Acalypha spachiana Baill.

Muñoz, Iris Montero, Levin, Geoffrey A. & Cardiel, José María, 2023, Monograph of Acalypha L. (Euphorbiaceae) of the Western Indian Ocean Region, with the description of a new species from Mayotte, Adansonia (3) 45 (26), pp. 395-496 : 476-478

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scientific name

Acalypha spachiana Baill.


45. Acalypha spachiana Baill. View in CoL

Adansonia, recueil View in CoL d’observations botaniques 1: 272 ( Baillon 1861).— Acalypha spachiana var. latifolia Baill. View in CoL , Adansonia, recueil View in CoL d’observations botaniques 1: 272 ( Baillon 1861). — Type: Madagascar. Prov. Antsiranana, Baies de Rigny et de Diego-Suarès, 1848, L. H. Boivin 2654 (lecto-, designated by Montero Muñoz et al. [2018a: 109]: P[P00536733]; isolecto-, G[G00034251], GDC[G00324359], P[P00536734]).

Acalypha spachiana var. acutifolia Baill. View in CoL , Adansonia, recueil View in CoL d’observations botaniques 1: 272 ( Baillon 1861). — Type : Madagascar. Prov. Antananarivo, Antananarivo, 12.II.1840, J. P. Goudot s.n. (holo-, G[G00383582]).

Acalypha spachiana var. minor Baill. , Adansonia, recueil d’observations botaniques 1: 272 ( Baillon 1861). — Type: Madagascar. s.l., s.d., W. Bojer s.n. (holo-, P[P00536735]; iso-, TUB[TUB002081, TUB002082]).

Acalypha buchenavii Müll.Arg., Abhandlungen View in CoL herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen. Bremen 7: 27 ( Müller Argoviensis 1882). — Type: Madagascar. Prov. Antananarivo, Antananarivo, 18.XII.1877, D.C. Rutenberg s.n. (lecto- [probably holotype], designated by Montero Muñoz et al. [2018a: 110]: BRNU[BRNU347926]).

Acalypha squarrosa Pax, Botanische Jahrbücher View in CoL für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. Leipzig 19: 97 ( Pax 1894). — Type: Madagascar. Prov. Antananarivo, Antsirabe, “Sírabé”, VIII.1880, J. M. Hildebrandt 3560 (holo-, B or WRSL, presumably destroyed; lecto-, designated by Montero Muñoz et al. [2018a: 110]: JE[JE00004308]; isolecto-, JE[JE00004309], K[K000186510], P[P00536732]).

Tragia saxatilis Bojer ex Pax & K.Hoffm., Das Pflanzenreich (Engler) View in CoL 147, 16 (Heft 85): 33 ( Pax & Hoffmann 1924), nom. nud.

ICONOGRAPHY. — Leandri (1942: 257, 276); Figs 69F View FIG ; 73A. View FIG

ETYMOLOGY. — The epithet honors French botanist Édouard Spach (1801-1879).

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. — Endemic to Madagascar (Diana, Sava, Sofia, Alaotra-Mangoro, Analamanga, Vakinankaratra, Haute Matsiatra, and Anosy). Lowland evergreen moist forest, moist semi-deciduous forest, dry deciduous forest, riparian forest, and secondary forest. On Mesozoic limestone, sandstone, and basement rocks. Altitudinal range (30-) 100-1600 (-1900) m ( Fig. 67 View FIG ).

