Acalypha pervilleana Baill.

Muñoz, Iris Montero, Levin, Geoffrey A. & Cardiel, José María, 2023, Monograph of Acalypha L. (Euphorbiaceae) of the Western Indian Ocean Region, with the description of a new species from Mayotte, Adansonia (3) 45 (26), pp. 395-496 : 468-470

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scientific name

Acalypha pervilleana Baill.


39. Acalypha pervilleana Baill. View in CoL

Adansonia, recueil View in CoL d’observations botaniques 1: 273 ( Baillon 1861).— Acalypha reticulata var. pervilleana (Baill.) Müll.Arg. View in CoL , Linnaea View in CoL 34: 32 ( Müller Argoviensis 1865). — Acalypha filiformis var. pervilleana (Baill.) Govaerts, World View in CoL Checklist and Bibliography of Euphorbiaceae View in CoL (and Pandaceae) 62 ( Govaerts et al. 2000). — Type: Madagascar. Prov. Antsiranana, Nossibé, 1840, M. Richard 384 (lecto-, designated by Montero Muñoz et al. [2018a: 106]: P[P00536745]; isolecto-, P[P05604474]). — Former syntypes: Madagascar. Prov. Antsiranana, Nossibé, M. Pervillé 368 (P[P00536746, P00536747]). Acalypha humblotiana Baill., Histoire View in CoL physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar, Atlas , 2, fasc. 27: t. 196 ( Baillon 1891). — Acalypha reticulata var. urophylla f. humblotiana (Baill.) Leandri, Notulae View in CoL Systematicae. Herbier du Muséum de Paris. Phanérogramie. Paris 10: 262 ( Leandri 1942). — Type: Comoros. Grande Comore, 14.XI.1885, L. Humblot 1461 (lecto-, designated by Montero Muñoz et al. [2018a: 106]: P[P00196295]; isolecto-, P[P02712292, P00196296]). Acalypha paxii Aug.D.C. , Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier 2, 1: 567

( De Candolle 1901). — Acalypha urophylla Pax, Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. Leipzig 19: 96 ( Pax 1894) nom. illeg., non A. urophylla Boivin ex Baill. ( Baillon 1861). — Acalypha reticulata var. urophylloides Pax & K.Hoffm., Das Pflanzenreich (Engler) 147, 16 (Heft 85): 105 ( Pax & Hoffmann 1924). — Acalypha filiformis var. urophylloides (Pax & K.Hoffm.) Govaerts, World Checklist and Bibliography of Euphorbiaceae (and Pandaceae ) 63 ( Govaerts et al. 2000). — Type: Madagascar. Prov. Antsiranana, Nossibé, nordwest, II.1880, J. M. Hildebrandt 3356 (holo-, B or WRSL, presumably destroyed; lecto-, designated by Montero Muñoz et al. [2018a: 105]: BREM[BREM0001784]; isolecto-, JE[JE00004293, JE00004294], K[K000186531], M[M0110600], P[P00536741, P00536742, P00536743]), syn. nov. ICONOGRAPHY. — Baillon (1891: t. 190); Figs 65B, C View FIG ; 69B. ETYMOLOGY View FIG . — The epithet honors French botanist Auguste Pervillé (– c. 1868), who collected in WIOR in 1837-1841. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. — Madagascar (Diana, Sava and Analanjirofo) and the Comoros Archipelago (Grande Comore, Anjouan, Moheli, and Mayotte). In Madagascar: medium altitude moist evergreen forest, lowland evergreen moist forest, and riparian forest; on basalt and basement rocks; altitudinal range (10-) 95- 1250(-1600) m. In the Comoros Archipelago: medium and lowland altitude moist evergreen forest and secondary forest. Altitudinal range 400-1700 m ( Fig. 60 View FIG ). PRELIMINARY CONSERVATION ASSESSMENT. — Acalypha pervilleana is known from Madagascar and the Comoros. In the Comoros, its EOO is estimated to be 9 851 km 2 and its AOO 80 km 2, which is less than the 500 km 2 threshold of the B2 subcriterion of the Endangered category (see assessment of A. chibomboa in Comoros). In Madagascar, its EOO is estimated to be 29562.918 km 2 and its AOO 52 km 2. This species grows mainly in moist evergreen forests (see assessment of A. emirnensis ). It has been collected in some protected areas, but it is also known from several unprotected forests subject to various threats (uncontrolled fires mainly for rice crops, logging, mining, etc.). We predict that ongoing habitat loss will cause continued decline of its EOO and AOO. Throughout its range, A. pervilleana is assessed as Near Threatened (NT) under criterion B. It meets the AOO values needed for a threatened category, but the number of locations is too high to meet the conditions required for a listing under the Endangered category.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — 50 collections. Comoros Archipelago. Barthelat, F. 678 (B, G, K, MAO, MO[MO-2965832], P[P00273172]), 940 (P[P00290397]), 1363 (G, K, MAO, MO[MO-2966196], P[P00631026]), 1364 ( MO [MO-2966199], P[P00631027]), 1438 ( MAO, MO[MO-2966198], P[P00631098]); Bernardi, L. 11643 (G, L[L0160780], P[P00196502], US[US01295513]); Bidault, E. 105 (G, MAO, MO, P[P00852605]); Boiteau, P. 2576 (P[P04804506]); Charahabil, M. 43 (P[P00577880]); D’Arcy, W.G. 17576 (G, MO[MO-2965852], P[P05510100]); Doutrelepont, H. 1238 ( BR [BR0000016205239]); Ducatillion, C. 425 (P[P00196230, P00196231]); Floret, J.J. 682 (P[P00196232, P00196233]), 1251 (P[P00196126, P00196127]); Hoffmann, P. 417 ( MO [MO-2965874], P[P00538303]); Humblot, L. 243 (K), 1243 (P[P00196292, P00196293, P00196294]), 1461 (P[P00196296, P00196295, P02712292]); Jacquemin, H. 854-J (P[P04804493, P04804494]); Kirk 12178 (K); Labat, J.-N. 3156 ( CNDRS, G, K, MO[MO-2965823], P[P00184026]), 3259 (G[G00034244], K, MAO, MO[MO-2966218], P[P00209710]), 3260 (G, K, MAO, MO[MO-2965833], P[P00209711]), 3793 ( CNDRS, K, MO[MO-2966275], P[P00527421]); Loup, C. 441 (P[P00852810]); Malaisse, F. 419 ( BR [BR0000014293498]); Pascal, O. 682 (K, MO[MO-2965837], P[P00144573], WAG[WAG.1196540]); Pignal, M. 3387 ( CNDRS, K, P[P00684806]); Rakotozafy, A. 1130 (P[P00334971]); Service Forestier Madagascar 16656-SF (P[P00334972]), 21723-SF (P[P00334974]).

