Arachnotheutes leucurus (Morawitz, 1890)

Egger, Christian Schmid- & Liebig, Wolf-Harald, 2019, New records of Spider Wasps (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) from northern Iran with description of a new species, Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 1195-1203 : 1197

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Arachnotheutes leucurus


Arachnotheutes leucurus View in CoL (MORAWITZ, 1891)

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: 1♂ 03.vii.2018 Razan (Mazandaran).

D i s t r i b u t i o n i n I r a n: New to the fauna of Iran. General distribution: Morocco, southern Europe and Palearctic Asia, eastwards to eastern Russia, also recorded from Pakistan.

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