Dacrymyces naematelioides Y. H. Ma, W. M. Chen & Y. C. Zhao, 2024

Ma, Yuan-Hao, Liu, Ping, Chai, Hong-Mei, Zeng, Min, Guo, Yi-Yun, Chen, Wei-Min & Zhao, Yong-Chang, 2024, Campanophyllum microsporum (Agaricales, Agaricomycetes), Calocera multiramosa, and Dacrymyces naematelioides (Dacrymycetales, Dacrymycetes), three new species from Yunnan Province, southwestern China, MycoKeys 107, pp. 327-350 : 327-350

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/mycokeys.107.125571



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MycoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Dacrymyces naematelioides Y. H. Ma, W. M. Chen & Y. C. Zhao

sp. nov.

Dacrymyces naematelioides Y. H. Ma, W. M. Chen & Y. C. Zhao sp. nov.

Figs 9 View Figure 9 , 10 View Figure 10 , 11 View Figure 11


Dacrymyces naematelioides differs from other species of the genus by stipitate and cerebriform basidiomata, smooth or roughened, simple or branched, septate marginal hyphae (3.0–8.5 µm), smooth or roughened, thin-walled, branched, and septate internal hyphae (2.3–11.0 µm), cylindrical to clavate, smooth or roughened basidia (38.5–79.5 × 6.5–10.6 µm), broadly elliptic-fusiform, 7 - septate mature basidiospores (18.5–28.6 × 8.9–13.8 µm), the absence of clamp connections, occurrence in a deciduous forest, and fasciculate, gregarious, or scattered habit on rotten wood.


China. Yunnan Province: Jianchuan County, Laojunshan Town (26 ° 35.86 ' N, 99 ° 40.46 ' E, elev. 3100 m), 21 September 2023, Yuan-Hao Ma, Min Zeng & Wei-min Chen (Holotype: HKAS 133174!).


The epithet “ naematelioides ” refers to the similarity of the new species in terms of macromorphological features to Naematelia aurantialba .


Basidiomata stipitate, fasciculate and conspicuous, gregarious or scattered, gelatinous when fresh, cerebriform, 2.5–4.5 cm high, surface smooth, orange to light brown (6 A 8, 6 D 7–8), occasionally colorless, stipe flat cylindrical, usually with white hairs. Marginal hyphae on sterile surfaces of basidiocarps cylindrical, simple or branched, smooth or roughened, straight or flexuous, septate, thick-walled, hyaline, 3.0–8.5 µm in diameter. Internal hyphae branched, septate, thin-walled, hyaline, smooth or roughened, 2.3–11.0 µm in diameter. Hymenium limited to the upper surface of the basidoma, amphigenous, composed of basidia and simple cylindrical hyphidia; hyphidia hyaline or pale yellow, smooth, thin-walled. Subhymenial hyphae, smooth or roughened, thin- to thick-walled, 2.5–5.3 µm in diameter. Basidia cylindrical to clavate, smooth or roughened, pale yellow, thin-walled, becoming bifurcate, (30.0 –) 38.5–79.5 (– 83.5) × (5.5 –) 6.5–10.6 (– 11.1) µm, L m = 60.2 µm, W m = 8.3 µm. Basidiospores [95 / 5 / 1], broadly and elliptic-fusiform, with a small apiculum at the base, thin-walled, pale yellow, with oil drops when young, (16.5 –) 18.5–28.5 (– 29.5) × (8.7 –) 8.9–13.8 (– 14.6) µm, L m = 23.9 µm, W m = 11.0 µm, Q = (1.5 –) 1.8–2.4 (– 2.5), Q m = 2.2, usually 7 – septate, rarely 3 – or 4 – septate at maturity. Germination not observed. Clamp connections absent in all tissues of the basidiomata.

Habitat and distribution.

Fasciculate, gregarious, or scattered habit on rotten wood, and occurrence in a deciduous forest; known from Yunnan, China.


Dacrymyces naematelioides resembles D. chrysospermus and D. dictyosporus in shape and size of basidiomata. Microscopically, D. chrysospermus differs from D. naematelioides by narrower basidia (4–6.5 µm vs. 6.5–10.6 µm in width) and smaller basidiospores (16.5–23 × 5–7.5 µm vs. 18.5–28.6 × 8.9–13.8 µm), and D. dictyosporus differs by smooth basidia and thick-walled basidiospores ( Martin et al. 1958; McNabb 1973).


Cryptogamic Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany