Leucochrysa (Nodita) morenoi ( Navas , 1934)
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https://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.92.828 |
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https://treatment.plazi.org/id/D216C5A6-53F3-C385-B6DB-C25F83FE168F |
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Leucochrysa (Nodita) morenoi ( Navas , 1934) |
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Leucochrysa (Nodita) morenoi ( Navas, 1934) View in CoL Figs 1C1113
Nodita morenoi Navás, 1934a: 157-158 (Lectotype: MNHN, male, examined; original description: “Équateur, Quito, R. Benoist, 1930. Mus. París.”); Penny (1977: 26) [species list].
Leucochrysa morenoi ( Navás) - listed by Oswald (2007). We could not find a supporting reference.
Leucochrysa (Nodita) morenoi ( Navás). First combination in Leucochrysa ( Nodita ) apparently by Brooks and Barnard (1990: 277) [species list]. Oswald (2007) [catalog listing, nomenclature]; Legrand et al. (2008: 154) [lectotype designation, information on type, identified as subjective junior synonym of Leucochrysa (Nodita) camposi ( Navás, 1933)]. Here: Reinstated as a valid species.
Type material.
The Nodita morenoi lectotype, a male, is discolored, but otherwise in good condition; the abdomen is cleared and in a vial with glycerin. For this study, we re-examined the types of Nodita morenoi and Nodita camposi side-by-side; here, we provide images and a re-description to support our recognition of Leucochrysa (Nodita) moreni as a valid species.
Leucochrysa (Nodita) morenoi is known only from the type specimen, which is badly discolored with age. At this time, the only reliable way to identify specimens is with the male genital characters (Figs 12 & 13). In both species the gonarcal arch is U-shaped, with the gonarcal apodemes approximately perpendicular to the bridge. However, unlike in Leucochrysa (Nodita) camposi , the Leucochrysa (Nodita) morenoi gonarcus is rounded posteriorly (c.f. Fig. 12C with Fig. 8B); the mediuncus is rounded dorsally; and the gonocornua are flattened and expanded laterally (c.f. Figs 12 and 13 with Fig. 9). Externally (Fig. 11), Leucochrysa (Nodita) morenoi resembles a large number of species, including Leucochrysa (Nodita) azevedoi and Leucochrysa (Nodita) camposi , in the following traits: dark brown to black, lateral marks on the basal ~15 flagellomeres that give impression of a streak on the exterior edge of the antenna, a darkened section in the middle of the Radial sector (forewings and hindwings), and darkened terminal veinlets along the posteroapical margin of the hindwings. The head and thorax are too discolored to determine if there are reddish markings on the vertex, gena, scape, or prothorax as there are on many of the other species with these traits. We suspect that they are not present on this species because the only marks that Navás (1934a) mentioned in the original description were an iron-grey color on the lateral margins of the pronotum (not visible on the type now) and a pair of dark brown ( “fuscis”) marks on the mesoprescutum (present on the type). Leucochrysa (Nodita) morenoi is large and robust in appearance, more like Leucochrysa (Nodita) camposi , than Leucochrysa (Nodita) azevedoi [e.g., forewing length: 21-22 mm for Leucochrysa (Nodita) morenoi and Leucochrysa (Nodita) camposi versus 18-19.5 mm for Leucochrysa (Nodita) azevedoi ].
Adult description.
2.12 mm wide (including eyes); ratio of head width to eye width = 1.85:1. Vertex approximately oval, raised slightly, with smooth to slightly textured surface, small posterior fold. Antenna 38 mm long (~1.8 times length of forewing); scape longer than broad, (~0.4 mm wide), width = 2 × distance between scapes, with long setae distally on dorsal surface, shorter setae laterally; lateral margin fairly straight, mesal margin straight basally, curved outward distally; pedicel ~0.25 mm long, ~0.18 mm wide (at widest point); proximal flagellomeres short (segments 1, 2, 3: length = 1.2-1.5 times width), with three to four concentric rings of setae; middle and distal segments becoming longer (segments 9-11: length = 1.6-1.7 times width; distal segments: length = 2.2-2.6 times width), with four concentric rings of setae. Distance between scapes 1.04 mm; distance between tentorial pits 0.65 mm; length of frons (midway between scapes - midway between tentorial pits) 0.77 mm. Frons relatively flat, with slightly scalloped fold below toruli; surface smooth to slightly textured. Clypeus straight distally; surface slightly textured, not horizontally striated. Labrum with distal margin very slightly concave mesally; dorsal surface smooth, rounded, setose distally. Ratio of genal length to distance between tentorial pits = 0.41:1.
Head coloration:
Antennae pale, probably yellow or cream, with or without lateral stripe on scape; pedicel pale, possibly with darkened ring distally; flagellum pale with dark brown to black setae; basal ~15 antennomeres with dark brown lateral marks, fading on antennomeres 16-~20. Vertex and remainder of head pale, with no discernable markings. Frons, clypeus white, unmarked; gena discolored, probably without markings. Torulus cream. Maxilla, maxillary palps, labium, labial palps pale, unmarked.
