Dendrothele ornata Gorjón, 2012

Gorjón, Sergio P. & Jesus, Maria Aparecida De, 2012, Some new species and new records of corticioid fungi (Basidiomycota) from the Brazilian Amazon, Phytotaxa 67 (1), pp. 38-54 : 42

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Dendrothele ornata Gorjón

sp. nov.

Dendrothele ornata Gorjón sp. nov.

Species ab aliis congeneribus affinis sed differt basidiis ornatis et hyphidia cum lobis rotundatis et crystallis filiformibus conglomeratis.

Etymology: — ornatus (Latin), referring to the crystal ornamentations on basidia and hyphidia.

Type: — BRAZIL. Manaus: INPA Campus, Bosque da Ciência, 2 Apr 2012, on bark of living Clitoria racemosa Benth. (Fabaceae) , leg. S. P. Gorjón, SPG 3454 (holotypus).

MycoBank: MB 800944

Basidiome resupinate, whitish, hymenial surface smooth, margin abrupt. Hyphal system monomitic, hyphae with clamps. Hyphidia filiform or tortuous, variable in length, about 2–3 µm in diam., with round irregular protuberances, densely encrusted with short acicular crystals. Cystidia absent. Basidia at first ovoid, with the apical part characteristically encrusted, then becoming suburniform and distinctly stalked, 30–40 µm long, basal part ca. 9–10 µm, apical part 7–8 µm, with 4 sterigmata, encrustations remains in the middle part, with a basal clamp, cyanophilous. Basidiospores ellipsoid, 9–12 × 7–10 µm, smooth, thick-walled, IKI-, and acyanophilous ( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 1–4 , 18 View FIGURE 17–22 ).

The species is characterized above all by the young basidia apically encrusted with crystals that remain in the middle part of the mature basidium and by the encrusted hyphidia with protuberances. Although a variable encrustation is present to some degree in hyphidia and dendrohyphae in other Dendrothele species , the mentioned features are unique in the genus.

Additional specimen examined: — BRAZIL. Manaus : INPA Campus, Bosque da Ciência, 2 Apr 2012, on bark of living C. racemosa , leg. S. P. Gorjón, SPG 3455 .


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Universidade de Lisboa, Museu Bocage

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