Agauopsis mokari Otto, 1994

Chatterjee, Tapas & Durucan, Furkan, 2022, A checklist of halacarid and pontarachnid mites (Acari: Halacaridae and Pontarachnidae) found in seagrass habitats, Persian Journal of Acarology 11 (2), pp. 187-223 : 192

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Agauopsis mokari Otto, 1994


Agauopsis mokari Otto, 1994

Report found in seagrass habitats – This species was reported from Western Australia, Duke of Orleans Bay, among seagrasses Posidonia sp. and Amphibolis sp. ( Bartsch 2005) .

Remarks – This was first described among intertidal coralline algae and algae Padina pavonica from New South Wales, Guerilla Bay, Australia ( Otto 1994).

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