Bactrocera (Bactrocera) tsatsiai Leblanc & Doorenweerd, 2021

Leblanc, Luc, Tsatsia, Francis & Doorenweerd, Camiel, 2021, Novel lures and COI sequences reveal cryptic new species of Bactrocera fruit flies in the Solomon Islands (Diptera, Tephritidae, Dacini), ZooKeys 1057, pp. 49-103 : 49

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scientific name

Bactrocera (Bactrocera) tsatsiai Leblanc & Doorenweerd

sp. nov.

Bactrocera (Bactrocera) tsatsiai Leblanc & Doorenweerd sp. nov.

Fig. 14A-I View Figure 14 , 15 View Figure 15

Type material.

Holotype. Solomon Islands • ♂; Guadalcanal, forest; -9.4053, 159.8664; 139 m; 4-16 Apr. 2018; L. Leblanc, F. Tsatsia leg.; zingerone baited trap FFSo021. Deposited in UHIM. Paratypes. 28 males. Solomon Islands • 1 ♂ Guadalcanal, forest; -9.4041, 159.8628; 153 m; 4-16 Apr. 2018; L. Leblanc, F. Tsatsia leg.; zingerone baited trap FFSo011 • 2 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -9.4064, 159.8644; 167 m; trap FFSo14 • 1 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -9.4067, 159.8647; 167 m; trap FFSo015 • 1 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -9.4069, 159.8664; 153 m; trap FFSo017 • 1 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -9.4059, 159.8672; 133 m; trap FFSo019 • 2 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -9.4035, 159.8681; 85 m; trap FFSo026; molecular voucher UHIM.ms08671 • 1 ♂; Kolombangara, forest; -8.0312, 157.1160; 348 m; 9-13 Apr. 2018; L. Leblanc, F. Tsatsia leg.; zingerone baited trap FFSo053 • 3 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0297, 157.1166; 403 m; trap FFSo055 • 1 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0283, 157.1159; 426 m; trap FFSo056 • 3 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0218, 157.1150; 491 m; trap FFSo062 • 2 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0200, 157.1143; 508 m; trap FFSo063 • 2 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0190, 157.1133; 520 m; trap FFSo064 • 1 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0181, 157.1129; 518 m; trap FFSo065 • 1 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0181, 157.1134; 526 m; trap FFSo066 • 1 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0157, 157.1118; 506 m; trap FFSo067 • 1 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0150, 157.1143; 523 m; trap FFSo068 • 1 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0327, 157.1159; 333 m; trap FFSo070 • 2 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0356, 157.1193; 352 m; trap FFSo077 • 1 ♂; same locality and date as for preceding; -8.0357, 157.1200; 352 m; trap FFSo078. Fifteen of the paratypes are deposited at UHIM, seven at WFBM, four at USNM, and two at BSI.

Differential diagnosis.

The broad orange-brown medial marking on the scutum uniquely defines Bactrocera tsatsiai within the genus, where all other species have either a yellow mark or no mark.

Molecular diagnosis.

We obtained two COI sequences that are most similar to Bactrocera hantanae Tsuruta & White but at 10.79% pairwise distance.

Description of adult.

Male. Head (Fig. 14A View Figure 14 ). Height 2.00 ± 0.09 (SD) (1.87-2.13) mm. Frons, of even width, 0.99 ± 0.04 (0.93-1.07) mm long and 1.56 ± 0.06 (1.47-1.63) times as long as broad; fulvous with red-brown microtrichia on anteromedial hump; three pairs of black frontal setae present; lunule yellow. Ocellar triangle black. Vertex fuscous with two pairs of black vertical setae. Face fulvous with a pair of large oval black spots in antennal furrows; length 0.60 ± 0.04 (0.53-0.67) mm. Gena fulvous, with small dark fuscous subocular spot and a black seta. Occiput fulvous; a row of 6-9 black postocular setae present behind eye. Antenna with scape and pedicel fulvous and flagellum fuscous with fulvous on inner surface; a strong black dorsal seta on pedicel; arista fulvous basally and black distally; length of segments: 0.25 ± 0.03 (0.20-0.30) mm; 0.32 ± 0.03 (0.27-0.37) mm; 0.87 ± 0.05 (0.80-0.93) mm.

Thorax (Fig. 14B View Figure 14 ). Scutum dark fuscous with orange-brown ventral to and narrowly anterior to lateral postsutural vitta, narrowly englobing notopleural suture, between postpronotal lobe and notopleuron, and as a medial band starting before notopleural suture and enlarged posteriorly to cover entire posterior margin region of scutum. Pleural areas black except orange-brown anepisternum and proepisternum. Yellow markings: postpronotal lobe (or may be anteriorly to entirely orange-brown), notopleuron; moderately broad paired parallel-sided lateral postsutural vitta ending at intra-alar seta posteriorly; moderately broad anepisternal stripe with anterior margin slightly convex, reaching to mid distance between anterior and posterior notopleural setae dorsally; a small transverse spot on katepisternum below the anepisternal stripe; anterior ¾ of anatergite and katatergite (posteriorly black). Mediotergite black. Scutellum orange-brown, and yellow ventrally and narrowly on dorsolateral surface. Setae: 1 pair scutellar; 1 pair prescutellar acrostichal; 1 pair intra-alar; 1 pair postalar; 1 pair postsutural supra-alar; 1 pair anepisternal; 2 pairs notopleural; 2 pairs scapular; all setae well developed and black.

Legs (Fig. 15 View Figure 15 ). All legs entirely fulvous with hind femur and fore tarsomeres II-IV fuscous. Fore femur with a row of long pale dorsal setae. Mid-tibia with an apical black spur.

Wing (Fig. 14I View Figure 14 ). Length 7.1 ± 0.3 (6.6-7.5) mm; basal costal and costal cells fuscous with microtrichia in posterodistal corner of costal cell; light fuscous costal band confluent with R2+3, not expanded at apex and ending mid distance between apex of R4+5 and medial vein, a diffuse broad fuscous cross band along r-m crossvein, continuing in straight line through discal medial (dm) cell and reaching wing margin at level of CuA1, and a broad fuscous anal streak; remainder of wing hyaline; dense aggregation of microtrichia around A1 + CuA2; supernumerary lobe moderately developed.

Abdomen (Fig. 14C-H View Figure 14 ). Oval with tergites not fused; pecten present on tergite III; posterior lobe of surstylus short; abdominal sternite V with a deep concavity on posterior margin. Base of syntergite I+II wider than long. Syntergite I+II with tergite I black and tergite II orange-brown with or without a small basal black triangular and two small sublateral black markings. Tergites III-V orange-brown with broad medial longitudinal black stripe reaching apex of tergite V and extended apically along entire lateral margins of tergite V, and two broad sublateral stripes covering tergite III (may be interrupted on that tergite) and continuing on tergite IV and along lateral margins on tergite V. Dark marking variable and may cover almost all of tergites III-V (Fig. 14C-G View Figure 14 ). Ceromata on tergite V dark fuscous. Abdominal sternites fulvous.

Female. Unknown

Male attractant.



The epithet Bactrocera tsatsiai is a noun in genitive case, referring to the personal name Francis Tsatsia, a long-time colleague, friend, co-author of the present publication, and currently the director of Biosecurity Solomon Islands.


Bactrocera tsatsiai was included as B. spnSol05 in Doorenweerd et al. (2020).













