Pristaulacus rufipes Enderlein, 1912

Chen, Hua-yan, Turrisi, Giuseppe Fabrizio & Xu, Zai-fu, 2016, A revision of the Chinese Aulacidae (Hymenoptera, Evanioidea), ZooKeys 587, pp. 77-124 : 112-113

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scientific name

Pristaulacus rufipes Enderlein, 1912


Taxon classification Animalia Hymenoptera Aulacidae

Pristaulacus rufipes Enderlein, 1912 View in CoL Fig. 122

Pristaulacus rufipes Enderlein, 1912: 266.

Pristaulacus rufipes Enderlein: Hedicke 1939: 15; Smith 2001: 295; Turrisi et al. 2009: 58.

Material examined.

Holotypus, ♀ (SDEI), CHINA: Formosa, Hoozan, Sauter H./ Pristaulacus rufipes Enderlein sp. n. Other material: 1 ♂ (TCUC), Taiwan, Gaofong Ln., about 1400 m, Ren-ai T. Nantou, 7-9.V.2009, Takakuwa M. leg.


Antenna reddish-orange with A1 lighter; legs light reddish-orange, except coxae and hind trochanters darker; metasoma largely black, except S1, most part of T2 and apex of following tergites dark reddish; occipital margin straight; pronotum with one anteroventrally projecting tooth-like process; pretarsal claw with four tooth-like processes; ovipositor 1.8 × forewing length.


Holotype. Female. Body length 14.8 mm; forewing length 11.9 mm.

Colour. Blackish-brown except: clypeus extensively dark brown; mandible extensively reddish-orange, with apex blackish; maxillo-labial complex brownish to dark brownish; antenna reddish-orange with A1 lighter; legs light red orange, except coxae and hind trochanter darker; wings hyaline, forewing with a wide brown spot below stigma (two third as wide as stigma width) not extending beyond cells SM-1 and R; metasoma largely black, except S1, most part of T2 and apex of following tergites dark reddish; valvula 3 of ovipositor dark brown to blackish-brown. Setae: whitish to goldish.

Head. From above, 1.4 × wider than long, shiny; occipital margin straight; temple, from above, weakly developed, weakly convex; occipital carina about 0.2 × diameter of an ocellus; POL:OOL= 1.2; vertex and temple with fine, and scattered to dense punctures (distance between punctures 3.0-1.5 × diameter of a puncture); frons with coarse, and scattered to dense punctures (distance between punctures 3.0-1.0 × diameter of a puncture); clypeus with coarse, and dense punctures; malar area with coarse, and dense punctures; occipital area with fine, and dense punctures (distance between punctures about 1.5 × diameter of an ocellus).

Mesosoma. Coarsely sculptured; pronotum areolate punctate, except lower third, coarsely punctate to areolate rugulose, with one weakly developed anterior tooth on each lateroventral margin; propleuron polished and shiny, coarsely, deeply, and densely punctate-rugulose on dorsal surface, with coarse, deep, and scattered to dense punctures on ventral surface (distance between punctures 1.0-2.0 × diameter of a puncture); prescutum sub-triangular, very wide, not concave, transverse-carinulate-punctate to transverse-carinate; mesoscutum transverse-carinate, with anterior part slightly emarginate in middle, rounded (lateral view); notauli deep and narrow; scutellum transverse-carinate; mesopleuron areolate-rugose (upper part) to rugulose-punctate-carinulate (lower part), except a wide part of subalar area, punctate-rugulose; metanotum mostly smooth, with a few confused carinulae; propodeum areolate-rugose, except anterior margin longitudinally carinate; ventral parts of mesosoma rugose to punctate; forewing with vein 2-rs+m short, cells SM2 and D1 continuous; fore coxa polished with coarse, deep, and dense punctures; mid coxa rugulose-punctate; hind coxa with very coarse, deep, and dense punctures on most of dorsal surface (with a few transverse weakly defined carinae in middle), mostly polished (rugose on sides) and punctate on ventral surface (punctures coarse, deep, and dense, distances between punctures 0.5-1.0 × diameter of a puncture); hind basitarsus 13.4 × longer than wide and 1.9 × longer than tarsomeres 2-5; pretarsal claw with four tooth-like processes.

Metasoma. Pyriform (lateral view), compressed laterally; petiole elongate, slender, 4.4 × as long as wide; segments 1 and 2 polished and shiny; following segments with fine and dense punctures; ovipositor 1.8 × forewing length.

Male. Similar to the female, but metasoma darker.


China (Taiwan).















