Owstonia taeniosoma (Kamohara)

Smith-Vaniz, William F. & Johnson, David, 2016, Hidden diversity in deep-water bandfishes: review of Owstonia with descriptions of twenty-one new species (Teleostei: Cepolidae: Owstoniinae), Zootaxa 4187 (1), pp. 1-103 : 88-89

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4187.1.1

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scientific name

Owstonia taeniosoma (Kamohara)


Owstonia taeniosoma (Kamohara) View in CoL

( Figure 78 View FIGURE 78 )

Pseudocepola taeniosoma Kamohara, 1935:136 View in CoL , fig. 4 (original description; off Mimase, near Kôchi Prov., Tosa, Japan; depth 80 fathoms [146 m]); Kamohara, 1961:8 (designation of BSKU 4219 as neotype); Okada and Suzuki, 1956:190, fig. 2 (osteological description); Shiino, 1972:116 (common name Slender jawfish); Machida in Masuda et al., 1984:201, pl. 351-D (brief description, figure after Kamohara 1935); Shin, et al., 1993:436 (brief description); Nakabo, 2002:914 (diagnosis, in pictorial key).

Material examined. 9 specimens, 26‒169 mm SL: Japan CAS 133928 About CAS (1, 126) , CAS 133932 About CAS (1, 89) and CAS 133933 About CAS (1, 149) all from, Kochi Pref. ; Kochi, T. Kamohara, 1937 ; BSKU 57075 View Materials (1, 132), Kochi Pref., Kuroshio Town, Saga fish market, Shikoku Island , 10 Aug. 2001 ; BSKU 71222 View Materials (1, 142), Saga fish market, 17 Jun. 2004 ; BSKU 75249 View Materials (1, 169), Saga fish market, 4 Jul. 2005 . Andaman Sea USNM 344576 About USNM (1, 48 C&S), NE of Similan Islands , 8°77'N, 97°77'E, beam trawl in 0‒82 m, Te Vega cruise 2, sta. 80, 4 Nov. 1963 GoogleMaps . New Caledonia MNHN 2004–2527 About MNHN (1, 26), 20°34'58.8"S, 164°58' 58.8"E, 227–250 m, Exped. BATHUS 1, sta. dw691, 17 Mar. 1993 GoogleMaps . Australia AMS I.33445‒002 (1, 83), New South Wales off Newcastle , 32°53'S, 151°56'E, trawled in 62‒77 m, FRV Kapala, 14 Apr. 1992 GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. A species of Owstonia with LL pattern type 1; dorsal fin III, 25–26; oblique body scale rows in mid-lateral series about 28; total gill rakers 36‒40; body depth at anal-fin origin 14.5–21.9% SL; precaudal vertebrae and pterygiophores anterior to 1st haemal spine 15 and 6 or 7 respectively.

Description. A species of Owstonia with LL pattern type 1, consisting of a simple lateral line that originates from posttemporal sensory canal near anterodorsal margin of gill opening, curves upward and backward then continues posteriorly just below dorsal-fin base to soft rays 21–25. Dorsal fin III, 25–26 (rarely 25); anal fin I, 18– 19 (rarely 19); pectoral fin 16–18; gill rakers 12–14 + 24–26 = 36–40. Vertebrae: precaudal 15, caudal 16–18 (rarely 18), total 31–33 (usually 31); anal-fin pterygiophores anterior to 1st haemal spine 6 or 7 ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 D). Oblique body scale rows in mid-lateral series about 28; nape scaly and cheek scale rows 3. Lower limb margin of preopercle with about 5−6 small to moderate, partially skin-covered spines ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 J). Papillae in slight depression behind tip of premaxillary ascending processes in a posterior row consisting of 3 papillae, middle papilla smallest, and with 1 or 2 smaller papillae anteriorly that do not appear to be arranged in any obvious pattern. Teeth in outer row of each premaxilla 22–38 (22 in 83 mm specimen); no inner teeth anteriorly. Teeth in lateral row of each dentary 14‒30 (14 in 83 mm specimen) and with mid-lateral teeth higher ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 K), like O. fallax ; symphyseal teeth 4−6, very short and peg-like, and with 1‒4 inner teeth anteriorly. Pelvic fin short, not extending posteriorly behind anus. Caudal fin lanceolate. In 6 specimens 83‒169 mm SL, caudal fin 2.5‒2.9 times in SL; head 4.7‒6.5 times in SL; body depth at anal-fin origin 4.6‒6.9 times in SL.

Color pattern in alcohol: Adults with dorsal fin uniformly pale; dark premaxillary stripe variable in length, short and extending only about half of premaxilla to long and extending to near anterior end of premaxilla (in largest, well-preserved specimen [BSKU 75249] the stripe is definitely only half length of premaxilla), and inner membrane covering posterior part of dentary consistently with prominent black stripe. Kamohara (1934) described the life color of Owstonia taeniosoma as: "Dorsal and anal light reddish, with a broad longitudinal yellow band running along the middle of each fin, whitish in margin, anterior part of anal whitish. Pectoral light reddish, ventral pale. Caudal yellowish and bordered with whitish." Unlike most species, iris is bright yellow.

Proportions of 6 specimens 88–169 mm SL, as percentages of SL: predorsal length 15.4–20.1; preanal length 36.9–45.0; dorsal-fin base 70.7–75.4; anal-fin base 40.4–51.1; pelvic-fin length 14.6–16.1; caudal-fin length 34.6– 40.4; body depth at anal-fin origin 14.5–21.9; head length 15.5–21.1; upper jaw length 7.1–9.1; upper jaw depth 4.3–4.5; orbit diameter 5.7–7.8). As percentages of head length: upper jaw length 43.2–51.1); orbit diameter 36.9– 42.4).

Comparisons. Owstonia taenisoma is most likely to be confused with O. elongata but differs (characters of O. taeniosoma in parentheses) in having fewer dorsal-fin spines IV (vs. III), deeper body depth at anal-fin origin 10.8‒14.0% SL (vs. 14.5–21.9%), fewer total gill rakers 41–46 (vs. 36–40), and fewer precaudal vertebrae and anal-fin pterygiophores anterior to 1st haemal spine 16 and 8 respectively (vs. 15 and 6‒7). Owstonia taeniosoma also superficially resembles O. sibogae , O. geminata and O. hastata in having large cheek scales and relatively few oblique body scale rows in mid-lateral series but differs in having fewer dorsal-fin spines, III (vs. IV); the latter two species further differ in having fewer anal-fin soft rays 14 or 16‒17 (vs. 18‒19), and O. hastata has more anal-fin spines II (vs. I).

Etymology. A combination of the Greek taenia (band or ribbon) and soma (body), in reference to the elongate body.

Distribution. ( Fig. 25 View FIGURE 25 ) Known from of Japan, Andaman Sea, and eastern Australia; a relatively shallow-water species trawled between 62‒ 250 m.

Remarks. Kamohara's (1961) neotype designation was considered to be invalid by Eschmeyer et al. (2016) because it was not made in a revisionary work.


California Academy of Sciences


Kochi University


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Owstonia taeniosoma (Kamohara)

Smith-Vaniz, William F. & Johnson, David 2016

Pseudocepola taeniosoma

Nakabo 2002: 914
Shin 1993: 436
Masuda 1984: 201
Shiino 1972: 116
Kamohara 1961: 8
Okada 1956: 190
Kamohara 1935: 136
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