Paranothrotes dentatus Ünal, 2016

Ünal, Mustafa, 2016, Pamphagidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from the Palaearctic Region: taxonomy, classification, keys to genera and a review of the tribe Nocarodeini I. Bolívar, Zootaxa 4206 (1), pp. 1-223 : 111-114

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4206.1.1

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scientific name

Paranothrotes dentatus Ünal

sp. nov.

Paranothrotes dentatus Ünal View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs. 439 View FIGURES 439 – 460 , 474–476 View FIGURES 461 – 480 , 841 View FIGURE 841 )

Type locality. Turkey: Hakkari, Yüksekova , Akçalı. Holotype: female (AİBÜEM).

Material examined. TURKEY: Hakkari, Yüksekova, Akçalı Köyü , 1950 m, 17.6.1974, 1♀ (holotype) (leg. S. Salman) (AİBÜEM).

Description. Female (Holotype): Body ( Figs. 474, 475 View FIGURES 461 – 480 ) large and stout, compressed laterally, distinctly tuberculated. Head ( Figs. 474, 475 View FIGURES 461 – 480 ) relatively small. Fastigium of vertex ( Figs. 474, 476 View FIGURES 461 – 480 ) wide and short, flat and slightly sloping. Supraocellar foveola distinct, closed type, irregularly hexagonal. Frontal ridge distinctly narrowed and slightly incised just below the median ocellus. Vertex ( Fig. 476 View FIGURES 461 – 480 ) between the eyes 1.4 times wider than vertical diameter and 1.8 times wider than transversal diameter of eye, with a distinct median carinula, swollen posteriorly. Antennae with 12 segments. Pronotum ( Figs. 474, 476 View FIGURES 461 – 480 ) short and high, compressed laterally, but both sides of the median carina in the middle part swollen; lateral carinae indistinct; median carina distinct, with a longitudinal sulcus along its length, convex in lateral view; anterior margin of pronotum triangularly and posterior margin broadly protruded. Prosternum with a long and acute median projection. Mesosternal interspace 2 times wider than its length, but narrower than mesosternal lobes. Hind femur ( Fig. 439 View FIGURES 439 – 460 ) 2.7 times longer than its height; dorsal margin strongly and irregularly dentate, ventral margin strongly undulate. Hind tibia with 8–9 inner, 10 outer spines. Median carinae of mesonotum and metanotum grooved. Abdominal tergites ( Fig. 474 View FIGURES 461 – 480 ) with slightly raised median carinae; posterior projection distinct. Tympanum 2 times larger than the neighbour stigmal area. Male: Unknown.

Coloration. Body creamish-brown with irregular small greyish-blue spots on head, median carina of pronotum, abdominal tergites and dorsal surface of genicular lobes. Outer surfaces of the legs light creamish milky brown. Inner surface of hind femur and tibia mainly body color with weak pale pinkish-orange; tibial spines pale yellow with black tips; ventral surface of hind femur body color. All sternites yellowish-cream.

Diagnosis. This new species is easily recognizable by the shape of hind femur with strongly dentate dorsal margin. It is similar to P. citimus and P. siirt sp. nov. by the large body, the projection of abdominal tergites and the lateral view of the pronotum. But it is different from them by the swollen both sides of median carina of pronotum, the smaller head, the shape of hind femur with strongly dentate dorsal margin and the coloration of hind legs on body color ground with slightly pinkish-orange (black, blue in P. citimus and P. siirt ). Its size and the coloration of hind legs are similar to P. opacus . But the shape of pronotum and abdominal tergites with distinct posterior projection (median carina of pronotum not swollen and abdominal tergites without posterior projection in P. opacus ), the shape of hind femur, the much more tuberculated body surface (clearly smoother in P. opacus ) are very different.

Measurements (mm). Holotype (female): body length 49.9; pronotum length 11; pronotum height 13.2; pronotum width anterior 9; pronotum width posterior 13; hind femur length 17.5; hind femur height 6.4.

Etymology. This species name “ dentatus ” refers to the strongly dentate (with teeth) dorsal margin of hind femur which is unique in the genus.

Remarks. Like the previous new species, only a single female is available. But its unique characters described above and the comparisons of all known taxa in the genus were enough to decide that it belongs to an undescribed species.

It is not possible to include it in any species group because of the unique characters of the female. Male is necessary to determine its species group. Therefore I do not include it in the species groups listed below.



















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