Maldanidae sp. (NHM_026)

Wiklund, Helena, Rabone, Muriel, Glover, Adrian G, Bribiesca-Contreras, Guadalupe, Drennan, Regan, Stewart, Eva C D, Boolukos, Corie M, King, Lucas D, Sherlock, Emma, Smith, Craig R, Dahlgren, Thomas G & Neal, Lenka, 2023, Checklist of newly-vouchered annelid taxa from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean, based on morphology and genetic delimitation, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 86921-86921 : 86921

publication ID

persistent identifier

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft (2023-09-15 15:23:18)

scientific name

Maldanidae sp. (NHM_026)


Maldanidae sp. (NHM_026)


Type status: Other material. Occurrence: recordNumber: NHM_2016; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; individualCount: 1; preparations: DNA voucher stored in buffer; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126765; associatedSequences: OQ746744 View Materials (16S); occurrenceID: 9F9B05E6-6020-5732-9198-93600C04AEEB; Taxon: taxonConceptID: Maldanidae sp. (NHM_026); scientificName: Maldanidae; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; family: Maldanidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1867; Location: waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration claim Stratum A ; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4235; locationRemarks: Deployment EB 12; at Station S 11; from R/ V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'03.03; verbatimLongitude: 117'24.28; decimalLatitude: 12.0505; decimalLongitude: -117.40467; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification: identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; Event: eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB12; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-16; eventTime: 05:30; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); Record Level: language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.416 ; recordNumber: NHM_2021; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126746; associatedSequences: OQ746745 View Materials (16S); occurrenceID: E3B5A6BA-8A77-554A-9BBB-C83AFCE4F3AA; Taxon: taxonConceptID: Maldanidae sp. (NHM_026); scientificName: Maldanidae; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; family: Maldanidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1867; Location: waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration claim Stratum A ; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4235; locationRemarks: Deployment EB 12; at Station S 11; from R/ V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'03.03; verbatimLongitude: 117'24.28; decimalLatitude: 12.0505; decimalLongitude: -117.40467; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification: identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; Event: eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB12; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-16; eventTime: 05:30; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); Record Level: language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.417 ; recordNumber: NHM_2022; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126741; associatedSequences: OQ746746 View Materials (16S); occurrenceID: A4B1F9F7-40FE-59A4-8821-872786879FFC; Taxon: taxonConceptID: Maldanidae sp. (NHM_026); scientificName: Maldanidae; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; family: Maldanidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1867; Location: waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration claim Stratum A ; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4235; locationRemarks: Deployment EB 12; at Station S 11; from R/ V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'03.03; verbatimLongitude: 117'24.28; decimalLatitude: 12.0505; decimalLongitude: -117.40467; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification: identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; Event: eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB12; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-16; eventTime: 05:30; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); Record Level: language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.414 ; recordNumber: NHM_1350H; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Madeleine Brasier; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174126563; associatedSequences: OQ746672 View Materials (16S); occurrenceID: 41B2F126-ECDC-55F1-8775-6447FB277222; Taxon: taxonConceptID: Maldanidae sp. (NHM_026); scientificName: Maldanidae; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; family: Maldanidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1867; Location: waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: Ocean Mineral Singapore exploration claim Stratum A ; verbatimLocality: OMS Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4302; locationRemarks: Deployment EB 06; at Station S 5; from R/ V Thomas G. Thompson Cruise no. TN319; verbatimLatitude: 12'15.44; verbatimLongitude: 117'18.13; decimalLatitude: 12.25733; decimalLongitude: -117.30217; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification: identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; Event: eventID: OMS1_AB02_EB06; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge; eventDate: 2015-03-01; eventTime: 04:02; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); Record Level: language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: NHMUK ANEA 2023.413 ; recordNumber: NHM_0026; recordedBy: Adrian Glover | Helena Wiklund | Thomas Dahlgren | Magdalena Georgieva; individualCount: 1; preparations: specimen stored in 80% non-denatured ethanol aqueous solution | DNA voucher stored in buffer; otherCatalogNumbers: 0174127347; associatedSequences: OQ746468 View Materials (16S) | OQ746791 View Materials (18S) | OQ738495 View Materials (COI); occurrenceID: C6676585-38E9-51D3-9DDE-EA630D350CA0; Taxon: taxonConceptID: Maldanidae sp. (NHM_026); scientificName: Maldanidae; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Annelida; class: Polychaeta; family: Maldanidae; taxonRank: family; scientificNameAuthorship: Malmgren, 1867; Location: waterBody: Pacific; stateProvince: Clarion Clipperton Zone; locality: UK Seabed Resources Ltd exploration area UK-1 Stratum A ; verbatimLocality: UK 1 Stratum A; maximumDepthInMeters: 4336; locationRemarks: Deployment EB 01; at Station B-K-E; from R/ V Melville Cruise no. MV1313; verbatimLatitude: 13°50.232; verbatimLongitude: 116°33.506; decimalLatitude: 13.8372; decimalLongitude: -116.55843; geodeticDatum: WGS84; Identification : identifiedBy: Helena Wiklund | Lenka Neal | Thomas Dahlgren | Adrian Glover | Madeleine Brasier | Regan Drennan | Eva Stewart ; dateIdentified: 2021-04-20; identificationRemarks: identified by DNA and morphology; Event : eventID: UK 1_AB01_EB01; samplingProtocol: Brenke Epibenthic Sledge ; eventDate: 2013-10-09; eventTime: 10:26; habitat: Abyssal plain; fieldNotes: Collected from epi net (on the epibenthic sledge); Record Level: language: en; institutionCode: NHMUK; collectionCode: ZOO; datasetName: ABYSSLINE; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps


Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean.


Specimens (Fig. 52 View Figure 52 ) consistent with placement within family Maldanidae , based on morphology and DNA.

Gallery Image

Figure 52. Maldanidae sp. (NHM _ 026), complete live specimen NHM _ 026 in lateral view.









