un- covered areas with indistinct darker stripe extending from head to the base of abdomen. Wing with small translucent areas inside intense brown ocellate spots, yellowish in stigmal area and at base. Dark pattern varies individually ( Fig. 4 View Fig ), but most specimens have distinct complete light transverse band at middle, less distinct and narrower complete light band beyond stigma. Spots with narrow darker margins. Veins yellowish brown. Venation: Sc long, tip of Sc 1 nearly reaching branching point of Rs. Sc 2 slightly beyond tip of Sc 1, in front of branching point of Rs. Rs long, angulate and short-spurred at base. Distal part of R 1 slightly elongate, oblique, beyond R 2. R 2 transverse. R 3 and R 4 slightly diverging towards wing margin, R 5 slightly arched, distal part turned backwards. Discal cell elongate, twice as long as wide. Basal deflection of CuA 1 distinctly beyond branching point of M, position varies from about one-third to about middle of discal cell length. Distal end of A 2 slightly arched. Anal angle widely rounded, medium-wide. Length of male halter 1.6-2.0 mm, of female 1.6-2.1 mm. Halter pale yellow with slightly infuscate base. Coxae light brown, dusted with grayish and covered with erect setae. Fore trochanter yellow, middle and posterior trochanters concolorous with coxae. Femur yellow with widely dark brown distal part. Tibia yellow with narrowly darkened apex. Two basal tarsomeres brownish yellow with darkened apices, third segment brown, fourth and fifths tarsomeres dark brown. Male femur I: 6.5-7.0 mm long, II: 6.2-7.2 mm, III: 6.7-7.6 mm, tibia I: 7.6- 8.9 mm, II: 6.7-8.6 mm, III: 8.1-10.6 mm, tarsus I: 8.2- 10.2 mm, II: 5.9-8.1 mm, III: 6.6-7.6 mm. Female femur I: 5.9-8.2 mm long, II: 6.3-7.9 mm, III: 6.8-8.5 mm, tibia I: 8.1-9.8 mm, II: 7.5-9.3 mm, III: 8.8-10.7 mm, tarsus I: 7.2-8.9 mm, II: 5.7-7.6 mm, III: 6.1-7.8 mm. Claw with long subbasal spine and small tooth at its base ( Fig. 3B View Fig ).

Abdomen: Tergites brown with caudal margins broadly gray pruinose, lateral margins narrowly and indistinctly darkened. Darkening more intense on posterior tergites. Sternites brownish yellow. Male terminalia ( Fig. 3C View Fig ) dark brown sparsely dusted with gray. Ninth tergite distinctly wider than longer with small tubercle at the middle of posterior margin. Shape of tubercle slightly varies individually from narrow triangle-shaped to low shallowly split at apex. Gonocoxite elongate, simple, wide at base, but distinctly narrower beyond middle, without additional lobes. Outer gonostylus long, narrow, setose, apex spine-shaped and curved inwards. Inner gonostylus long, narrow, fleshy and setose. Interbase very long and narrow, rod-shaped with slightly curved apex. Penis long, narrow and straight. Ovipositor ( Fig. 3D View Fig ) brown with red- dish-brown cerci and hypovalvae. Tenth tergite elongate. Cercus long and narrow, strongly arched, distal part raised upwards, point-apexed. Hypovalva long, comparatively narrow, slightly sinuous, with subapical brush of setae, round-apexed, reaching beyond middle of cercus.


General: Body color white. Length 11.5-16.5 mm, width 1.2-2.1 mm ( Fig. 5A- C).

