Viettagona vietnamensis, Medvedev G. S. & Merkl O., 2002

Medvedev G. S. & Merkl O., 2002, Viettagona Vietnamensis Gen. Et Sp. N. From Vietnam (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae: Blaptini), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (4), pp. 317-332 : 321-325

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12587269

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Viettagona vietnamensis

sp. nov.

Viettagona vietnamensis sp. n.

( Figs 1–16 View Figs 1–10 View Figs 11–15 View Fig , 28–31 View Figs 28–31 )

Type material – Holotype, male labelled asfollows: “ Vietnam, Lao Cai Prov., 6 km W of Cat Cat , 2540 m, 22°17.814’ N, 103° 48.657’ E, singled at night, No. 13, 14.III.1998, leg. L. Peregovits & T. Vásárhelyi” ( HNHM) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: labelled as holotype, 2 males ( HNHM) ; 1 male, 1 female ( ZIN) .

Description – Body brownish, weakly shining; head, pronotum, underside, antennae and legs darker, nearly black.

Male ( Figs 28–29 View Figs 28–31 ). Outer margin of head with wide obtuse-angled incision above antennal base. Outer margins of genae arcuately converging from anterior margin of eyes to base of clypeus. Outer margin of temples and eyes roundly protruding from cervical constriction to genae. Dorsal surspermatheca

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to Figs 19, 20–22 View Figs 17–24

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face of head in anterior half flat, very finely punctate. Basal segments of antennae covered with light setae. Length (width) ratio of antennomeres 2 to 11 is as follows: 11(10): 46(13): 20(12): 22(12): 22(12): 22(12): 20(13): 20(15): 25(15): 27(17). Antennomere 3 4.2 timesaslong asantennomere 2, and 2.3 timesaslong asantennomere 4.

Pronotum ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–10 ) transverse (1.21–1.24 timesaswide aslong), widest in the middle, 1.69–1.70 timesaswide ashead. Ratio of pronotal width at anterior margin to itsmaximum width and width at base (n = 2) 0.53: 1.00: 0.79, on the average. Outer margin of pronotum arcuately protruding in antetheca; bgd – basal gland duct; sd – spermathecal duct; ss – spermathecal sphincter

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rior 2/3; in posterior 1/3 tapering to base with almost straight sides; anterior margin rather deeply arcuately emarginate, base straight. Anterior and posterior angles of pronotum obtuse, rounded apically. Pronotal disc evenly convex in anterior 2/3 or slightly flattened along sides, very finely punctate. Prothoracic hypomeron not flattened along outer margin, finely rugose. Intercoxal process of prosternum steeply sloping behind coxae, covered with pale setae.

Elytra elongate (1.59 timesaslong aswide), aswide aspronotum. Epipleural carina visible in dorsal view at apex only. Apical declivity rather weak. Humeral carina well-pronounced, smooth at base. Elytral surface between humeral carina and sutural margin slightly convex, with one low carina

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vanishing on apical declivity and fragments of a second carina. Elytral surface covered with very fine punctation, fine rugosity and flattened pustules. Lateral (reflexed) part of elytra finely punctate. Epipleura smooth. Visible abdominal ventrites finely punctate and covered with light setae. Intercoxal process of visible abdominal ventrite 1 depressed.

Legslong. Length(width) ratio of pro-, meso- and metafemora 98(23): 108(20): 128(19); that for corresponding tibiae 80(11): 90(15): 125(15).

Aedeagusasin Figs5–7 View Figs 1–10 ; length 4.1 mm (when body length 14.3 mm). Length of paramere 1.6, width 0.7 mm.

Female ( Figs30–31 View Figs 28–31 ). Body wider, elytra more swollen than in male. Humeral carina more obliterated at base. Meso- and metatibiare more distinctly widening in distal half. Antennomeres 8 to 11 shorter than in male, their length(width) ratio 15(15): 16(16): 16(16): 23(16). Apical declivity of elytra steep, elytral apex produced in the form of short flattened prominence. Pronotum 1.22–1.31 timesaswide aslong, 1.61–1.73 timesaswide ashead. Elytra 1.46–1.52 timesaslong aswide, 1.52–1.56 timesaswide aspronotum. Ovipositor asin Figs11–13 View Figs 11–15 ; spiculum ventrale asin Fig. 14 View Figs 11–15 ; reservoirs of defensive glands as in Fig. 15 View Figs 11–15 .

Female genital tubes( Fig. 16 View Fig ). Spermathecal duct long and thin. Length of spermathecal duct 58 mm, that of spermathecal gland, 77 mm, with body length 15.5 mm. First and second reservoirs of spermatheca forming a well-developed common base, bent in distal part. Base of spermathecal sphincter rather long.

Male body length 14.2–14.3 mm, width 6.6 mm; female length 14.8–15.3 mm, width 7.6–8.1 mm.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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