PRELIMINARY CONSERVATION ASSESSMENT. — The EOO of Acalypha spachiana is estimated to be 298 644 km 2 and its AOO 172 km 2, which is less than the 500 km 2 threshold of the B2 subcriterion of the Endangered category. This species grows in evergreen moist forests (see assessment of A. emirnensis ) and dry deciduous forests (see assessment of A. diminuta ). Acalypha spachiana has been collected in some protected areas, but it is also known from several unprotected forests subject to various threats. We predict ongoing habitat loss will cause continued decline of its EOO and AOO. Acalypha spachiana is assessed as Near Threatened (NT) under criterion B. It meets the AOO values needed for a threatened category, but the number of locations is too high to meet the conditions required for a listing under the Endangered category.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — 85 collections. Madagascar. Anonymous 1240 (P[P05547038]); Anonymous 1274 (P[P05547030]); Anonymous 3891 (P[P04779550]); Anonymous 3911 (P[P04779547]); Anonymous 3927 (P[P04779548]); Anonymous 5455 (P[P05547040]); Anonymous 5731 (P[P05547028]); Anonymous s.n. (P[P04779552]); Anonymous s.n. (P[P04779555]); Baron, R. 574 (P[P04779833]), 4067 (K[K000384479]), 4426 (P[P04779542, P04779543]), 5103 (K[K000384478], P[P04779801]); Be, J. 168 (P[P05481878]); Benoist, M.R. 177 (P[P04779544]), 196 (P[P04779800]); Blackburn, J. 106 (46?) (K[K000384482]); Boivin, L.H. 2654 (G[G00034251, G00324359], P[P00536733, P00536734]); Bojer, W. s.n. (P[P00536735], TUB[TUB002081, TUB002082]); Bosser, M.J. 235 (P[P04779810]), 2792 (P[P04779805]), 9895 (P[P05547256]); Campenon, R.P. s.n. (P[P04779796]); Cours, G. 399 (P[P04779541]), 428 (P[P04779540]), 478 (P[P05547261]), 1820 (P[P00324542]), 1968 (P[P05547183]); Croat,T.B.28526 (P[P04779836]); d’Alleizette, Ch. s.n. (L[L0242170]); Decary, R. 553 (P[P04779837]), 5972 (P[P04779538]), 6032 (P[P04779839]), 6055 (P[P04779534]), 6197 (P[P05547185]); Foury, C. s.n. (P[P05481886]); Gautier, L. LG 4904 (G[G369044/1], P[P05547021]), LG 5076 (G[G00170072], P[P05543673]), LG 5214 (G[G00170081], P[P05543675]); Gillespie, L. 10856 ( MO); Goudot, J. s.n. (G[G00383582]); Herb. d’Alleizette 324 (P[P04779828]); Hildebrandt, J.M. 3560 ( JE [JE00004308, JE00004309], K[K000186510], P[P00536732]); Homolle, A.M. 179 (P[P05547029]), 1968 (P[P04779866]); Humbert , H. 2180 (P[P05481895]), 11698 (P[P04779532, P04779535]), 18593 (P[P04779553]), 18954 (P[P04779556, P04779557, P04779558]), 19741 (P[P05547258]), 19791 (P[P05547257]), 32613 (P[P05547058]), 32721 (G, P[P05547273]); Jacquemin, H. s.n. (P[P04779554]); Jard.Bot.Tananarive 5739 (P[P00324569]); Jongkind, C.C.H. 3309 ( BR [BR0000005555499], K, TAN, WAG[WAG.1578524, WAG.1578525]); Le Myre de Villers, M. s.n. (P[P04779798]), s.n. (P[P04779830]), s.n. (P[P05547180]); Leandri, J. 3482 (P[P05547262]), 3582 (P[P05547037]), 3890 (P[P05547036]); Maître 83 (P[P05547024]); Manjato, N. 67 (P[P05510106]); Morat, P. 1431 (P[P05547023, P05547025, P05547026, P05547027]); Nusbaumer, L. LN 1817 (G[G00090193], P[P05547260]), LN 1843 (G[G00090216], P[P05547259]); Parker, W.G. s.n. (K[K000384483]); Peltier, J. 1645 (P[P05547032]); Perrier de la Bâthie, H. 9599 (P[P00324503]), 9859 (P[P05547182]); Rakotondranony 5 (K[K000384476]); Ramandimbimanana, S.D. SDR 150 (G[G00376942]), 328 (G[G00377119]); Razafindrakoto 12569-RN (P[P04779533]); Razafitsalama, L. J.776 (G[G00382426], P[P04779545]); Rotereau, L. s.n. (P[P05510095]); Rutenberg, C. s.n. (G[G00190632]), s.n. ( BRNU [BRNU347926]); Schlieben, H.J. 8156 (B, G[G00420848]); Scott-Elliot, G.F. 2042 (P[P04779530, P04779531]); Seyrig, A. 52 (P[P05547033]); Waterlot, M. s.n. (P[P05547031]).