Head. Head capsule 2.0- 2.1 mm long and 1.8 mm wide, egg shaped, depressed dorsoventrally and slightly reduced, dorsal suture absent ( Fig. 5D). Genae divided into externolateralia and internolateralia, externolateralia slightly oblique, internolateralia fused with frons. Both internolateralia and externolateralia similar in length. Coronal suture reaching one-third of head length and widely separates apical part of internolateralia. Frons with two sensory pits and two long setae on anterior part, two sensory pits on each anterio-lateral side and two sensory pits below the base of antenna. Two sensory pits located in the middle of frons. Caudal end of frons dentate ( Fig. 5E). Clypeus stripe shaped, slightly sclerotised and separat- ed from frons and labrum by fissures. Labrum consist of two triangular lobes and bump-shaped structure between them. Each of triangular lobes bears sclerotised ring with three sensory papillae, one medium-long and one short seta located above sensory ring and two sensory pits located outwards from sensory ring ( Fig. 5F). Epipharynx covered with short dense setae. Antenna short, reaching apical part of clypeus ( Fig. 5G). Basal antennal segment cylindrical, twice as long as wide with sensory pit near the base, very short button-shaped apical papilla and several short sensory papillae (exact number is difficult to establish) on the apex. Mandible cone-shaped, with single large apical tooth ( Fig. 5H), two smaller triangular teeth on ventral side (similar in shape and size) and two triangular teeth on dorsal side (upper tooth is more prominent). There is a short seta at the base of mandible. Maxillae well developed and consist of more prominent outer lobe (palpiger) and smaller inner lobe (lacinia + galea) ( Fig. 5I). Palpiger cylindrical, with large sclerite at the base, sensory pit in the middle and cushion of prominent bris- tles on inner margin. Palpus large, cylindrical, with few sensory structures (exact number is difficult to establish) and sensory pit in the middle. Inner lobe (lacinia + galea) rounded, membranous, with small narrow sclerite at the base, apical part covered by short firm setae, with three prominent papillae. Cardo wedge-shaped and bears three setae: a long seta at the base, long seta at the apex, medium-long seta and a sensory pit in the middle. Hypostoma heavily sclerotised and bearing three blunt teeth ( Fig. 5J), the middle tooth is the smallest, remaining subequal. Labium consists of two small cone-shaped broad and round- ed lobes, each with five sensory papillae apically. Basal part consists of two arcuate curved lateral rods and membranous part above. Membranous part of hypopharynx covered with numerous small spines ( Fig. 5K).

Thorax. All thoracic segments wider than longer.

Abdomen. First abdominal segment wider than longer. Seventh and last abdominal segment just slightly longer than wider. Abdominal segments II- V 1.5 times as long as wide. Segments II- VII with dorsal and ventral creeping welts ( Fig. 5B). Creeping welts spineless.

Anal division. Spiracular disc with five short and ob- long lobes, which are wide at the base and narrowing toward apex. Lateral and ventral pairs well developed, ventral pair is slightly longer ( Fig. 5B). Dorsal lobe is ves- tigial, two long setae located at the apex and two sensory pits in the middle of the lobe. Dorsal margin of spiracular field with two long setae. Lateral lobes almost as wide as long, not covered with sclerites, there is a cushion of three short setae near the apex of the lobe. Ventral lobe 1.5 times as long as width at the base, not covered with sclerites. Three long setae located at the apex of each lobe and single short seta close to the apical part of lobe. Spiracular field fringed with long hairs except small area between lateral and ventral lobes ( Fig. 5L). Spiracle small, circular, peritreme pale, yellowish, central disc darkened. Distance between spiracles almost twice the diameter of a spiracle. Anal field consists of two pairs of long, skittle-shaped, white, fleshy anal papillae.

Male pupa.

General: Body color yellowish-white. Head, thorax, pronotal horns, wings and tergites of second and third abdominal segments brown. Length 13 mm, width 2 mm.

Head: Cephalic crest absent, surface smooth. Antennal sheath short, only slightly extending beyond wing base. Labrum trapezoidal with bluntly rounded apex. Labial lobe diamond-shaped. Maxillary palpus broad, transversal with pointed apex.

Thorax: Pronotal horns elongated, arcuate curved and bent inwards, slightly widened basally and pointed apically. Apices of all leg sheaths reach to about the same level at the middle of segment V.

Abdomen: Abdominal segments II- VII with row of more than 20 transverse sclerotised pointed spines on dor- sum, more than 20 spines on venter, and about 10 on pleuron (exact number of spines is difficult to establish). Spiracles hardly visible. Terminal segment of male blunt and narrow, anterior part of venter with two transverse rows of about 15 spines each, separated by narrow bare area in the middle. Ventral lobes (anal spines) small with rounded apices, tips of ventral lobes close to each other and reach the base of posterotergal spines, which are small, sharply pointed, directed outward and with two apical setae. An- terodorsal and mediodorsal spines small, similar in shape and size, bearing few setae on the tips, situated almost in the middle of tergum of terminal segment.

Elevation range in Korea: Altitudes from sea level to nearly 1900 m.

Period of activity: Adults are active and flying from late May through beginning of August.

