Anillinus mica, Harden & Caterino, 2024

Harden, Curt W. & Caterino, Michael S., 2024, Systematics and biogeography of Appalachian Anillini, and a taxonomic review of the species of South Carolina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Anillini), ZooKeys 1209, pp. 69-197 : 69-197

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1209.125897

publication LSID


persistent identifier

taxon LSID

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Anillinus mica

sp. nov.

Anillinus mica sp. nov.

Figs 10 B View Figure 10 , 12 A View Figure 12 , 21 I View Figure 21 , 24 G View Figure 24 , 25 A View Figure 25 , 34 E View Figure 34 , 35 G – I View Figure 35 , 36 View Figure 36

Type material.

Holotype male ( USNM): point mounted, with abdominal ventrites glued to point and genitalia in Euparal on microslide pinned beneath specimen. Original labels: “ USA: SC, Pickens Co. Clemson Experimental Forest Waldrop Stone Falls . 34.7393, - 82.8205. 8. x. 2021. CW Harden. Under rock on steep slope near falls. ” “ [QR code] CLEMSON-ENT CUAC 000163558 About CUAC ” “ Harden DNA Voucher CWH- 403 Anillinus ‘ caterino’ M Ext. 19 - December- 2021 [green-bordered cardstock] ” “ HOLOTYPE Anillinus mica Harden & Caterino [orange cardstock] ” GoogleMaps

GenBank: OR 853287, OR 839293, OR 838076.

Paratypes (n = 18, CUAC, USNM). USA • South Carolina • 2 ♂; Pickens Co.; Keowee WMA, near Todd Creek Falls ; 34.74986, - 82.81467; 6 Sep. 2020; C. W. Harden leg.; Under embedded rock on dry soil, mixed woods; CUAC 000163551 About CUAC and CUAC 000163552 About CUAC , CWH- 230 and CWH- 231 GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; Pickens Co.; Central , ~ 3 mi N Clemson; 34.7251, - 82.8248; 2 Oct. 2020; C. W. Harden leg.; Buried pipe trap, sandy clay mica - rich soil; CUAC 000134435 About CUAC ; USNM GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; same locality as previous; 14 Aug. to 24 Oct. 2021; C. W. Harden leg.; Buried pipe trap, clay soil, trap 07; CUAC 000170072 About CUAC ; USNM GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; same locality as previous; 24 Oct. 2021 to 10 Apr. 2022; C. W. Harden leg.; Buried pipe trap, mica - rich sand / clay. Trap 05; CUAC 000170073 About CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Pickens Co.; 5 mi N Clemson ; 34.7252, - 82.8245; 8 Nov. 2016; M & P Caterino leg.; floated from soil; CUAC 000163553 About CUAC and CUAC 000163554 About CUAC , MSC- 2458 and MSC- 2466 GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Pickens Co.; Clemson Experimental Forest, Issaqueena Lake Rd., West side ; 34.74136, - 82.86541; 12 Nov. 2020; C. W. Harden leg.; Underside of rock, clay soil; CUAC 000163555 About CUAC and CUAC 000163556 About CUAC , CWH- 333 and CWH- 334 GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; Pickens Co.; Clemson Experimental Forest, Waldrop Stone area ; 34.73603, - 82.81725; 12 Nov 2020; C. W. Harden leg.; Under large rock at lake edge; CUAC 000163557 About CUAC , CWH- 328 GoogleMaps ; • 3 ♂, 3 ♀; Pickens Co.; Clemson Experimental Forest, Waldrop Stone Creek ; 34.7395, - 82.8270; 11 Sep. 2021; C. W. Harden leg.; Under embedded rock on stream bank; CUAC 000163559 About CUAC to CUAC 000163564 About CUAC , CWH- 409 to CWH- 414 GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♀; Pickens Co.; Clemson Experimental Forest ; 34.7431, - 82.8481; 14 Oct. 2019; C. W. Harden leg.; Soilwash-flotation berlese, mesic oak-pine woods, dark sandy soil near stream; CWH- 057, CUAC 000168224 About CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♀; Pickens Co.; Clemson Experimental Forest ; 34.74265, - 82.84167; 23 Nov. 2019; C. W. Harden leg.; On underside of large embedded rock during rain, oak-hickory woods, clay soil; CUAC 000168225 About CUAC , CWH- 060 GoogleMaps .

GenBank accession numbers for paratypes: OR 839739, OR 839745, OR 839626, OR 853280, OR 839410, OR 853281, OR 839413, OR 853283, OR 838130, OR 853110, OR 853285, OR 839292, OR 839553, OR 837876, OR 838021, OR 838209, OR 838124, OR 853286, OR 839554, OR 837877, OR 838022, OR 838210, OR 853288, OR 839294, OR 838079, OR 853289, OR 839288, OR 839289, OR 839290.

Other material

(n = 5, CWHc, CUAC). USA • South Carolina • 1 ♂; Pickens Co.; Nine Times Preserve ; 34.946, - 82.806; 10 Nov. 2019; C. W. Harden leg.; On underside of embedded rock, steep rocky ditch, oak-hickory woods; CUAC 000168226 About CUAC , CWH- 039; CUAC GoogleMaps 2 ♂; Pickens Co.; 3 miles N Clemson ; 34.7252, - 82.8247; 4 July to 19 December 2022; C. W. Harden leg; buried pipe trap, trap 07; CWHc GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♀; Pickens Co.; Clemson Experimental Forest .; 34.7431, - 82.8481; 14 Oct. 2019; C. W. Harden leg.; Soilwash-flotation berlese, mesic oak-pine woods, dark sandy soil near stream; CWH- 056, CUAC 000163565 About CUAC ; CUAC GoogleMaps ; • 1 ♂; Pickens Co.; Clemson Experimental Forest, Pike Road, south of inlet ; 34.7116, - 82.828; 1 Jun 2023; C. W. Harden and J. R. LaBonte; under rock; CWHc GoogleMaps .


