Coptotriche minuta Diskus & Stonis, 2014

Kobayashi, Shigeki, Sato, Hiroaki, Hirano, Nagao, Yamada, Kazutaka & Hirowatari, Toshiya, 2016, A review of the Japanese species of the family Tischeriidae (Lepidoptera), ZooKeys 601, pp. 127-151 : 129-130

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scientific name

Coptotriche minuta Diskus & Stonis, 2014


Taxon classification Animalia Lepidoptera Tischeriidae

Coptotriche minuta Diskus & Stonis, 2014 Figs 2 A–C, 3 A–D, 7, 8

Coptotriche minuta Diškus & Stonis, 2014: 143-144, figs 5-10.

Coptotriche sp.: Sato 2011: 128, 559, figs II-14.3A, B.

Type locality.

Russia: the Russian Far East (Primorskiy Territory).

Material examined. 38 (17♂ 17♀ 4 exs).

Host Carpinus cordata : 1♀, Oshirakawa, Azumi, Matsumoto, Nagano Pref., 29.vii.1990, N. Hirano leg., 7.vii.1990(larva), (genitalia slide no. OPU-SK568)

Host Carpinus japonica : 1♂ 1♀, Oshirakawa, Azumi, Matsumoto, Nagano Pref., 26&29.iv.1991, N. Hirano leg., 27.x.1990(larva), SK563, 564; [Soni, Uda, Nara Pref., S. Kobayashi leg.]: 1♀, Konagao, 18.vii.2012em., 14.vii.2012(larva); 1♀, Kameyama, Taroji, 23.vii.2011em., 3♂, Kabuto-dake climb point, 9&16.ix.2010em., 17.x.2010(larva), SK406.

Host Carpinus laxiflora , S. Kobayashi leg.: 1♂, Mitsuigatani, Konagao, Soni, Uda, Nara Pref., 16.ii.2011em., 14.ix.2011(larva), SK407; 1♂ 1♀, Ohshirakawa, Nagawa, Matsumoto, Nagano Pref., 7.viii.2012em., 3.viii.2012(larva).

Host Carpinus tschonoskii : 1♂, Kiso-Hukusima, Nagano Pref., 27.iv.1976em., T. Kumata leg., Rearing code: Kumata 1520, Genitalia slide no. HS-G54, deposited in HUM (Sato, 2011: fig.II-14.3A); 1 ex, Tawamine, Konagao, Soni, Uda, Nara Pref., 18.viii.2015em., S. Kobayashi leg., 15.viii.2015(pupa); Ehime Pref.: 3♂ 4♀, Matsuyama, 23.iv.1965, H. Kuroko leg.; 1♀, Nametoko nr. Uwazima, 1.v.1981em., T. Kumata leg., K2279, HS-G57 (HUM) (Sato, 2011: fig.II-14.3B); [Hikosan, Fukuoka Pref., H. Kuroko leg.]: 1♀ 1 ex, 2.v.&22.vii.1954; 2♀ 1 ex, 1&4.v.1957; 1♀, 10.viii.1957.

Host Corylus sieboldiana : 1♂, Saiko-nishi, Fuji-Kawaguchiko, Yamanashi Pref., 16.viii.2011em., S. Kobayashi leg., 6.viii.2011(larva), SK408. 1♀, Mt. Kuroiwa, Nagano Pref., 6.iv.1987em., H. Kuroko leg., 16.x.1986(larva).

Host Ostrya japonica : 1♂, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 21.vii.1959, T. Kumata leg.

Host unknown: 5♂ 2♀ 1 ex, Mt. Wasamata, Nishihara, Kamikitayama, Nara Pref., 23&24.viii.2011, collected by light trap (L.T.), T. Hirowatari, K. Ikeuchi, Y.-S. Bae & S. Kobayashi leg., SK570.


See original description.

Additional description.

Adult (Fig. 2 A–C). Male and female. Wing expanse 6.6-8.8 mm in Japanese specimens, 8.6, 8.8 mm in hibernating generation, and 6.6-7.7 mm in summer and autumn generations. Forewing (Fig. 2 A–C) pale to dark ocherous, especially blackish brown in overwintering form (Fig. 2C). Japanese specimens of summer and autumn generations have more distinctly grayish brown scales along the costal margin and apical part of the forewing than the type series collected in July and August.

Male genitalia (Fig. 3 A–C) (4 preparations examined).

Female genitalia (Fig. 3D) (3 preparations examined). Similar to Coptotriche japoniella , but different in having a long ductus spermathecae with convolutions; anterior part with minute spines (Fig. 3De).


Russia: the Russian Far East (Primorskiy Territory) ( Stonis et al., 2014); Japan: Honshu (Nagano, Yamanashi and Nara Prefectures), Shikoku (Ehime Prefecture), Kyushu (Fukuoka Prefecture).

Host plants.

Carpinus cordata Blume, Carpinus japonica Blume, Carpinus laxiflora (Siebold & Zucc.) Blume, Carpinus tschonoskii Maxim., Corylus sieboldiana Blume and Ostrya japonica Sarg. ( Betulaceae ).


(Figs 7-8). The larvae were observed from June to October and hibernated in the final larval stage in Nara Prefecture. The first to second larval instars form a short linear mine towards the leaf edge (Fig. 8F, H). Later instar larvae fold the leaf edge down, forming a blotch mine, then widening it into the surrounding area (Fig. 8C, D); there are usually one to two mines per leaf (Figs 7, 8A, B, G). Frass is ejected through holes in the mine (Fig. 8H). Late and final instar larvae are about 4.0-5.5 mm long and pale yellowish green in coloration (Fig. 8E, I). The folded mines in the leaf edge are 10-20 mm in length, and the late blotch mines are 2-6 mm in width and 7-15 mm (Fig. 7B, C, E) or 20-46 mm (Fig. 7A, D) in length and ocherous in coloration. Pupation takes place within the mine.


Two pairs of prelae were observed to expand caudally and form a hump-shape in the female genitalia of some specimens (Fig. 3 Db–d).

The folded, leaf-edge mines of this species resemble at first sight those of foreign congeneric species feeding on Fagaceae and Rosaceae , e.g. Coptotriche citrinipennella (Clemens, 1859), Coptotriche gaunacella (Duponchel, 1843), Coptotriche crataegifoliae (Braun, 1972) and Coptotriche agrimoniella (Braun, 1972). However, larvae of Coptotriche citrinipennella form more tightly folded and narrow mines ( Braun 1972), while other species form more expanded mines. Fully expanded mines of Coptotriche minuta are easily distinguishable from those of the other Japanese Coptotriche species as shown in Fig. 13, although all of them are irregular blotch mines lined with a few folds. The mine of Coptotriche minuta is most similar to that of Coptotriche angusticollella , but the fold of Coptotriche minuta is obviously smaller than that of Coptotriche angusticollella . A mine of Coptotriche minuta may look like a pupal shelter of Roeslerstammia pronubella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Roeslerstammiidae , which utilizes the same hostplant, Carpinus laxiflora ( Hirowatari et al. 2012, figs 7, 8).