Madagascar. Acevedo-Rodriguez, P. 14549 ( US [US 01111531]); Adamainty, J.F.3 ( MAUAM, MO, TAN); Ammann, M.Y. MYA 186 (G, K, P[P04786269]); Baron, R. 6223 (K, P[P04804516]); Desvaux, A.N. 599 (P[P04804509]); Gillespie, L. 10647 ( MO), 10649 ( MO); 10722 ( CAN); Hildebrandt, J.M. 3356 ( BREM [BREM_0001784], G[G00034249], JE[JE00004293, JE00004294], K[K000186531], L[L0242107], M[M0110600], P[P00536741, P00536742, P00536743]); Malcomber, S. 2463 (P[P04804705]); Mocquerys, A. 159 (G[G00034248]); Pervillé, A. 368 (P[P00536746, P00536747]); Ravelonarivo, D. 2113 ( MAUAM, MO[MO-2966285], P[P05604427]); Razafimandimbison, S. 2605 (S[S19-24955]); Razafitsalama, L. J. 1063 (G[G00420833], K, P[P05482500]); Razakamalala, R. 3033 (G, MO[MO-3025024], P[P05604425]); Richard, M. 282 (P[P04804510]), 384 (P[P00536745, P05604474]). REFERENCES. — Müller Argoviensis (1866: 852) as A. reticulata var. pervilleana ; Müller Argoviensis (1866: 852) as A. reticulata var. pervilleana ; Müller Argoviensis (1882: 26) as A. reticulata var. urophylla ; Baillon (1892: 1004) as A. pervilleana ; Baillon (1895b: 1197) as A. humblotiana ; Palacký (1907: 25, 26); Pax & Hoffmann (1924: 105, 112) as Acalypha reticulata var. urophylloides and A. reticulata var. pervilleana ; Leandri (1942: 258, 260) as A. reticulata var. pervilleana ; Govaerts et al. (2000: 62, 63, 75, 104 105, 107); Montero Muñoz et al. (2018a: 105).