REFERENCES. — Müller Argoviensis (1866: 827); Müller Argoviensis (1882: 27) as A. buchenavii View in CoL ; Baillon (1892: 1003); Baillon (1895b: 1199) as A. buchenavii View in CoL ; Palacký (1907: 26); Pax & Hoffmann (1924: 33); Pax & Hoffmann (1924: 33) as A. squarrosa View in CoL ; Leandri (1942: 255, 257); Jenkins (1987: 347); Jenkins (1990: 408, 433); Govaerts et al. (2000: 89, 96); Govaerts et al. (2000: 89) as A. squarrosa View in CoL ; Sagun et al. (2006: 124); Seebaluck et al. (2015: 153); Montero Muñoz et al. (2018a: 109).


Shrubs, deciduous, to 3 m tall, monoecious. Branches pubescent with simple, curved, retrorse trichomes, glabrescent when mature. Axillary buds ovoid, to 3 × 2 mm, perulate, perules 4, overlapping (superposed), membranous, brownish, glabrous. Stipules to 5 mm long, linear-lanceolate, midrib prominent, sparsely hairy with simple, appressed trichomes on midrib. Petioles (0.5-)1.5-2(-4) cm long, indumentum similar to that on young branches. Leaf blades 2-6(-13) × 1.3-4(-7) cm, usually ovate-lanceolate, sometimes elliptic-lanceolate to obovate-lanceolate, membranous; base rounded to subcordate; apex acute to acuminate, acumen to 10 mm long, rounded to subacute, mucronate; margin serrate, teeth rounded to acute, callose-edged; upper and lower surfaces sparsely hairy with simple, short, erect trichomes, and with simple, curved trichomes on veins; venation actinodromous, basal veins 5, secondary veins 4-5 per side. Stipels glandular, to 0.5 mm long, sparsely hairy. Inflorescences spiciform, androgynous, terminal, to 6 cm long, mostly female with short male segment (sometimes appearing female due to male segment falling); peduncle to 10 mm long, indumentum similar to that on young branches. Male segment deciduous, to 1.5 cm long; flowers glomerate; bracts to 1 mm long, triangular, ciliate. Female segment to 4.5 cm long; bracts c. 18, sessile, enlarging in fruit to 6 × 9 mm, reniform, pubescent with simple, short trichomes and glandular trichomes to 1 mm long; margin dentate, teeth 11-14, usually triangular, sometimes rounded, central tooth not prominent; bracteoles absent. Male flowers: pedicel to 1 mm long, sparsely hairy; buds to 1 mm diameter, sparsely hairy. Female flowers 1 per bract, sessile; sepals 3, to 0.5 mm long, triangular, sparsely hairy; ovary c. 1 mm diameter, 3-lobed, muricate, surface hispid with simple trichomes to 1.5 mm long; styles 3, to 3 mm long, distinct, sparsely hairy on rachis, each divided into 8-10 segments. Allomorphic flowers sometimes present, axillary; pedicel filiform, to 3 mm long, puberulent with simple, short, curved, antrorse trichomes; sepals 3, to 0.5 mm long, lanceolate, sparsely hairy; ovary 2-lobed, to 1 mm diameter, papillose-hispid; styles 2, to 2 mm long, glabrous. Capsules to 2.3 mm diameter, papillose, papillae rounded, minute, surface pubescent with appressed, hyaline trichomes. Seeds c. 1.8 × 1.2 mm, pyriform, foveolate.


The holotype of Acalypha buchenavii should be at BREM, but Rutenberg’s specimens arrived at BRNU herbarium after World War II. Originally in the Überseemuseum in Bremen ( BREM), they were transferred to northern Moravia (Czechia was at that time a Protectorate of Nazi Germany) to save them from potential destruction by bombardment. After the collapse of the Nazi regime, these collections were confiscated as “German property” and sent to BRNU.


Missouri Botanical Garden


Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Masaryk University


Übersee-Museum Bremen














Acalypha spachiana Baill.

Muñoz, Iris Montero, Levin, Geoffrey A. & Cardiel, José María 2023

Acalypha squarrosa Pax, Botanische Jahrbücher

Pax 1894: 97
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF