Genlisea A.St.-Hil.

Guedes, Felipe Martins, Miranda, Vitor Fernandes Oliveira & Alves, Marccus, 2022, Diversity and distribution of Lentibulariaceae in Bahia state, Brazil: implications for phytogeography and conservation, Phytotaxa 556 (3), pp. 213-255 : 226

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Genlisea A.St.-Hil.


1. Genlisea A.St.-Hil. View in CoL , Voyage dans le District des Diamans 2: 429 (1833).

Terrestrial, lithophyte or helophyte herbs. Laminar leaves in a basal rosette, linear or obovate to spatulate. Subterraneous tubular rhizophylls (traps), with two helically twisted arms. Basifixed and free scales, bracts and bracteoles. Glabrous scape, scales, bracts, bracteoles, pedicels, sepals and capsule or covered with eglandular and/or long-stalked glandular trichomes. Ascending, recurved, abruptly recurved or strongly circinate pedicels in fruits. Calyx with 5 homomorphic sepals. Corolla with gibbous or non-gibbous palate, spur parallel to the pedicel or to the lower corolla lip. Bivalvate or circumscissile capsule.

Comments:— The genus is divided into two clearly distinct subgenera, G. subgen. Genlisea , which is recognized by ascending pedicels in fruits, spur parallel to the lower corolla lip and circumscissile capsule, while G. subgen. Tayloria Fromm-Trinta (1977: 1) has recurved, abruptly recurved or strongly circinate pedicels in fruits, spur parallel to the pedicel and bivalvate capsules. Members of G. subgen. Tayloria are endemic to Brazil, and are purple/lilac flowered with the exception of G. lobata (white). Genlisea subgen. Genlisea is subdivided into three sections, of which two are African (G. sect. Africanae Fleischmann et al. (2010: 781) and G. sect. Recurvatae Fleischmann et al. (2010: 781) and one is Neotropical (G. sect. Genlisea ). The Neotropical section is composed mainly by yellow flowered species with the exception of G. guianensis , G. multiflora Fleischmann & Costa (2017: 289) and G. sanariapoana Steyermark (1953: 534) .

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