Cervix small, largely withdrawn below prothorax, discolored. Prothorax (sclerotized region) 0.83 mm long; 1.03 mm wide; ratio of length: width = 0.56:1; prothorax (extended) 1.5 mm long; setae thin, long, golden; surface discolored, scattered patches of red tinge visible, but not mentioned in original description, small grey area mentioned in original description not apparent now. Mesothorax, metathorax discolored; mesoprescutum with pair of sublateral reddish brown marks (mentioned in original description); mesoscutum with pair of brown streaks on anterior and posterion margin; mesoscutelllum unmarked; metascutum with pair of brownish spots on posterior margin. Legs unmarked, with golden setae, originally described as greenish.
Forewing 21.6 mm long, 8.0 mm wide (at widest point); ratio of length: maximum width = 2.7:1. Costal area moderately broad; tallest costal cell (#10) 1.4 mm tall, 1.8 times width, 0.19 times width of wing (midwing). First intramedian cell triangular, 0.6 width of third median cell. First radial crossvein distal to origin of radial sector (Rs); radial area (between Radius and Rs) with single row of 17 closed cells; tallest cell (#5) 2.8 times taller than wide. No crassate veins; 6 b cells. Two series of gradate veins; 13 inner gradates, 11 outer gradates; nine b’ cells. Three intracubital cells (two closed). Membrane clear; stigma golden, marked with brown basally. Veins mostly green (probably), with dark brown on tips of most costal veinlets, basal segment, three basal radial crossveins, small midsection of Rs, crossveins stemming from darkened midsection, inner gradates, outer gradates, bases of marginal forks.
Hindwing 18.7 mm long, 6.2 mm wide. Two series of gradate veins; 9 inner, 9 outer; 17 radial cells (counted from origin of Radius, not false origin). Six b cells (including small b1 cell); seven b’ cells beyond second intramedian cell; two intracubital cells (two closed). Membrane clear, probably streaked with light brown tinge along posterodistal margin; stigma pronounced, marked with brown. Veins mostly green (probably), but dark brown on midsection of Rs, tips of crossveins extending from darkened midsection, and posteroapical margin of wing.
Distal segments (beyond A4) expanded; pleural region ca. two times height of sternites. Sternites, tergites with microsetae relatively sparse; male: S6 ca. same height as length, S7 approx. 1.1 times taller than long (lateral view). Tergites roughly rectangular, with rounded posterior and lateral margins, shorter setae than on sternites. Spiracles oval externally; atria not enlarged. Coloration: information not available.
Callus cerci ca. round, 0.25-0.27 mm diameter (range), with 35, 36 relatively long, thin trichobothria. Sternites 5-8 with microtholi; S1-4 without. Dorsum of T9+ectoproct truncate distally, fused mesally, midline without deep cleft, setae short, delicate throughout; ventral section of T9+ectoproct with elongate proximal extension reaching full length of A8; proximal section broad, well sclerotized, with apodeme slender, slightly bent in center, extending around posterior margin of callus cerci; dorsal arm of apodeme extending above callus cerci, with acute tip; ventral arm of apodeme extending around callus cerci becoming diffuse posteriorly. S8+9 fused, with distinct demarcation, without suture; S9 without microtholi; S8 shorter than S9, ca. same height as base of S9; S8+9 (lateral view) with proximal margin straight, rounded dorsally, acute ventrally; distal margin straight, with rounded apices, approximately 0.7 times height of proximal margin. Setae on S9 mostly broken, probably slightly heavier than those on S5-S8; terminus of S9 without gonocristae. Subanal region membranous, with flat membrane below anus, no setae. Gonarcal complex removed from abdomen, membranes not intact; gonarcal membrane extending from top of gonarcus, converging with gonosaccus membrane. Gonarcus, from dorsal, ventral views: U-shaped, robust, with apodemes extending perpendicularly, smoothly, from ends of rounded gonarcal bridge; gonarcal bridge, in lateral view: broad, with straight, parallel margins, distal one-half expanding into apodemes that extend below mediuncus. Gonocornu short, flat in lateral view, broad, squareish in posterior view, extending from top of gonarcal bridge, scalloped around mediuncus. Mediuncus with dome-like base, extending foreward from below and mesal to gonocornua; terminus truncate, with large, beak-like tip between pair of rounded distal lobes; top of mediuncus with two broad, scalloped, rod-like sclerotized depressions extending entire length from base at gonarcal bridge to base of beak; ventral surface rugose, hollow, covered by thin, tight membrane that merges with gonosaccus. Gonosaccus extending from below gonarcal bridge, with three pairs of lateral gonosetae. Area below gonarcal complex, hypandrium internum missing. Entoprocessus, tignum, gonapsis, pseudopenis, spinellae and gonocristae absent.
Larvae and biology.
Currently known only from Quito, Ecuador.
Adult specimens examined.
Known only from the type.
Navás named this species in honor of President Gabriel García Moreno of Ecuador (1821-1875). Moreno was a noted statesman, who strongly supported education, science, and the Roman Catholic Church.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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