Cerocoma (Meloides) kunzei Frivaldsky, 1835

Turco, Federica & Bologna, Marco A., 2011, Systematic revision of the genus Cerocoma Geoffroy, 1762 (Coleoptera: Meloidae: Cerocomini) 2853, Zootaxa 2853 (1), pp. 1-71 : 39-41

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.2853.1.1

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scientific name

Cerocoma (Meloides) kunzei Frivaldsky, 1835


Cerocoma (Meloides) kunzei Frivaldsky, 1835

2AB, 3AB, 4AB, 5E, 6AB, 7E

Cerocoma kunzei Frivaldsky, 1835: 265 ; Reitter, 1913: 192; Mařan, 1944: 90.

Cerocoma mühlfeldi var. patelligera Baudi, 1878b: 358 .

Cerocoma mühlfeldi var. kunzei, Reitter, 1885: 13 .

Cerocoma mühlfeldi var. patkaii Kaszab, 1941: 679 .

Cerocoma gloriosa ab. kaszabi Mařan, 1944: 96.

Cerocoma (Cerocoma) kunzei, Kaszab, 1951: 264 , 266, 272; Bologna, 1991: 160.

Cerocoma kunzei ab. violacea Kaszab, 1951: 264, 269.

Cerocoma kunzeni iranica Muche, 1963: 11 .

Cerocoma kunzeni palaestinensis Muche, 1963: 11 .

Cerocoma (Meloides) kunzei, Dvořák, 1990: 7 .

Type locality. In the original description (Frivaldsky 1835) “Turquie” is indicated as type locality. The holotype identified by Kaszab in the HNHM and here designated as lectotype is labeled “ Smyrna ”, which indeed must be considered as the restricted type locality. Late Greek name of Smyrna refers to the town of Izmir on the Aegean cost of Turkey .

Type specimens. Kaszab mentioned types of Cerocoma kunzei (holotype, allotype and paratypes) being preserved at the HNHM ( Kaszab 1951, p. 258), without describing the specimens and commenting on their type status. Kaszab’s identification of Frivaldsky’s types has been accepted in our study. Therefore, holotype, allotype, and 2 paratypes were examined and are here designated respectively as lectotype and paralectotypes. We also examined the holotype of the infraspecific form violacea, together with the holotype and one paratype of C. muehlfeldi ab. patkaii :

Lectotype ♂: Balkan / Smyrna (white, handwritten) // Friv. / 8405 (white with black frame, printed and handwritten) // Holotypus 1835 / Cerocoma ♂ / kunzei / E. Frivaldszky (white with red frame, printed and handwritten) // LECTOTYPE ♂ / Cerocoma kunzei / Frivaldsky, 1835 / Turco & Bologna des. 2009 (red, printed) ( HNHM). Left metataromeres are missing.

1 paralectotype ♀: Balkan / Smyrna (white, handwritten) // 1846 / F. 72 (white, handwritten) // Allotypus 1835 / Cerocoma ♀ / kunzei / E. Frivaldszky (white with red frame, printed and handwritten) // PARALECTOTYPE ♀ / Cerocoma kunzei / Frivaldsky, 1835 / Turco & Bologna des. 2009 (red, printed) ( HNHM). Right procoxa, central portion of abdomen and hind legs are damaged by dermestids .

2 paralectotypes ♂: Balkan / Smyrna (white, handwritten) // Friv. / 8405 (white with black frame, printed and handwritten) // Paratypus 1835 / Cerocoma ♂ / kunzei / E. Frivaldszky (white with red frame, printed and handwritten) // PARALECTOTYPE ♂ / Cerocoma kunzei / Frivaldsky, 1835 / Turco & Bologna des. 2009 (red, printed) ( HNHM). One specimen is damaged by dermestids (part of frontal calli, left eye, left portion of meso- and metathorax, right metacoxa, left procoxa and hind leg) .

