Katacephala wineriterae Burckhardt and Halbert, 2020

Halbert, Susan E. & Burckhardt, Daniel, 2020, The psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) of Florida: newly established and rarely collected taxa and checklist, Insecta Mundi 2020 (788), pp. 1-88 : 34-39

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scientific name

Katacephala wineriterae Burckhardt and Halbert

sp. nov.

Katacephala wineriterae Burckhardt and Halbert , new species

LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:2454C96B-5D17-4162-A3BB-296F5C0DC216

( Fig. 102–121 View Figures 102–111 View Figures 112–114 View Figures 115–121 )

Materials examined. Holotype ♂: USA: Florida: Alachua County : Gainesville, Division of Plant Industry, 3.viii.2004, Calyptranthes pallens , laboratory colony (S. Wineriter) ( FSCA, dry mounted). – Paratypes. USA:

Florida: Alachua County : 90 ♂, 38 ♀, same data as holotype ( FSCA, NHMB, dry and slide mounted) ; 6 ♂, 6 ♀, same but 31.iii.2004 (D. Burckhardt) #16(1) ( BMNH, MHNG, NHMB, USNM, dry mounted). Broward County: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Fort Lauderdale , 28.v.2003, Calyptranthes pallens (K. Tonkel) ( FSCA # E2003-2021 View Materials - 201 View Materials ) ( NHMB, dry mounted) ; 1 immature, same but 15.vii.2003, Calyptranthes pallens (R. Johnson) ( FSCA # E2003-4102 View Materials ) ( FSCA, slide mounted): Monroe County: 1 ♂, Sugarloaf Key, SE 1/4 S23, 29.viii–14.xii.1986, malaise-FIT, hammock (S. & J. Peck) #86-81 ( MHNG, dry mounted) .

Description. Adult ( Fig. 102, 103 View Figures 102–111 ). Coloration. General body color green or yellow to ochreous. Vertex with brown foveae. Antennal segments 3–8 with dark brown apices, segments 9 and 10 dark brown to almost black. Mesonotum with indistinct brown longitudinal stripes; metapostnotum with dark brown spot. Femora with one or two brown dots or small patches. Forewing membrane yellowish with indistinct brown, transverse band apically and, distal to brown band, with indistinct transverse white band; veins yellow except for fore margin which is whitish; apices of veins with dark dot, and parallel to these with dark dots on the veins following the inner margin of the dark transverse band; with several dark dots on anal vein. Abdominal spiracles brown. Younger specimens with less extended dark pattern. – Structure. Head weakly inclined from longitudinal body axis (45°) ( Fig. 102 View Figures 102–111 ), slightly wider than mesonotum in dorsal view ( Fig. 103 View Figures 102–111 ). Head ( Fig. 107 View Figures 102–111 ) with vertex subrectangular, 1.1 times as wide as long (including anterior lobes), covered in long setae, forming large, anteriorly broadly rounded, anterior lobes that lie in the same plane as vertex; coronal suture fully developed; compound eyes semicircular, slightly flattened laterally; median ocellus visible only in dorsal view, completely enclosed by lobes of vertex; toruli in front of compound eyes; frons on ventral side of head, large, triangular. Antenna 1.4–1.7 times as long as head width; antennal segment 3 longest segment; relative length ratios of segment 10: shorter terminal seta: longer terminal seta as 1.0: 0.9: 1.6 ( Fig. 108 View Figures 102–111 ). Clypeus small, pear-shaped, rostrum 0.3 times as long as head width. Metatibia 0.5–0.6 times as long as head width; with a slightly irregularly spaced crown of 6 metatibial spurs. Forewing ( Fig. 104, 105 View Figures 102–111 ) 2.5–2.8 times as long as head width, 2.1–2.3 times as long as wide, subrhomboidal; costal break ill-defined, pterostigma short and narrow, anal break near apex of vein Cu 1b; veins clothed in long setae that are about as long as distance between them, C+Sc slender, strongly curved in apical third, R about 5 times as long as M+Cu, Rs very weakly undulate, not upturned at apex, M curved, longer than its branches, Cu much shorter than its branches, Cu curved in basal half; cell m 1 about half as big as cu 2. Surface spinules ( Fig. 105, 106 View Figures 102–111 ) present in all cells, leaving spinule-free stripes along veins; forming irregular transverse rows except for band along apical wing margin where they are irregularly, densely spaced. Hindwing slightly shorter than forewing, membranous; costal setae ungrouped. Male terminalia ( Fig. 109 View Figures 102–111 , 112–114 View Figures 112–114 ) with proctiger 0.3 times as long as head width with broadly quadrate posterior lobe. Paramere longer than proctiger, in profile, digitiform, slightly curved posteriad, inner face beset with long hairs in apical two thirds, apex forming backward directed sclerotized tooth. Distal segment of aedeagus slightly longer than proctiger, shorter than paramere, with small bulbous apical dilatation; sclerotized end tube of ductus ejaculatorius short, weakly sinuous. Female terminalia ( Fig. 110–111 View Figures 102–111 ) cuneate. Proctiger 1.0 times as long as head width, with two submedian longitudinal rows of long hairs in apical half; dorsal margin almost straight, apex subacute. Circumanal ring oval, 0.3 times as long as proctiger; consisting of two unequal rows of pores. Subgenital plate 0.7 times as long as proctiger, subacute apically, apex almost reaching that of proctiger. Dorsal and ventral valvulae weakly curved, lacking teeth. – Measurements (in mm; 3 ♂, 3 ♀). Head width 0.76–0.84; antenna length 1.14–1.40; forewing length 1.98–2.30; length of male proctiger 0.26–0.28; paramere length 0.30–0.32; length of distal segment of aedeagus 0.26–0.30; length of female proctiger 0.84–0.88.


