Platydracus zhouchenglini, Huang & Chen & Tang, 2024

Huang, Jia-Yi, Chen, Jia-Wei & Tang, Liang, 2024, The genus Platydracus Thomson in Hainan, South China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Staphylininae), ZooKeys 1212, pp. 129-141 : 129-141

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1212.128295

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Platydracus zhouchenglini

sp. nov.

Platydracus zhouchenglini sp. nov.

Figs 21–24 View Figures 21–28

Material examined.

Holotype. China – Hainan Prov. • ♂; glued on a card with two labels as follows: “ China: Hainan, Lingshui County, Diaoluoshan N. R. ; 18 ° 42 ' 2.66 ″ N, 109 ° 53 ' 19.32 ″ E; alt. 700 m; 9–16 Nov. 2022; rotten meal trap; Cai & Zhou leg. ” “ Holotype / Platydracus zhouchenglini / Huang, Chen & Tang ” [red handwritten label]; SHNU GoogleMaps . Paratypes. China – Hainan Prov. • 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀; Lingshui County, Diaoluoshan N. R. ; 18 ° 42 ' 2.66 " N, 109 ° 53 ' 19.32 " E; alt. 950–1050 m; Aug. 2023; FIT; Zhao leg.; SHNU GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; Lingshui County, Diaoluoshan N. R. ; 18 ° 42 ' 2.66 " N, 109 ° 53 ' 19.32 " E; alt. 700 m; 9–16 Nov. 2022; rotten meat trap; Cai & Zhou leg.; SHNU GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Lingshui County, Diaoluoshan N. R., Houshan ; 18 ° 43 ' 46.81 " N, 109 ° 51 ' 38.52 " E; alt. 900–1250 m; 13–14 Nov. 2022; Cai & Zhou leg.; SHNU GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Lingshui County, Diaoluoshan N. R., Houshan ; 18 ° 43 ' 46.81 " N, 109 ° 51 ' 38.52 " E; alt. 900–1250 m; 11–12 Nov. 2022; Cai & Zhou leg.; SHNU GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂ 7 ♀♀; Ledong County, Jianfengling, Mingfenggu ; 18 ° 44 ' N, 108 ° 50 ' E; alt. 950 m; 30 Apr. 2012; Peng & Dai leg.; SHNU GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Wuzhishan Mt., Guanshandian ; 18 ° 53 ' N, 109 ° 41 ' E; alt. 650 m; 20 Apr. 2012; Yin Ziwei leg.; SHNU GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Lingshui County, Diaoluoshan Mt., Winding Road ; 18 ° 42 ' N, 109 ° 52 ' E; alt. 600–1000 m; 26 Apr. 2012; Peng & Dai leg.; SHNU GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Wuzhishan Mt., Guanshandian ; 18 ° 53 ' N, 109 ° 41 ' E; alt. 700 m; 21 Apr. 2012; Peng & Dai leg.; SHNU GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Ledong County, Jianfengling N. R., Mingfengfu ; 18 ° 44 ' 30 " N, 108 ° 50 ' 29 " E; rainforest, decaying log; alt. 995 m; 28 Jan. 2015; Peng, Yin, Tu, Song, Shen, Zhou & Wang leg.; SHNU GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Changjiang County, Bawangling N. R. ; 11 Apr. 2010; alt. 1000 m; YIN Z. W. leg.; SHNU 5 ♂♂ 6 ♀♀; Lingshui County, Diaoluoshan N. R. ; 18 ° 42 ' 2.66 " N, 109 ° 53 ' 19.32 " E, alt. 700 m; 9–16 Nov. 2022; FIT, Cai & Zhou leg; SHNU GoogleMaps 65 ♂♂ 36 ♀♀; Lingshui County, Diaoluoshan N. R. ; 18 ° 42 ' 2.66 " N, 109 ° 53 ' 19.32 " E; alt. 950–1050 m; Aug. 2023; FIT; Zhao leg; SHNU, NHMD GoogleMaps .


The new species can be easily recognized from other Chinese species by abdominal tergites III – VII with median golden tomentose patches that are continuous along the midline (Fig. 21 View Figures 21–28 ).


Measurements of male: BL: 9.6–16.8 mm, FL: 6.67–9.22 mm. HL: 1.42–1.85 mm, HW: 1.91–2.53 mm, EYL: 0.74–0.93 mm, TL: 0.37–0.74 mm, PL: 2.41–3.27 mm, PW: 2.34–3.02 mm, EL: 2.84–3.70 mm, EW: 2.84–3.76 mm. HW / HL: 1.24–1.39, TL / EYL: 0.40–0.80, PL / PW: 1.03–1.08, EL / EW: 0.94–1.02.

Measurements of female: BL: 11.7–16.7 mm, FL: 6.78–9.00 mm. HL: 1.48–1.79 mm, HW: 1.91–2.41 mm, EYL: 0.93 mm, TL: 0.37–0.62 mm, PL: 2.41–3.15 mm, PW: 2.28–2.96 mm, EL: 2.78–3.52 mm, EW: 2.90–3.64 mm. HW / HL: 1.29–1.40, TL / EYL: 0.40–0.67, PL / PW: 0.95–1.06, EL / EW: 0.94–0.97.

Body dark brown, pronotum reddish-brown along the margins, elytra reddish-brown with dark marks, maxillary palpi, labial palpi and mandibles reddish-brown, legs reddish-yellow, except for the trochanters and base of femora blackish, tibial spurs dark brown, tarsomeres more or less dark.

Head 1.24–1.40 times as wide as long, eyes large, tempora 0.40–0.80 times as long as eye; surface with punctation dense and umbilicate; pubescence mostly brownish; antennomeres 1–3 distinctly longer than wide, antennomere 4 slightly shorter than wide, antennomeres 5–10 distinctly transverse, gradually incrassate, segments 4 to 11 covered with dense pubescence; maxillary palpi slender; mandibles relatively slender, inner edge of left mandible with two acute teeth and two teeth on lower plane, inner edge of right mandible with round tooth and acute tooth on upper plane and acute tooth on lower plane.

Pronotum 1.03–1.08 times as long as wide; punctation and pubescence similar to that of head; disc with narrow impunctate midline in posterior one-fifth; scutellum with dense rugulose punctation and black pubescence.

Elytra 0.94–1.02 times as long as wide, punctation fine and dense, pubescence comprised of two types of setae, long setae mostly brownish, short setae mostly whitish.

Abdomen with tergites densely punctate; tergites III – VII each with median golden tomentose patch and a pair of large dark tomentose spots, the lateral portions covered with long brown setae and short white setae, tergite VIII covered with golden pubescence which is distinctly sparse in apical third, tergite VII with apical palisade fringe.

Male. Abdominal sternite VIII with posterior margin emarginate in the middle; aedeagus (Figs 23 View Figures 21–28 , 24 View Figures 21–28 ) asymmetrical, twisted to right side in ventral view; median lobe with broad and round tip; paramere broad, with apical setae, subapical portion with cavity to accommodate apical tooth of the median lobe.


This species is named in honor of Mr Cheng-Lin Zhou who collected many Platydracus specimens.


China (Hainan).