Holotype ♂: Kchakich / 9.7.85 (white, handwritten) // Holotypus 1951 ♂ / Cerocoma kunzei / ab. violacea / Kaszab (white with red frame, printed and handwritten) ( HNHM) .

Holotype ♀: Sultansuyu, Hara, / Malatya, VI.–VII. (white, printed) // leg. / dr. Vasvári (white, printed) // Holotypus 1941 / Cerocoma Mühlfeldi / v. Pátkaii ♀ / Kaszab (white with red frame, printed and handwritten) // Cerocoma ♀ / ab. Pátkaii Kasz. / det. dr. Kaszab (white, printed and handwritten) ( HNHM). Last two right metatarsomeres are missing .

1 paratype ♀: Sultansuyu, Hara , / Malatya, VI .– VII. (white, printed) // leg. / dr. Vasvári (white, printed) // Paratypus 1941 / Cerocoma Mühlfeldi / v. Pátkaii ♀ / Kaszab (white with red frame, printed and handwritten) // Cerocoma ♀ / ab. Pátkaii Kasz. / det. dr. Kaszab (white, printed and handwritten) ( HNHM) .

Types of C. kunzeni iranica and C. kunzeni palaestinensis preserved at the Dresden Museum, have been studied several years ago by one of us ( MAB), but a detailed description of specimens and labels is not available.

Description. Male. Body metallic dark green with sparse yellowish pubescence; legs, antennae and mouthparts, including maxillary palpi, yellow-orange.

Head transverse with slightly protruding eyes ( Fig. 5E). Maxillary palpi ( Fig. 3 AB) modified with palpomere II wide, flattened and curved; III slightly swollen and rounded on the external side; IV with narrow base and then gradually and distinctly widened to apex (about 2x as long as wide at apex). Antennae modified with antennomere I bearing a narrow, long and weakly bent expansion on the external side and dorsal keel wide, high and apically curved; III–VI very modified and ventrally expanded; III in dorsal view sinuate on both sides and with a short and broad appendix on the internal apex ( Fig. 7E); V with short setae on distal face of ventral laminar expansion; VI with a very long, narrow and curved expansion and a tuft of long and erect setae on ventral side; IX transverse and apically rounded ( Fig. 2 AB).

Protibial keel extended to proximal 2/3 of the length of tibia, with dorsal edge straight and anterior edge bearing an angular bulge, visible in lateral view ( Fig. 4 AB). Protarsomeres weakly enlarged; II with an obvious dorsal bulge.

Gonostyli, in lateral view, slightly curved, with apical lobes dorsally directed; apical lobes, in dorsal view, swollen and parallel. Apex of aedeagus slightly pointed; aedeagal hooks subequal in size (the subapical slightly larger). Sclerotised hooks of endophallus small and very close from each other, equal in size, the apical pointing outwards and the subapical backwards ( Fig. 6 AB).

Female. Not modified. Refer to key for diagnostic characters.

Taxonomy. The synonymy with C. mühlfeldi var. patelligera Baudi, 1878 must be confirmed. Types of this form were not found in the MRSN.

Distribution. Croatia? (Istria), Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Syria, Israel-Palestine, Jordan, Iran, E Turkmenistan. Records from Hungary are uncertain.

Cerocoma (Meloides) macedonica Ma ř an, 1944

Figs 2 AA, 3AA, 4AA, 6AA, 7D

Cerocoma macedonica Mařan, 1944: 98 ; Pardo Alcaide, 1977: 64, 66.

Cerocoma (Cerocoma) kunzei ab. macedonica, Kaszab, 1951: 264 , 266, 272.

Cerocoma (Meloides) macedonica, Dvořák, 1990: 8 .

Type locality. “Petrič in Südbulgarien” ( Mařan 1944).