Fifth instar immature ( Fig. 115–121 View Figures 115–121 ). Coloration. General body color yellowish with brown sclerites. – Structure. Body strongly dorso-ventrally flattened, 1.2 times as long as wide. Antennae 7-segmented, 1.1 times as long as forewing pad, bearing each one rhinarium on segments 3 and 5 and two on segment 7. Head and thoracic sclerites with a few medium long rod or indistinctly capitate setae. Forewing pads oval, weakly shouldered, with shorter and longer indistinctly capitate marginal setae ( Fig. 118 View Figures 115–121 ) and small falcate dorsal setae ( Fig. 121 View Figures 115–121 ), hindwing pad also with one marginal subacute sectaseta. Tarsal arolium ( Fig. 120 View Figures 115–121 ) triangular, about as long as claws, with petiole and unguitractor. Caudal plate ( Fig. 119 View Figures 115–121 ) 0.6 times as long as wide, broadly rounded apically, with moderately long dorsal and marginal capitate setae and 4+4 subacute marginal sectasetae. Anus ventral near abdominal hind margin, circumanal ring absent. – Measurements (in mm; 1 immature). Body length 1.82; antenna length 0.80.

Distribution. USA (Florida). Katacephala winriterae has been found in Broward, Miami-Dade (FSCA# E2010- 2124) and Monroe (FSCA#s E2018-4443, E2019-3396) counties. There are more recent records from the Florida Keys: Monroe County, Key Largo, 16.viii.2018, Calyptranthes pallens (E. Putland) (FSCA# E2018-4443); same data except 14.vi.2019, Calyptranthes pallens (O. Garcia) (FSCA# E2019-3396). The original find (FSCA# E2003- 2021) was reported as a new USA record in Halbert (2003c) as Katacephala n. sp.

Host plants. Calyptranthes pallens Griseb. (Myrtaceae) (according to Wunderlin et al. (2020): Myrcia neopallens A.R. Lourenço and E. Lucas ), a threatened South Florida native plant. The immatures are submerged in honeydew ( Fig. 115, 116 View Figures 115–121 ) as this is characteristic for other Katacephala and at least some Notophorina Burckhardt, 1987 , species (Burckhardt, unpublished observation).

Derivation of name. This species is dedicated to Susan Wineriter Wright, who worked for many years for the USDA invasive weed biological control program. This species of Katacephala was discovered in research plots maintained by the USDA in Ft. Lauderdale (Broward County). Researchers, under direction of Susan Wineriter Wright, were growing several rare and endangered Myrtaceae to see if B. melaleucae , released for control of M. quinquenervia , would colonize the native plants. One of the routine inspections by Kirk C. Tonkel, AmeriCorps Volunteer, revealed a population of psyllids on C. pallens (FSCA# E2003-2021). Subsequent collections were made from the same location by Robin Johnson in July 2003 and January 2004 (FSCA#s E2003-4102, E2004-1105).

Comments. Katacephala Crawford is a small New World genus comprised of eight described species ( Hodkinson 1991b; Burckhardt 1994). Katacephala wineriterae resembles K. cinctata Hodkinson, 1991, from Mexico in the head, which is weakly inclined from the longitudinal body axis and bearing relatively large eyes and lobular genal processes, the subrhomboidal forewings with ill-defined costal break, slender C+Sc, basally curved Cu 1a and characteristic pattern, as well as the six apical metatibial spurs. Katacephala wineriterae differs from K. cinctata as follows: genal processes more angular laterally (in K. cinctata more rounded), forewing vein C+Sc strongly bent in apical third (in K. cinctata evenly curved), the relatively longer forewings (2.1–2.3 versus 1.9 times as long as broad), the narrower and shorter pterostigma and the relatively longer female subgenital plate apically almost reaching tip of proctiger. Differences in the male terminalia cannot be evaluated as the male of K. cinctata is unknown. Katacephala wineriterae differs from the other three Katacephala spp. recorded from Florida in the weakly inclined head, the lobular genal processes, which are conical in the other species, the slender vein C+Sc and the basally strongly curved Cu 1a. Immatures of Katacephala are currently known only from one species, i.e. Katacephala longiramis (Burckhardt, 1987) . Immatures of Katacephala wineriterae differ from those of K. longiramis in the presence of sectasetae and the absence of a circumanal ring (terminal and consisting of multiple rows of pores in K. longiramis ).

Liviinae Löw, 1879 Livia Latreille, 1802


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Natural History Museum Bucharest


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

















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