Loncovilius impunctus, Reyes-Hernández & Hansen & Shaw & Solodovnikov, 2024

Reyes-Hernández, José L., Hansen, Aslak Kappel, Shaw, Josh Jenkins & Solodovnikov, Alexey, 2024, Phylogeny-based taxonomic revision and niche modelling of the rove beetle genus Loncovilius Germain, 1903 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (Zool. J. Linn. Soc.) 202 (1), pp. 1-42 : 27-28

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad143

publication LSID




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scientific name

Loncovilius impunctus

sp. nov.

Loncovilius impunctus sp.nov.

( Figs 5C View Figure 5 , 10G, H View Figure 10 , 12C View Figure 12 , 13C View Figure 13 , 14C View Figure 14 )

Zoobank registration: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:45463DC0-4ECA-4B24-8220-24008B5BE531 .

Type material. Holotype: male, mounted, with genitalia in a separate microvial, with labels as follows: CHILE: Cherquenco [~ -38.70, -72.01] VII-1954 L. Pena, leg./ ♂ /FMNH-INS 0000 024 367 / HOLOTYPE Loncovilius impunctus des. Reyes-Hernández, Hansen, Jenkins Shaw et Solodovnikov 2022. Deposited at FMNH. Paratypes: CHILE: Cherquenco [~ -38.70, -72.01] VII-1954 L. Pena, leg./ ♀ /FMNH-INS 0000 024 368-369 [2♀ FMNH] ; CHILE: Malleco Prov. 20km E Manzanar [-38.44, -71.51] 1100m 19-21.xii.1976 H. F. Howden /CNCI L2004- 28/ ♀ /FMNH-INS 0000 024 465 [1♀ CNC] ; Chile: Tolhuaco [~ -38.23, -71.71]11.I.62/ Coll. L. Peña / ♂ /FMNH-INS 0000 024 364–366 [2♂ FMNH; 1♀ MNNC ex. FMNH] .

All paratypes are supplied with the label: PARATYPE Loncovilius impunctus des. Reyes-Hernández, Hansen, Jenkins Shaw et Solodovnikov 2022

Diagnosis: Head dorsally with meshed microsculpture; gula with isodiametric microsculpture in the middle; females with antennomere 11 (a11) distinctly longer than antennomere 10 (a10; a11:a10 ratio>1.5). Elytra reddish-brown, disc glossy with only a few rows of setiferous punctures, epipleura evenly setose. Protibiae not sexually dimorphic, in both sexes with laterodorsal row of thick spines. Tergite VIII in both sexes with medial apical emargination. Aedeagus as in Figure 10G, H View Figure 10 .

Description: Measurements ♂ [min–max (average); N = 3]: FBL = 3.35–3.59 (3.48); HW = 1.01–1.1 (1.07); HL = 0.85– 0.93 (0.89); HW/HL = 1.18–1.21 (1.19); PW = 1.4– 1.44 (1.42); PL = 1.2–1.25 (1.23); PW/PL = 1.14–1.17 (1.15); EW = 1.67–1.7 (1.68); EL = 1.3–1.44 (1.36); PW/ HW = 1.28–1.39 (1.33).

Measurements ♀ [min–max (average); N = 4]: FBL = 3.71– 3.93 (3.81); TL = 7.5–7.53 (7.52); HW = 1.17–1.18 (1.18); HL = 0.93–0.97 (0.95); HW/HL = 1.22–1.26 (1.24); PW = 1.54–1.59 (1.56); PL = 1.29–1.37 (1.32); PW/ PL = 1.16–1.19 (1.18); EW = 1.82–1.9 (1.87); EL = 1.46–1.59 (1.54); PW/HW = 1.32–1.35 (1.33).

Head, mouthparts, and legs black to brown-black; pronotum, antennae, elytra, and abdomen dark reddish-brown, elytra lighter.

Head transverse; dorsally and ventrally glossy with few micropunctures and microsculpture of transverse meshes, with coarse non-setiferous punctures; posterior angles indistinct with few setiferous punctures of medium and small size. Eyes of medium size (EYL/HL = x = 0.52), from 1.51 to 1.64 times longer than temples (in lateral view); distance between eyes around 1.8 times the length of eye. Antennal insertions situated at equal distance from frontoclypeus and from eye; antennomeres 2 and 3 subequal in length; antennomeres 4 to 10 gradually reduced in length; a11 from 1.54 to 1.75 times longer than a 10 in males and from 1.54 to 1.68 in females. Basal and parocular punctures usually single; posterior frontal puncture located anterior to temporal puncture; without small setose punctures between frontoclypeal and anterior frontal punctures; ventral basal ridge rather straight in L-shape, almost united with gular sutures; postgenal ridge absent; postmandibular ridge distinctly separated from eye margin; well-developed PMP; nuchal ridge present laterally and dorsally, fused with infraorbital ridge; gula with microsculpture medially, gular sutures moderately separated. Mandibles with dorsolateral groove; labrum with subrectangular sclerotized region and emarginate apical margin; mentum with seta beta only; penultimate labial palpomere markedly dilated apicad, apical palpomere distinctly narrower than penultimate and more or less subconical.

Pronotum transverse, convex, evenly curved, with one PPDS and an APP, without SLSP, with few coarse non-setiferous punctures; flexible postcoxal hypomeral extension (process) interrupted by inferior line. Elytra with epipleura evenly setose; disc with only a few rows of setiferous punctures. Mesosternum with four macrosetae arranged in a row medially.

Protibiae not sexually dimorphic, with laterodorsal row of thick spines in both sexes. In males, mesotarsomeres 1–4 with pale adhesive setae, mesotarsomeres 1–3 with terminal plate. In females, mesotarsomeres 2–4 with pale adhesive setae, without terminal plate. In both sexes, metatarsomeres 2–4 with pale adhesive setae, without terminal plate; metatarsomere 1 shorter than 5, metatarsomere 4 ventrallywith apical margin slightly sinuate.

Abdominal tergites III and IV with two patches of punctures of moderate size and density, with middle impunctate line; tergite VIII emarginate medio-apically. Sternite III with basal transverse carina strongly arcuate; lateral tergal sclerites IX laterally flattened only in males. Male sternite VIII with broad V-shaped emargination medially ( Fig. 14C View Figure 14 ); female sternite VIII with U-shaped emargination medially; male sternite IX with obtuse emargination medially, its basal portion shorter than distal portion; male tergite X truncate medially ( Fig. 12C View Figure 12 ); female tergite X truncate to slightly arcuate medially ( Fig. 13C View Figure 13 ); ovipositor, its second gonocoxite without macrosetae medially.

Aedeagus as in Figure 10G, H View Figure 10 ; its total length 1.2. Median lobe bulky, in parameral view with truncated apex; internal sac with pair of long I-shaped copulatory sclerites. Paramere slightly produced over apex of median lobe, wider than median lobe, its sides converging into M-shape apex, with dark peg setae, in lateral view almost straight and slightly concave apically.

Etymology: The species epithet is derived from the Latin prefix ‘ im ’ (not) and adjective ‘ punctate ’ (dotted), referring to the disc of pronotum and elytra mostly impunctate.

Distribution and habitat: Loncovilius impunctus is known from the Araucanía Region in Chile where it is confined to Valdivian temperate forest ecoregion. It is unknown how it was collected.

















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