Habitats: Most specimens were collected in wet deciduous and mixed forests, often near small streams surrounded by old trees and shrubs, at the bottom of shaded valleys densely covered with trees, rather common in November 2019 Podenas et al. Epiphragma crane flies of Korea 415 villages, especially in places with old trees having dead branches. Species is attracted to light. Larvae and pupa were collected in mixed forest. They were found in rotten deciduous tree logs and branches and in exposed rotten roots.


General distribution: Species is recorded from the Far East of Russia and all largest islands of Japan. Recorded from the Korean Peninsula for the first time.

Remark: Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I barcoding region of specimens with distinct “un- usual” wing pattern variation were checked and compared with “typical” specimens. Analysis of sequences showed insignificant differences and identification was confirmed (GenBank accession numbers MN723538-MN723539).

Examined material ( Fig. 7B View Fig ): Holotype, male (wing and genitalia slide-mounted), Japan, Saitama, May 30, 1919, R. Takahashi ( USNM); metatype, male (antenna, wing, leg and genitalia slide-mounted), Japan, Shikoku, Mt. Ischizuchi , VI-10, 1950, Issiki-Ito ( USNM); 1 female (pinned), N. Corea, Chonsani Paiktusan , alt. 3400 ft., VII-16, 1937, Yankovsky ( USNM); 1 male (pinned), North Korea, Seren Mts. , alt. 5500 ft., VI-14, 1938, Yankovsky ( USNM); 1 male (pinned), North Korea, Seren Mts. , alt. 5000 ft., VI-17, 1938, Yankovsky ( USNM); 8 males (pinned), S. Korea, #8, Central National Forest , 18 miles NE Seoul, alt. 400-500 ft., 28 May , 1954, G.W. Byers ( SMEK, USNM); 1 male, 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, #9, Central National Forest , 18 miles NE Seoul, alt. 400-500 ft., 29 May , 1954, G.W. Byers ( SMEK); 1 male, 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, #11, Central National Forest , 18 miles NE Seoul, alt. 350-500 ft., 4 June , 1954, G.W. Byers ( SMEK); 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Paju-si , Gwangtan-myeon , Yeong- jang-ri, Bogwangsa , N 37.75322, E 126.91969, alt. 219 m, 1973.06.06, P.K. Yang ( KU); 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Paju-si, Gwangtan-myeon, Yeo- ngjang-ri, Bogwangsa, N 37.75322, E 126.91969, alt. 219 m, 23.V.1993, J.C. Sohn ( KU); 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Chuncheon-si, Namsan-myeon, Kukok-pokpo [waterfall], N 37.79222, E 127.60925, alt. 279 m, 29.V.1999, J.C. Sohn ( KU); 2 females (in ethanol), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Pyeongchang-gun, Daegwally- eong-myeon, Yongsan-ri, Mt. Balwangsan , [N 37.63092, E 128.65385, alt. 811 m], 2008.VII.19, J.D. Yeo, M.J. Jeon, K.G. Kim, Malaise Trap ( NIBR); 2 females (in ethanol), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Pyeongchang-gun, Dae- hwa-myeon, Daehwa-ri, Mt. Gariwangsan , N 37.53028, E 128.49833, [alt. 1761 m], 2009.06.03 -06.16, J.D. Yeo, J.D. Yoon, Malaise Trap ( KU); 1 female (in ethanol), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Pyeongchang-gun, Jinbu-myeon, Jangjeon-ri, Mt. Gariwangsan , N 37.48778, E 128.54528, [alt. 1693 m], 2009.06.04 -06.17, J.D. Yeo & J.D. Yoon, Malaise Trap ( KU); 1 female (in ethanol), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Pyeongchang-gun, Jinbu-myeon, Jangjeon-ri, Mt. Gariwangsan , N 37.48778, E 128.54528, [alt. 1693 m], 2009.06.17 -07.04, W.Y. Choi, Malaise Trap ( KU); 1 female (in ethanol), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Jeonseon-gun, Ingye-myeon, Dojeon-ri, N 37.53583, E 128.90278, alt. 761.8 m, 2011.05.24 -06.23, H.-W. Byun et al., Malaise Trap ( NIBR); 2 females (in ethanol), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Pyeongchang-gun, Jinbu-myeon, Topdong-ri, Odaesan National Park , N 37.72722, E 128.55222, [alt. 1877 m], 2012.05.29 -06.28, S.J. Park, L.J. Hur, Malaise Trap ( NIBR); 1 female (in ethanol), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Pyeongchang-gun, Odaesan National Park , N 37.74913, E 128.57723, alt. 726 m, 2012.06.22, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1 male (pinned), 5 larvae (in ethanol), 1 male pupa exuvium (male emerged 2013.05.20), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26580, E 127.58128, alt. 378 m, 2013.05.10, V. Podeniene ( NIBR); 1 male, 3 females (in ethanol), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Pyeongchang-gun, Jinbu-myeon, Tapdong-ri, Odaesan National Park , St.1, [N 37.71503, E 128.55658, alt. 759 m], 2013.05.27 -07.04, J.