Diestramima tibetensis, Qin, Yanyan, Wang, Hanqiang, Liu, Xianwei & Li, Kai, 2016

Qin, Yanyan, Wang, Hanqiang, Liu, Xianwei & Li, Kai, 2016, A taxonomic study on the species of the genus Diestramima Storozhenko (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae; Aemodogryllinae), Zootaxa 4126 (4), pp. 514-532 : 519-520

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scientific name

Diestramima tibetensis

sp. nov.

4. Diestramima tibetensis View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 11–14 View FIGURES 11 – 14 )

http://lsid.speciesfile.org/urn:lsid: Orthoptera .speciesfile.org:TaxonName:477204

Description. Male. Body intermediate sized. Head with fastigium of vertex divided into two conical tubercles. Legs long and slender; fore femora about 2.2 times as long as the pronotum, beneath unarmed, internal knee lobe without spines, genicular lobe with 1 long movable spur; fore tibia beneath with 2 external and 2 internal spurs, between the paired apical spurs with a short spur. Mid femora with a long movable spur on the internal and genicular lobe; mid tibia beneath with 2 external and 2 internal spurs, between the paired apical spurs with a short spur. Hind femora beneath with 5–6 inter spines and without outer spines; hind tibia above with 24–31 outer spines and 24–27 inter spines, inner subapical spur of hind tibia longer than hind metatarsus. Hind metatarsus with 2 dorsal spines. Apex of paraproct blunt and curved upwards ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 11 – 14 ). Process of 7th abdominal tergite with a distinct incision ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 11 – 14 ). Male genitalia with a distinct notch at the apex of dorso-median lobe and lateral lobes quite long ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 11 – 14 ).

Female. Subgenital plate nearly triangular, both sides of basal part prominent and apex blunt ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 11 – 14 ). Ovipositor longer than the half of hind femora.

Coloration. Body brown with dark black marks. Face light with 4 darkish longitudinal bands and 2 dark spots near clypeal suture. Back of thorax with 1 light midline. Legs light with dark marks.

Measurements. (length in mm) Body Ƌ15.0, ♀14.0; pronotum Ƌ5.0, ♀5.0; fore femora Ƌ11.0, ♀12.0; hind femora Ƌ20.0, ♀20.0; hind tibia Ƌ23.0, ♀24.0; ovipositor 16.0.

Material examined. Holotype, 1♂, Bomi, Tibet, alt. 2080m, 2010. VII.14, collected by Bi Wen-Xuan et al.; paratype, 1♀, Hanmi, Tibet, alt. 2100m, 2011. VII.23–VIII.7, collected by Bi Wen-Xuan.

Distribution. China (Tibet).

Discussion. This new species is similar to D. propria Gorochov, 2015 , but differs as follows: process of male 7th abdominal tergite rather high, apex of male paraproct curved upwards.















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