Among members of the sinuaticollis group, males are recognized by the modified hind femora (Fig. 12 A View Figure 12 ) bowed anteriorly and triangularly produced posteriorly, with a blunt tuberculate projection in the distal 1 / 3. The male genitalia (Fig. 35 G – I View Figure 35 ) are similar to those of A. micamicus , but differ in the more rounded shape of the apex of the median lobe and the presence of two well-sclerotized strips along the ostium of the internal sac.


Habitus (Fig. 34 E View Figure 34 ) ABL 1.60–1.89 mm, avg. 1.82 mm, n = 7), males larger than females (male mean ABL = 1.85 n = 5; female mean ABL = 1.74, n = 2). Body moderately depressed dorsoventrally and parallel-sided, relatively elongate (EW / ABL = 0.35–0.37). Integument Irregular isodiametric microsculpture weakly impressed at anterior angles of pronotum, absent from disk, which is slightly rugose; microsculpture distinct on dorsal surface of head except for sides at base of vertex, where it is stretched and weak or entirely absent. Head HW / PW = 0.74–0.80, wider in females than in males. Antennomeres IV – X moniliform, slightly clavate. Labrum slightly emarginate. Frontoclypeal horn present, well developed. Three pairs of supraorbital setae present. Pronotum Variable in length (PL / ABL = 0.23–0.29), broader in males (PW / EW = 0.82) than females (0.78–0.79). Moderately constricted basally (Pbw / PW = 0.75–0.80). Sides slightly sinuate before obtuse hind angles; 3 or 4 basal serrulations present. Elytra Moderately depressed and parallel sided, not markedly elongate (average EL / ABL = 0.55); humeri not sloped; 3 or 4 weakly impressed striae present; without prominent subapical plica. Legs Profemora of males not modified; protarsi of males with first tarsomere enlarged and spinose on inner margin (Fig. 10 B View Figure 10 ), with adhesive setae ventrally, second tarsomere unmodified and without adhesive setae. Mesotrochanters of males unmodified. Metafemora of males modified: anterior margin arcuately swollen, posterior margin arcuate proximally towards broad, triangular tuberculate projection in distal 1 / 2; with several long setae along posterior margin (Fig. 12 A View Figure 12 ). Female legs unmodified. Abdominal ventrites Unmodified in either sex. Male genitalia Ring sclerite relatively large (RL / ABL = 0.30), subtriangular and slightly asymmetrical in anterior 1 / 2. Median lobe (Fig. 35 I View Figure 35 ) arcuate, not strongly twisted from plane of basal lobes; dorsal margin lightly sclerotized for ~ 1 / 2 of its length; ventral margin without setae, deeply arcuate medially, with shallow sinuation just before apex, which is broadly rounded. Internal sac with flagellum not rotated dorsally, relatively small, and abruptly curved past enlarged basal area; sides lightly sclerotized, “ open ” laterally; three groups of long, dark spines present near flagellum on left side of internal sac, variable in number; two sclerotized straps present at ostium, one on left side appearing as a broad, vertical strip and the other ventrally, appearing as a U-shape just beyond apex of flagellum in repose. Right paramere (Fig. 35 H View Figure 35 ) partially membranous and enclosed in a feathery sheath, with four setae on apical margin. Left paramere (Fig. 35 G View Figure 35 ) slightly quadrate, with apical margin relatively broad; four long setae present ventrally near apex. The male from the Nine Times Preserve has the dorsal margin of the median lobe nearly straight proximally, giving the organ a more triangular shape overall; the shape of the flagellum and additional sclerites are identical to those in males of other populations. Female genitalia. Bursa copulatrix with sclerotized folds. Spermatheca long, gradually enlarged distally, forming a loose coil proximally (Fig. 21 I View Figure 21 ). Spermathecal duct short and slightly curved, not coiled.


Known only from Pickens Co., SC, from Nine Times Forest south to the historic course of the Twelve Mile River north of Clemson (Fig. 36 View Figure 36 ).


Collected under rocks in association with A. murrayae and Anillinus micamicus sp. nov. The ranges of Serranillus dunavani and Anillinus sp. “ South Carolina, Waldrop Stone ” overlap with this species, but have so far not been collected in association.

Natural history.

Members of this species are endogean in habit. Specimens examined were collected from beneath rocks, buried pipe traps and soil washing. Hand collected specimens were found in May, September, October, and November. Teneral specimens were hand collected in September, indicating that immature stages occur in the Spring and Summer.

Species status justification.

The combination of external characters is unique within the genus, and the male genitalia are distinct from those of any other described species. The closely related and morphologically similar species A. micamicus sp. nov. shows consistent morphological differences in the characters of the male hind legs and genitalia, and sampled individuals of the two species are reciprocally monophyletic in our molecular phylogeny despite occurring together in syntopy under the same rocks. This provides strong support for the hypothesis that the two species are reproductively isolated.

Derivation of species name.

A noun in apposition, named for the mineral mica , which is conspicuous in the soils at most localities where this species has been collected.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Clemson University Arthropod Collection











