Pteronemobius (Pteronemobius) truncates Zhang, Wang & Liu, 2020

Wang, Ping, Zhang, Dong-Xiao, Yuan, Li-Lan & Liu, Hao-Yu, 2020, A contribution to taxonomy of the superfamily Grylloidea Laicharting from Yunnan, China (Orthoptera: Grylloidea), Zootaxa 4729 (4), pp. 575-581 : 579-580

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Pteronemobius (Pteronemobius) truncates Zhang, Wang & Liu

sp. nov.

Pteronemobius (Pteronemobius) truncates Zhang, Wang & Liu sp. nov.

( Figs. 6–7 View FIGURES 1–7 , 16–18 View FIGURES13–18 )

Type material. Holotype: ♂, CHINA, Yunnan, Cangyuan, Banhong , 1.VIII.2013, leg. Yanju Dong. Paratypes: 1♂ 2♀, the data same as the holotype; 2♂ 2♀, CHINA, Yunnan, Longchuan , Long’an, 7.VIII.2003, leg. Yanju Dong.

Diagnosis. This new species is similar to Pteronemobius (Pteronemobius) indicus (Walker, 1869) , but differs from the latter by the lateral lobes of epiphallus short, truncated, and shorter than ectoparameres.

Description. Male ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–7 ). Body small-sized and pubescent. Frontal rostrum and feet with black bristles; occiput flat; lateral ocelli ovoid, median ocellus circular; frontal rostrum narrow, almost equal to the width of scapus; apical joint of maxillary palpi longer than the third, rodlike; apical joint of labial palpi horseshoe, truncated at apex. Anterior margin of pronotum narrowed, slightly widened posteriorly, and the anterior and posterior margins nearly straight. Tegmina long, extending over apex of abdomen, with an oblique vein, mirror irregular; hind wings absence. Fore tibiae with an ovoid external tympanum, without internal tympanum; hind tibiae with 3 external dorsal spines and 4 internal dorsal spines, apex with 6 spurs.

Subgenital plate trapezoidal, posterior margin truncated and slightly emarginated in middle. Genitalia ( Figs.16– 18 View FIGURES13–18 ): epiphallus distinctly transverse, and with membranous middle part; lateral lobes of epiphallus rather shorter the ectoparameres, with truncated apex.

Female ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–7 ). Body very similar to that of male. Tegmina nearly extending to 7 th tergite of abdomen, dorsal field with 4–5 veins. Subgenital plate with posterior margin deeply emarginated in middle. Ovipositor short, about 0.7 times as long as length of hind femur, with several small teeth on dorsal side.

Coloration. Body dark brown. Head with 4 light longitudinal bands. Pronotum light yellowish brown, lateral field dark brown. Tegmina dark brown. Hind femora with two black spots, bottom 1/5 of femora with yellow bands.

Measurements (mm). Male: body length 5.7–5.8, pronotum 1.4–1.5, tegmina 2.9–3.0; hind femur 4.0–4.2; Female: body length 6.2–7.1, pronotum 1.4–1.5, tegmina 2.6–2.7, hind femur 3.5–3.7, ovipositor 2.3–2.4.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from Latin truncat (truncate), referring to apex of lateral lobes of epiphallus truncated.

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