Paraeclipta cabrujai, Clarke Abstract, 2011

Clarke, Robin O. S., 2011, Bolivian Rhinotragini Iv: Paraeclipta Gen. Nov. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), New Species And New Combinations, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 51 (15), pp. 233-251 : 237-239

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492011001500001


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scientific name

Paraeclipta cabrujai

sp. nov.

Paraeclipta cabrujai View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 2A, 2B View FIGURES 1‑2

Holotype male: 6.40 mm. Deposited at MNKM.

Diagnosis: this may be separated from the other Bolivian species by its almost entirely black antennae.

Description of holotype: general colour black, apical half of elytra browner; sides of humeri (and adjacent epipleura) and legs yellow (except apices of meso- and metatibiae dusky), antennae black, base of antennomeres VII-X indistinctly yellowish.

Surface ornamentation: pronotal punctures interrupted by band of short transverse striae at base of pronotum.

Structure: rostrum (0.15 mm) about one quarter length of inferior lobes of eyes. Labrum strongly transverse, apical margin distinctly emarginate. Clypeus impunctate. Frons densely punctate, the punctures elongate and deep; slightly depressed with deep, elongate depression between apices of inferior lobes of eyes. Width of one inferior lobe twelve times interocular space, the latter almost planar with eyes, and furnished with row of pubescence. Superior lobes of eyes separated by (0.25 mm) about three times their own width. Apices of antennal tubercles separated by 1.5 width of scape. Antennae just pass middle of urosternite II; scape (0.45 mm); antennomere III (0.60 mm); IV (0.40 mm); V (0.45 mm); VI (0.40 mm) elongate, narrow at base; VII-XI moderately thickened to form subcompact club: VII (0.35 mm) and VIII (0.30 mm) elongate and widening to apex, IX (0.30 mm) slightly elongate, X (0.25 mm) and XI (0.30 mm) quadrate. Prothorax 1.17 longer than wide, sides subparallel, widest just behind middle; apical and basal margins of pronotum subequal (0.75-0.80 mm), the former with smooth border. Prosternal process slightly arched; base narrow, approximately 0.07 mm wide (coxal cavity 0.30 mm wide); apex somewhat elongate, with raised sides and central fovea, apical margin emarginate. Scutellum small and triangular. Elytra just reaching base of urosternite V; 3.86 longer than width of humeri, the latter not projecting, outer angle slightly rounded; apical half of elytra slightly and regularly widening, and somewhat gaping, almost to apex; apices well separated, obliquely truncate, sutural angle obtuse (but well defined), outer angles acute and prominent; humero-apical costa distinct, but restricted to apical third. Abdomen moderately narrow and convex, parallel-sided (widest at middle of urosternite IV), each urosternite slightly rounded at sides and progressively shorter; urosternite V trapezoidal, with shallow V-shaped depression at midline, apical margin slightly emarginate. Abdominal process an equilateral triangle, long (0.20 mm); apex moderately acuminate. Length of hind leg 4.5 mm; apex of metafemora reaching apex of urosternite III; metatibia (1.75 mm) slightly shorter than metafemora, cylindrical and moderately sinuate, slightly thickening to apex. Tarsi moderately long; pro- and mesotarsi subequal in length (0.60-0.65 mm): metatarsus longer (0.75 mm); metatarsomere I (0.30 mm).

Description of female ( Fig. 2B View FIGURES 1‑2 ): colour as male except sides of humeri and adjacent epipleura indistinctly brownish and antennae entirely black. Head with eyes (1.00 mm) slightly narrower than prothorax (1.05 mm): rostrum (0.25 mm) about half length of inferior lobes of eyes. Labrum less transverse. Width of one inferior lobe 1.6 times interocular space; the latter slightly depressed toward midline and almost planar with eyes, with twelve large punctures to each side. Superior lobes of eyes separated by (0.35 mm) about four times their own width. Antennae shorter (just reaching base of urosternite II) and thicker; scape more strongly pyriform; VIII-X slightly serrate, club less compact. Prothorax 1.09 longer than wide; sides slightly more rounded than in male. Elytra 3.96-4.20 longer than width of humeri, reaching apical third of urosternite IV. Abdomen cylindrical, parallel-sided, slightly narrowing from base to apex; sides of each urosternite parallel; urosternite V undifferentiated, slightly more conical than in male, apical margin rounded. Legs more robust than male. Apex of metafemora reaching base of urosternite IV.

Measurements (mm) (1 male / 2 females): total length, 6.40/6.60-7.10; length of pronotum, 1.05/1.05-1.20; width of pronotum, 0.90/0.95-1.10; length of elytra, 4.05/4.20-4.55; width at humeri, 1.05/1.00-1.15.

Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz, Hotel Flora & Fauna, 17°29’96”S/ 63°39’13”W, 5 km SSE Buena Vista , 22.IV.2005, R. Clarke/ S. Zamalloa col., on/flying to flowers of “ Bejuco hoja lanuda” ( MNKN).

Paratypes with same data as holotype: 1 female, 10. V .2005 ( RCSZ); 1 female, 27.X.2005 ( RCSZ) .

Etymology: this species is dedicated to Italo Cabruja, Director during the establishment of Amboró National Park, Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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