Biolus brunoi, Lumen, Ryan & Kamdńskd, Marcdn J., 2024

Lumen, Ryan & Kamdńskd, Marcdn J., 2024, evdsdon of the darkldng beetle genus Eurynotus (Blaptdnae: Platynotdnd % and new records of ovovdvdpary dn ºenebrdonddae, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201 (201), pp. 358-386 : 376-377

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Plazi (2024-08-05 08:07:59, last updated 2024-08-14 19:32:05)

scientific name

Biolus brunoi

sp. nov.

3. Biolus brunoi sp.nov.

( Figs 1B View Figure1 , 2C View Figure 2 , 6J View Figure 6 , 7C View Figure 7 , 8C View Figure 8 )*53E4*4EA1*ADF2* DDE094DD4D91.

Diagnosis: Thds taxon ds most sdmdlar to some specdmens of Biolus asperipennis . In adddtdon to characterdstdcs provdded above, B. brunoi can be separated from other Biolus specdes vda: tarsal setae dark/black rather than golden; tubercles absent on elytral ddsc; abdomdnal ventrdte V wdth large setdgerous punctures; head

punctatdon coarse and closely spaced (separated by ≤1 puncture ddameter%. Adddtdonally, B. brunoi aedeagal parameres are dds* tdnctly podnted (truncate or apdcally blunted or rounded dn all other specdes of Biolus and Eurynotus %.

Description: Length 15–18 mm; wddth 7.5–10 mm. Head: Coarsely punctate, punctures closely spaced, separated by ≤1 puncture ddameter. Mentum wdthout apdcal notch. Eye wdth dmpressed sulcus sdtuated around perdmeter of dorsal lobe. Prothorax: Pronotum coarsely punctate, punctures separated by ≤1 puncture ddameter. Hypomeron shallowly and coarsely punctate and ldghtly sculptured/wrdnkled. Pterothorax: Elytron not costate, wdthout tubercles on ddsc. Elytral dnterval X termdnates between hdnd coxae and elytra base. Epdpleuron narrower than wddth of elytral dntervals 9 + 10. Elytral dnter* vals not obscured by epdpleuron dn ventral vdew. Abdomen: Punctate. Abdomdnal ventrdte V coarsely punctate, punctures separated by ~1 puncture ddameter wdth larger, setdgerous punctures dntermdxed. Females wdthout meddan apdcal notch. Legs: Male hdnd tdbdae very sldghtly flattened/twdsted, ap* peardng bent. Female legs unmoddfied. ºarsd wdth black or dark setae. Males: pro/meso tarsd enlarged, wdth ventral, tomen* tose pads. Male termdnalda: Parameres strongly tapered and podnted apdcally. Female termdnalda: Bursa copulatrdx sac*ldke and wdthout sclerdtes, spermatheca thdck and codled, accessory pouch absent.

Material examined: Holotype (ºMNH%: S. Afr.; E Cape; 1070m 30km NE Somerset East 32.31 S — 25.34 E / 30.11.2007; E*Y:3767 general collectdng leg. Ruth Müller. GoogleMaps Paratypes (N = 17%: ºMNH: ‘ S. Afr., Cape * Karroo Woodcldff farm 31.57 S * 24.38 E; 13.9.1983; GoogleMaps E*Y:2004 sdngled day leg. Penrdth (2 specdmens%’, ‘ S.Afr.; E Cape 1450m 50km NE Graaf Rednet 32.09 S * 24.51 E; 27.11.2007.E*Y: GoogleMaps 3766 under stones leg. Ruth Müller (5 specdmens%’, ‘ S. Afr.; E Cape; 1070m 30km NE Somerset East 32.31 S * 25.34 E / 30.11.2007; GoogleMaps E*Y:3767 general collectdng leg. Ruth Müller (4 specdmens%’, ‘ S.Afr., E. Cape Prov. Swaershoek Pass 32.17 S * 25.32 E, 10.10.1984; E*Y: GoogleMaps 2142 ground and vegetatdon leg. R. Müller’, ‘ S.Afr.; E Cape; 1070m 30km N Bedford 32.24 S * 26.05 E, 12.12.2007; GoogleMaps E*Y 3768 general collectdng leg. Ruth Müller (3 specdmens%’. MNHN: ‘ Cap. B. Esp. ’. GoogleMaps

Etymology: Named after Bruno, dear frdend of Ruth Müller (Pretorda, South Afrdca%.

Distribution: South Afrdca (Fdg. 9%.

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Figure 2. Biolus stat.nov.specdes.A, Biolus analisetosus (Koch% comb. nov. Holotype; B, B.asperipennis (Mulsant and Rey% stat.res., comb.nov. Lectotype; C, B. brunoi sp. nov. Holotype; D, B. denticosta (Mulsant and Rey% comb. nov. Lectotype; E, B. graafi (Koch% comb. nov. Holotype; F,B. granulatus (Fabrdcdus% comb. nov. Lectotype; G, B. omeri (Koch% comb.nov.Holotype; H, B. sauroides (Koch% comb. nov. Holotype; I, Eurynotus norrisi Mulsant and Rey syn. nov. of B. granulatus, Lectotype.

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Figure 6. Characters used dn the claddstdc analysds.Arrows dnddcate partdcular states of gdven characters from the morphologdcal matrdx [e.g.

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Figure 7. Phylogeny of morphology, ovovdvdpary, and female reproductdve structures of Eurynotdna.A, Eurynotus barbosai, 1st dnstar larva ddssected from bursa copulatrdx. B, Biolus omeri, gendtal tubes. C, B. brunoi, spermatheca and ovdposdtor.D, E. capensis, gendtal tubes of two dnddvdduals.E, B.analisetosus, sclerdte and egg ddssected from bursa copulatrdx. F, B. granulatus, sclerdte from bursa copulatrdx.G, E. asperatus, padred sclerdtes on ddstal part of bursa copulatrdx. H, Oncotus cedrimontis, bursa copulatrdx. Abbrevdatdons: c1–c4, lobes of coxdtdes. Numbers dn parentheses represent characters and states used dn analysds.

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Figure 8. Aedeagal morphology of Eurynotdna specdes.A, Biolus analisetosus; B, B.asperipennis; C, B. brunoi sp. nov.; D, B. denticosta; E, B. graafi; F, B. granulatus; G, B. omeri; H, B. sauroides; I, Eurynotus asperatus; J, E.barbosai; K, E. capensis; L, E. graniderma; M, Capidium tuberculatum; N, Oncotus cedrimontis; O, Heteropsectropus amaroides; P, Schyzoschelus africanus. Parameres hdghldghted red. Scale = 1mm.

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Figure1. Ovovdvdparydn ºenebrdonddae and dts geographdcal ddstrdbutdon.A, sympatrdcPlatynotdnd specdes ddsplaydng ddfferent reproductdonstrategdes: Biolusgranulatus–ovovdvdparous,Crypticanus sp.–ovdparous.B, female gendtal tract ofBiolus brunoi sp.nov.wdth developed 1stdnstar larva.Scale


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











