Ephemera (Sinephemera) separigata Bae, 1995

Lei, Zhi-Ming & Zhou, Chang-Fa, 2024, The subgenus Sinephemera Kluge, 2004 in China (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae: Ephemera Linnaeus, 1758), Zootaxa 5517 (1), pp. 1-68 : 54-55

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5517.1.1

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scientific name

Ephemera (Sinephemera) separigata Bae, 1995


Ephemera (Sinephemera) separigata Bae, 1995 ( Figs 54–55 View FIGURE 54 View FIGURE 55 , 64 View FIGURE 64 )

Ephemera strigata — Yoon and Bae, 1985: 98 (in part). Ephemera separigata Bae, 1995: 160 (all stages; holotype: male imagine from Korea). Ephemera separigata —Bae et Liu, 1999: 5 (nymph, first record from China); Quan et al., 2002: 250 (nymph, China); Hwang et al., 2008: 164 (list, not including China); Zhou, 2013: 187 (list); Zhou et al., 2015: 235 (list); Tiunova et Semenchenko,

2022: 94 (nymph, COI sequence, Russia). Ephemera (Sinephemera) separigata — Kluge, 2004: 235 (subgeneric combination).

Description (see Bae, 1995).

Diagnosis: Nymph: (1) two mandibular tusks subequal in length, shorter than head ( Figs 54 View FIGURE 54 , 55A View FIGURE 55 ); (2) length and width of frons subequal, or length slightly longer than wide; (3) lateral margins of frons slightly convex, anterior margin of frons shallowly concave ( Fig. 55A View FIGURE 55 ); (4) three ocelli connected by black stripes ( Figs 54 View FIGURE 54 , 55A View FIGURE 55 ). (5) Some setae on posterior margins of fore wingpads, metathorax and tergite I; (6) tergite I with median ridge ( Fig. 55B View FIGURE 55 ). (7) Gills I–V located at posterolateral angle of tergites, gill VI–VII located at middle of tergite lateral margin. (8) Stripe pattern on abdominal tergites ( Fig. 54 View FIGURE 54 ): tergites I–X with a pair of black stripes near lateral margins. Stripes on tergites I–IV somewhat oblique to nearly straight, those on tergites V–X almost straight ( Figs 54A, C View FIGURE 54 ). Generally looking, its abdomen has two parallel black stripes near lateral margins of tergites ( Figs 54A, C View FIGURE 54 ). Sternites II–IX with pair of chocolate to black stripes, progressively longer from anterior to posterior segments ( Figs 54B, D View FIGURE 54 ). Posterior margins of tergites and sternites pale. Hindcoxae pale.

Male imagine: (1) Tergites and sternites of abdomen have similar stripes as in nymph. (2) Penes slender, not fused but close, apices of them divergent and slightly sclerotized ( Fig. 55C View FIGURE 55 ). (3) Only few crossveins of stigmata in forewings branched.

Female imagine: Tergites and sternites of abdomen have similar stripes as in nymph.

Comparison: The color pattern of this species is similar to E. rubrogata sp. nov. Generally, this species has black stripes on pale body, while E. rubrogata sp. nov. has red stripes on reddish body. See further discussion under E. rubrogata sp. nov.

The color pattern and genitalia of E. separigata are also similar to E. strigata . But all tergite stripes of E. strigata are somewhat oblique or nearly triangular, stripes on tergites VIII–X are lighter than others ( Figs 60 View FIGURE 60 , 62 View FIGURE 62 ). Futhermore, in E. strigata , penes are mostly fused together. In contrast, abdominal tergites of E. separigata has two straight lateral lines ( Fig. 54 View FIGURE 54 ), and its penes ( Fig. 55C View FIGURE 55 ) are slender and straighter than in E. strigata ( Fig. 62E View FIGURE 62 ).

Remarks: Bae and Liu (1999) and Quan et al. (2002) reported this species in China, but Hwang et al. (2008) stated clearly at that time, that this species was known from Korea only. So here is the first confirmable report of this species in China. Tiunova & Semenchenko (2022) found it in Far East of Russia.

Material examined: China: 5 nymphs, Eaizi river , Caohe town , Bengxi county, Liaolin Province, 124.23829 079°E, 41.12093957°N, 518 m, leg. Xin-He Qiang, 2023- VII- GoogleMaps 26; 6 nymphs, Aihe river , Saima town , Fengcheng county , Liaolin province, leg. Xin-He Qiang, 2023- VII-27 .

The holotype and paratypes of this species are deposited in Seoul Women’s University , Korea (Bae, 1995) .

Distribution ( Fig. 64 View FIGURE 64 ): China (Jilin, Liaolin), Korea, Russia.














Ephemera (Sinephemera) separigata Bae, 1995

Lei, Zhi-Ming & Zhou, Chang-Fa 2024

Ephemera separigata

Bae 1995: 160

Ephemera separigata

Bae 1995

Ephemera (Sinephemera) separigata

Bae 1995

Ephemera strigata

Eaton 1892
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