Thagria trifasciata Fan & Li

Fan, Zhi-Hua, Li, Zi-Zhong & Dai, Ren-Huai, 2015, Taxonomic study of the leafhopper genus Thagria Melichar (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae) from Guangxi, China, Zootaxa 3918 (4), pp. 451-491 : 467

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3918.4.1

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scientific name

Thagria trifasciata Fan & Li

sp. nov.

Thagria trifasciata Fan & Li View in CoL sp. nov.

(Figs. 249–258)

Description. Body length of male 8.00 mm; female unknown.

Robust, moderately large sized (Fig. 249). Crown brown; ocelli and eyes dark brown (Fig. 251). Face yellow, with three light brown longitudinal bands, both lateral bands shorter than middle (Fig. 252). Pronotum dark brown, with dark spots (Fig. 251). Mesonotum brown to black, without spot (Fig. 251). Forewing brown, with one short ivory band apically, venation black, with light brown patches (Figs. 249, 250).

Head anteriorly rounded, crown broad, wider than eye width, produced anterad of eyes about 1/3 of entire median length, coronal suture about half of crown median length, disk slightly elevated (Fig. 251). Face with clypeus long, slightly convex laterally; clypellus short, base broad, inflated, wider than clypeus at juncture of clypeal suture, apical half constricted, apex truncate (Fig. 252). Crown, pronotum and mesonotum medial length ratio about 1:1.2:1.8 (Fig. 251). Forewing long, apex rounded, appendix narrowed (Figs. 249, 250).

Male genitalia. Pygofer with short, distally tapered caudoventral lobe in lateral view, caudodorsal margin with stout processes, apex truncate (Fig. 253). Segment X ventral processes exposed, curved medially, pointed distally in lateral and dorsal views (Figs. 253, 254). Subgenital plate with long fine setae apically, and macrosetae on inner margin (Fig. 255). Dorsal connective broadly V-shaped in basal half, slightly convergent in distal half, stem smallish, rami attached to base of ventral processes of segment X in dorsal view (Fig. 254). Aedeagus symmetrical, tubular, exceeding middle of paraphysis (Figs. 256, 257); paraphysis in dorsal view asymmetrical, base broad, apex pointed, hooked, with one small tooth at the bending, curved dorsad in lateral view (Figs. 256, 257). Style curved laterad, long, extending beyond middle of paraphysis, inner margin serrate in dorsal and lateral views (Figs. 256, 258).

Type material. Holotype: ♂, CHINA: Guangxi, Longzhou, Nonggang, 8 May 2012, coll. Fan Zhihua ( GUGC). Paratype: ♂, same data as holotype, except coll. Li Hu ( GUGC).

Etymology. The Latin name comes from “ trifasciata ”, meaning three bands to illustrate the three brown bands longitudinally on the face.

Remarks. This species is similar to T. hamula Freytag, 2010 , T. subta Freytag, 2010 and T. acrodens Freytag, 2010 in external appearance, but can be distinguished from the latter three by face without black marking below antennal sockets, with three light brown longitudinal bands (Fig. 252) and the following features of the male genitalia: pygofer processes stout (Fig. 253); paraphysis curved dorsad, apex forming hooked spine, subapex without process (Figs. 256, 257); and style inner margin serrated (Fig. 256).















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