Pipistrellus paterculus Thomas, 1915

Thu, Aye Myat, Lwin, Ye Htet & Quan, Rui-Chang, 2024, Mammals of Myanmar: an annotated checklist, Mammalia (Warsaw, Poland) 88 (3), pp. 147-197 : 176

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1515/mammalia-2023-0098



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Pipistrellus paterculus Thomas, 1915


233. Pipistrellus paterculus Thomas, 1915 View in CoL

Common name: Mount Popa Pipistrelle

Myanmar name:

Distribution: China, India, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. In Myanmar, recorded in Mandalay Region (Hintha Cave, Mount Popa, and Pyin Oo Lwin), Kayin State (Yathay Pyan Cave), Kachin State (Nam Tisang Valley, Sumka Uma, Sumprabum, Ningma and Indawagyi Lake), Sagaing Region (Tatkon, Homalin, Hkamti, Htamanthi, and Kyaukmyaung), Shan State (Pyaunggaung), Bago Region and Mon State ( Bates et al. 2005; Nyo 2005).

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