Shrubs, leaf persistence unknown, to 4 m tall, monoecious. Branches pubescent with simple, erect trichomes to 1 mm long and simple, short, curved trichomes, glabrescent when mature. Axillary buds ovoid, to 1 × 0.7 mm, perulate, perules 2, valvate, membranous, dark brown, sparsely hairy, margin with some sessile glands. Stipules to 10 mm long, linear-lanceolate, hispid with simple, erect trichomes to 1 mm long. Petioles (1-) 1.5-5.5 cm long, indumentum similar to that on young branches, glabrescent. Leaf blades 7-16(-22) × (1-)2-3(-5.5) cm, ovate-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, subchartaceous; base rounded to obtuse; apex acuminate to caudate, acumen to 40 mm long, acute, mucronate; margin serrate, teeth obtuse to apiculate, slightly callose-edged; upper surface laxly pubescent with simple, erect trichomes, and with simple, short, curved trichomes on veins, glabrescent; lower surface indumentum similar to that on upper surface but denser; venation actinodromous, basal veins 3, secondary veins 6-10 per side. Stipels absent. Inflorescences spiciform,androgynous, male, and solitary female bracts, mainly axillary, some androgynous inflorescences terminal. Androgynous inflorescences to 10 cm long, mostly male with short female segment; sessile; rachis indumentum similar to that on petioles. Female segment to 2 cm long; bracts 1-5 sessile, enlarging in fruit to (6-)10 × (8-) 12 mm (sometimes 20 × 22 mm), triangular to elliptic, chartaceous, appressed-pubescent with simple, short, appressed trichomes mainly on veins and some simple trichomes to 1 mm long, sometimes with minute glandular trichomes that are deciduous when bract matures; margin dentate, teeth 7-9, triangular, central tooth usually prominent; bracteoles absent. Male segment persistent, to 8 cm long; flowers glomerate; bracts to 1.2 mm long, ovate-triangular, ciliate, with rigid trichomes to 0.5 mm long. Male inflorescences to 7.5 cm long; peduncle to 1 mm long, pubescent with simple, short, erect trichomes. Solitary female bracts sessile, similar to those of androgynous inflorescences. Male flowers: pedicel to 0.5 mm long, sparsely hairy; buds to 0.5 mm diameter, sparsely hairy, papillose. Female flowers 1 per bract, sessile; sepals 3, to 0.8 mm long, triangular, ciliate with simple, erect trichomes; ovary c. 1 mm diameter, 3-lobed, papillose, papillae minute, surface hispid with simple, erect trichomes to 2 mm long; styles 3, to 7 mm long, distinct, sparsely hairy, each divided into 10-14 segments. Allomorphic flowers sometimes present, axillary; pedicel filiform, to 20 mm long, sparsely hairy; sepals 3, similar to those of normal flowers; ovary 1-lobed, to 4 mm diameter, pubescent with simple, short trichomes, distally fimbriate; style 1, to 5 mm long, sparsely hairy. Capsules to 3.5 mm diameter, papillose-hispid, papillae acute, to 0.8 mm, ending in erect trichome to 1 mm long, surface sparsely hairy with simple, short trichomes. Seeds c. 1 × 0.7 mm, pyriform, foveolate.


1) We previously proposed Acalypha paxii Aug.D.C. as the accepted name for this species ( Montero Muñoz et al. 2018a), but applying the rule of priority, the accepted name must be A. pervilleana Baill. , with A. paxii placed in synonymy. We consider A. pervilleana to be a distinct species, despite having been considered a synonym of A. reticulata (treated here as A. filiformis ). Acalypha pervilleana can be differentiated from A. filiformis by its sessile, dentate female bracts with a prominent central tooth vs pedicellate, crenate to subentire female bracts in A. filiformis (see notes in A. filiformis ). Acalypha pervilleana can be distinguished from A. urophylla , which has also been placed within A. reticulata , mainly by its leaves with usually caudate apices and its dentate female bracts with a prominent central tooth and eglandular margins, vs leaves with usually acuminate apices and dentate female bracts without a prominent central tooth and with small sessile glands at the margins. See notes under A. gracilipes Baill. for the differences between A. pervilleana and that species; 2) Acalypha humblotiana was first illustrated, without description, in Baillon (1891), but this illustration is inconsistent with his ( Baillon 1895b) later description and with the specimen on which the description presumably was based (L. Humblot 1461); and 3) although Richard 384 [P00536745] and 385 [P04779454] have labels giving the locality as “Bourbon”, now La Réunion, these are not Richard’s original labels and the species is otherwise unknown from the Mascarene Islands. We have no evidence that it occurs there.


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Acalypha pervilleana Baill.

Muñoz, Iris Montero, Levin, Geoffrey A. & Cardiel, José María 2023

Acalypha reticulata var. pervilleana (Baill.) Müll.Arg.

Arg. 1865: 32
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