Type specimens. Two syntypes have been examined, designated herein as lectotype and paralectotype respectively according to the type locality originally published:

Lectotype ♂: Petrič Mac. / Vil Mař. Táb. (white, printed) // TYPUS (pink, printed) // Cerocoma / macedonica / Mař. / Dr. Mařan det. (white, printed and handwritten) // LECTOTYPE ♂ / Cerocoma macedonica / Mařan, 1944 / Turco & Bologna des. 2009 (red, printed) ( CNM). Genitalia as well as the last abdominal segment are on a separate card.

1 paralectotype ♂: MUS. PRAGENSE / Ič. 4109 (white, printed) // SKOPLJA / Serb. Mer. VI. / Dr. Purkyně 1930 (white, printed) // TYPUS (pink, printed) // Cerocoma / macedonica / Dr. Mařan det. m. (white, printed and handwritten) // PARALECTOTYPE ♂ / Cerocoma macedonica / Mařan, 1944 / Turco & Bologna des. 2009 (red, printed) ( CNM). Right hind leg is missing (coxa and trochanter still present).

Description. Male. Body metallic dark red with a dense and short yellowish pubescence; legs, antennae and mouthparts, including maxillary palpi, yellow-orange.

Head transverse with slightly protruding eyes. Maxillary palpi ( Fig. 3 AA) modified with palpomere II wide, flattened and curved; III slightly swollen and rounded on the external side; IV very long, slender and bent (about 4.5x as long as wide). Antennae modified with antennomere I bearing a short, narrow expansion on the external side and dorsal keel wide, high and apically curved; III–VI very modified and ventrally expanded; III in dorsal view sinuate on both sides and with a long and broad appendix on the internal apex ( Fig. 7D); V with short setae on distal face of ventral laminar expansion; VI with a very long, narrow and curved expansion and a tuft of long and erect setae on ventral side; IX transverse, apically rounded and sinuate at base ( Fig. 2 AA).

Pronotum distinctly transverse. Protibial keel extended to proximal 3/4 of the length of tibia, with dorsal edge straight and anterior edge bearing an angular bulge, visible in lateral view ( Fig. 4 AA). Protarsomeres slightly enlarged; II with an obvious dorsal bulge.

Gonostyli, in lateral view, straight, with apical lobes directed forward; apical lobes, in dorsal view, swollen and parallel; in lateral view, narrow. Apex of aedeagus slightly pointed; aedeagal hooks equal in size. Sclerotised hooks of endophallus small and very close to each other, equal in size, both pointing outwards ( Fig. 6 AA).

Female. Not modified. Refer to key for diagnostic characters.

Distribution. Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, W and central Turkey.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Cheltenham Naturalists' Association














Cerocoma (Meloides) kunzei Frivaldsky, 1835

Turco, Federica & Bologna, Marco A. 2011

Cerocoma (Meloides) kunzei, Dvořák, 1990: 7

Dvorak, M. 1990: 7

Cerocoma (Meloides) macedonica, Dvořák, 1990: 8

Dvorak, M. 1990: 8

Cerocoma kunzeni iranica

Muche, W. H. 1963: 11

Cerocoma kunzeni palaestinensis

Muche, W. H. 1963: 11

Cerocoma (Cerocoma) kunzei, Kaszab, 1951: 264

Bologna, M. A. 1991: 160
Kaszab, Z. 1951: 264

Cerocoma kunzei

Kaszab, Z. 1951: 264

Cerocoma (Cerocoma) kunzei

Kaszab, Z. 1951: 264

Cerocoma gloriosa

Maran, J. 1944: 96

Cerocoma macedonica Mařan, 1944: 98

Pardo Alcaide, A. 1977: 64
Maran, J. 1944: 98

Cerocoma mühlfeldi var. patkaii

Kaszab, Z. 1941: 679

Cerocoma kunzei

Maran, J. 1944: 90
Reitter, E. 1913: 192

Cerocoma mühlfeldi var. kunzei

Reitter, E. 1885: 13

Cerocoma mühlfeldi var. patelligera

Baudi, F. 1878: 358
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