Truongsonieae W.J.Baker, S.Bellot, J.Dransf. & Eiserhardt, 2023

Sâm, Lý Ng ọc, Baker, William J., Bellot, Sidonie, Dransfield, John, Eiserhardt, Wolf L. & Henderson, Andrew, 2023, Truongsonia (Arecaceae: Arecoideae: Truongsonieae) - a new palm genus and tribe from Vietnam, Phytotaxa 613 (3), pp. 201-212 : 202

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.613.3.1

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scientific name

Truongsonieae W.J.Baker, S.Bellot, J.Dransf. & Eiserhardt

trib. nov.

Truongsonieae W.J.Baker, S.Bellot, J.Dransf. & Eiserhardt , trib. nov.

Type:— Truongsonia A.J.Hend., N.S.Lý, W.J.Baker, S.Bellot, J.Dransf. & Eiserhardt

Diminutive, acaulescent, clustering, unarmed, monoecious, pleonanthic palm; stem subterranean or surface-level, showing saxophone growth; leaves entire-bifid, with very shallow apical splits; sheaths open to the base, with dry fibrous ligules; rachis extending beyond the lamina into a fine, free fibre; inflorescence interfoliar, bisexual, branched to one order, peduncle elongate, much longer than rachis, bearing a prophyll and 3–4 slender, tightly sheathing peduncular bracts, disintegrating, the distalmost peduncular bract drying and splitting distally to form a cowl-like or pendulous limb; flowers borne in triads, inserted superficially in a shallow dimple in the rachilla surface; staminate sepals imbricate, staminate petals valvate, stamens biseriate; pistillate perianth imbricate; gynoecium trilocular, triovulate, fruit ellipsoid-oblong, stigmatic remains basal; seeds 1, endosperm homogeneous, embryo lateral.

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