Lienturius Coiffait and Sáiz, 1966,

Reyes-Hernández, José L., Hansen, Aslak Kappel, Shaw, Josh Jenkins & Solodovnikov, Alexey, 2024, Phylogeny-based taxonomic revision and niche modelling of the rove beetle genus Loncovilius Germain, 1903 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (Zool. J. Linn. Soc.) 202 (1), pp. 1-42 : 38

publication ID 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad143

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scientific name

Lienturius Coiffait and Sáiz, 1966

stat. nov.

Genus Lienturius Coiffait and Sáiz, 1966 stat. nov.

( Fig. 15B View Figure 15 )

Coiffait and Sáiz 1966: 403 [original description; as subgenus of Loncovilius ; species included: aeneipennis (as heeri ), discoideus , germaini , and leiocephalus ]; Sáiz 1969: 9 (subgenus of Lienturius ; notes); Sáiz 1971: 382, 383 (subgenus of Lienturius ; characters; Chile); Newton, 2022 [synonym of Quedius (Apoquedius) Scheerpeltz, 1972 ].

Type species: Lienturius leiocephalus ( Solier, 1849) comb. nov.

Diagnosis: The phylogenetic relationship of Lienturius to the rest of the Amblyopinini genera remains unknown, so it is likely that the diagnosis of this genus will change as we wait for the results of our pending phylogenomic research. For the moment the only species of this genus is distinguished based on the combination of the following characters: head with three or more paraocular punctures on each side (not in a row), of which at least one is close to the eye margin and one is far from the eye margin and the remaining paraocular punctures, posterior frontal puncture anterior to temporal puncture; flexible postcoxal hypomeral extension (process) rounded and not interrupted by inferior line; elytra without humeral spines or spine-like setae; two short empodial setae on each tarsomere 5; tergites III–VI with PTBC, sternite III with basal transverse carina converging abruptly at an acute angle with rounded tip. Lienturius is easily distinguished from Loncovilius by the absence of a complete frontoclypeal suture; ventral side of meso- and metatarsi in males and females without pale adhesive setae; presence of protergal glands; presence of PTBC in tergites III to VI.

Distribution: Only known from the Southern zone of Chile.

Remarks: The new combination implemented here [ Lienturius leiocephalus ( Solier, 1849) ] is supported by the phylogenetic analysis based on eight homoplasious synapomorphies: right mandible with proximal tooth and distal tooth, distal tooth not bifid, space between proximal and distal teeth narrow and smooth (character 24, state 2); labrum, shape of anterior margin (only sclerotized part, excluding apical membrane where present) entire, without emargination (character 28, state 1); three or more paraocular punctures (character 41, state 2); posterior frontal puncture anterior to temporal puncture (character 42, state 0); pronotum with SLSP (character 55, state 1); protarsi with tarsomeres 1–3 as long as wide (character 63, state 0); tergite VI with PTBC (character 89, state 1); sternite III with basal transverse carina converging abruptly at an acute angle with rounded tip (character 99, state 3).















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