-S. Park, S.-B. Oh, Malaise Trap ( NIBR); 4 larvae (in ethanol), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2015.04.24 (1), V. Podeniene ( NIBR); 2 larvae (in ethanol), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2015.04.27 (2), V. Podeniene ( NIBR); 2 larvae (in ethanol), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.28589, E 127.55605, alt. 773 m, 2015.04.30 (1), V. Podeniene ( NIBR); 1 male (pinned), S. Korea, Tongilchon, (Beef Farm), N 37.90725, E 126.73441, alt. 32 m, 2015.05.29, T. A. Klein, H.-C. Kim, ( NIBR); 1 male (pinned), 1 male (in ethanol), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27448, E 127.56378, alt. 593 m, 2015.07.01 (1), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1 male (in ethanol), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2015.07.03 (1), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1 male (pinned), 1 male, 2 females (in ethanol), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Pyeonchang-gun, Jinbu-myeon, Dongsan-ri, Odaesan National Park , N 37.73767, E 128.59166, alt. 730 m, 2015.07.06 (1), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1 female (in ethanol), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Gapyeong-gun, Buk-myeon, Jeokmok-ri, N 37.97627, E 127.44160, [alt. 1316 m], 2015.08.[?]-09.27, Malaise Trap ( KU); 1 male, 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gyeongju, Jinhyeon-dong, Tohamsan (Mt.), N 35.78755, E 129.34274, alt. 320 m, 2016.05.27 (1), H.-M. Baek, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gyeongju, Yangbuk-myeon, Janghang-ri, N 35.76236, E 129.36407, alt. 333 m, 2016.05.28 (1), H. Baek, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 6 males (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Jirisan National Park , Piagol valley N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2016.06.02, S. Podenas, ( NIBR); 2 females (in ethanol), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2016.06.03 (2), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 2 females (pinned), 1 male, 3 females (in ethanol), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27333, E 127.56924, alt. 546 m, 2016.06.03 (3), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 3 males, 5 females (in ethanol), 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26586, E 127.58090, alt. 448 m, 2016.06.03 (4), S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR); 1 male (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26586, E 127.58090, alt. 448 m, 2016.06.04 (2), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1 male (in ethanol), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27333, E 127.56924, alt. 546 m, 2016.06.04 (3), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 7 males, 3 females (in ethanol), 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2016.06.04 (4), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27123, E 127.57133, alt. 534 m, 2016.06.04 (5), H. Baek, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1 female (in ethanol), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2016.06.04 (6), V. Podeniene, at light ( NIBR); 1 female (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Jirisan National Park , Piagol valley N 35.27333, E 127.56924, alt. 546 m, 2016.06.05, coll. S. Podenas, ( NIBR); 1 male (in ethanol), 1 male (pinned), S. Korea, Jeju-do, Seogwipo, Sanghyo-dong, N 33.30857, E 126.55944, alt. 497 m, 2017.05.22 (2), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 15 males, 3 females (pinned), 38 males, 3 females (in ethanol), S. Korea, Jeju-do, Hallasan National Forest , N 33.43222, E 126.59776, alt. 577 m, 2017.05.24 (1), S. Podenas, V. Podeniene ( NIBR); 6 males (pinned), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Gunpo-si, Suri-dong, N 37.35022, E 126.91527, alt. 138 m, 2017.05.27 (1), S. Podenas ( NIBR). GoogleMaps


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Epiphragma (Epiphragma) subfascipenne Alexander, 1920

Podenas, Sigitas, Podeniene, Virginija, Park, Sun-Jae, Seo, Hong-Yul, Kim, Tae-Woo, Kim, A-Young & Aukštikalnienė, Hye-Woo Byun and Rasa 2019

Epiphragma subfascipennis

Alexander, C. P. 1920: 11
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