Tamilokus mabinia, Shipway, J. Reuben, Altamia, Marvin A., Rosenberg, Gary Dr., Concepcion, Gisela P., Haygood, Margo G. & Distel, Daniel L., 2019

Shipway, J. Reuben, Altamia, Marvin A., Rosenberg, Gary Dr., Concepcion, Gisela P., Haygood, Margo G. & Distel, Daniel L., 2019, Tamilokus mabinia, a new genus and species of anatomically divergent shipworm (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) from the Philippines, PeerJ 7, No. 6256 : -

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.7717/peerj.6256

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scientific name

Tamilokus mabinia

new species

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